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TECHNIQUES ROUTIÈRES page 3The 1 % Landscape and Development PolicyDiscovery route on the A75. Concept born from the 1 % landscapeand development policyThe partnership and contractual1% landscape and developmentpolicy implemented by the FrenchHighway Authority in 1989 onthe A20 and A75 motorwaysaimed to preserve the outstandinglandscapes of the Massif Centraland take part in this region's touristand economic development.The French circular of 12December 1995 extended thispolicy to 40 routes both on thenational trunk road and tollmotorway networks.Above all, this approach is basedon a partnership between variousparticipants (French State, localauthorities, associations, etc…). Itaims to encourage local participantsto adopt a new approachRoad Pollution: water,air, soilthat highlights landscape analysisbefore any development reflection.The French State, via this policy,finances global studies that enableto produce a White Paper for agiven route, which expresses themajor town and country planningstakes and aims linked to the trunkroad or motorway. Then, the State(or concessionary company) subsidisesno more than 50 % ofconcrete landscape developmentactions supported by local participantsand set out in the aims oflocal authorities found in routeand local charters.After a few years, the 1% landscapeand development policy wasfound to activate local land policiesand strengthen intercommunalties.Presently, the1% landscape anddevelopment circular is beingreviewed by the Comité nationalde suivi et de gestion de la politique1% (National 1% PolicyMonitoring and ManagementCommittee) in which Setra takespart.Within the framework of thispolicy, Setra also provides technicalsupport to the French HighwayAuthority and assistance to Stateand local authorities, thanks notablyto books such as the Politique1% Paysage et Développement-Les itinéraires de découverte (1%Landscape and DevelopmentPolicy - Discovery Routes) methodologicalguide. ■Jessica BROUARD,In charge of Landscape StudiesProtecting the naturalenvironment1 2Road pollution is not only due totraffic (exhaust gas, vehicle androad wear, spills) but also infrastructureoperation (winter salting,maintenance of green outbuildings,equipment).In order to be efficient whenfighting road pollution, you mustfirstly determine the basic characteristicsof this pollution: origin,composition, frequency andamounts involved.Then, forecasting the dispersal ofthis pollution near the infrastructure,by wind, rain and resuspension,is a decisive phase, as itenables to determine which environment(air, water, soil) andpopulation (fauna, flora, human)will be affected by this pollution.The Setra Environment StudiesDepartment's main aims are toproduce methodologies, tools andguides that indicate how to reducethese impacts, protect naturalresources and assess sanitaryhazards for clients and technicalmanagers.Fields involved are road drainageand water resources (surface water,underground water, drinkingwater catchment areas), air andsoil pollution. ■Laurence CALOVI,In Charge of Air, Water, Soil andSustainable Development Studies1. Wildlife path above a motorway2. Protected natural areas.esThe "Habitats" European Directive,setting up the "Natura 2000" networkand the need to conduct specificincidence studies, theawareness of biodiversity stakes atEuropean level lead Setra into producinga set of documents for thescientific community, and notably:■ recommendations for wildlifedevelopments;■ data elements about collisionswith animals and means of prevention;■ state of the art and recommendationsabout taking biodiversitystakes into account;■ methodology and examples of"Natura 2000" incidence studies;■ data sheets about species andhabitats to be protected;■ information documents aboutlegal constraints for weak, protectedand recorded natural areas;■ mapping these areas;■ cartographie de ces zones. ■Delphine CHEVALIER,In Charge of Narural Environment andWasteThe Sétra Newsletter | Number 4

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