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ShoppingShoppingCopyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2013. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publisherscannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of thepublishers. This map is originally designed and produced by CM Cartographics.Welcome to BreraAngela Caputi ● Kusmi TeaGiuggiù ● S. Maria delAlfonso Garlando ● CarmineV. Madonnina● Giòsa <strong>Milan</strong>oAlfonsoGarlandoItalian-style shoesVia Madonnina 1corner of piazza del CarmineOnline Shopwww.alfonsogarlando.itKUSMI TEA, French maison de théNot far from the elegant artisan footwearsold by Iliprandi or small stationary shopRigadritto offering special gift ideas fromall over the world, visitors will find the firstItalian monobrand store of fashion guruMarc Jacobs, whose adjacent café is theperfect spot for a “trendy” aperitivo. The arrayof boutiques continues with tailor-made,Italian-style shoes by Alfonso Garlando, andthe Kusmi Tea new tea house, carrying a wideselection of unforgettable blends of blacktea,green tea and infusions. Other points of interestinclude historic high-class luxury jewellersManfredi, sophisticated scarves by FalieroSarti, bags by F. Clio, the original accessoriesby Angela Caputi Giuggiù, silverware byGiovanni Raspini, jewellery by Kidult in viaPontaccio, designer eyewear by Alain Mikliin corso Como, unique leather accessoriesby Giòsa <strong>Milan</strong>o in via Ciovasso and thesartorial tradition of Ader and Montezemolo.Conversely, for design aficionados, we suggest avisit to the Calligaris flagship store, after whichyou will have a chance to lose yourself amidstthe thousands of furnishing ideas offered byCargo&Hi-Tech; dulcis in fundo, in the realsense of the word, don’t forget to samplethe specialities of maître chocolatier GuidoGobino in corso Garibaldi.Tasting suggestionsBetween visiting one shop and another, youmight be surprised to suddenly discoverthat it’s time for lunch. Try the typical Parmabasedcharcuterie specialities at Parma & Co,where you can also enjoy a Sunday brunch,the typical Italian fare offered by Chiù, also anexcellent idea for tasty gift food packages, theorganic menus found at Tastàri or the famedsandwiches sold by Panino Giusto.The afternoon is likely to pass by in a flash untilyou suddenly realize that it’s aperitivo time,the beloved <strong>Milan</strong>ese tradition of pre-dinnerdrinks and a great way to relax at the end of along day: you are definitely likely to be seducedby the purely Art Dèco-style atmosphereof El Tombon de San Marc or the trendieratmosphere of Fashion Café in via San Marco;other options are heady wine tasting sessionsin the informal ambience of either N’Ombrade Vin or Moscatelli. Conversely, the morefashion-oriented will find just what they’relooking for in nearby corso Como, featuring<strong>Milan</strong>’s renowned 10 Corso Como, a cafè,restaurant, concept store, bookshop andexhibition space.Choosing the right restaurant for dinnermight pose quite some discussion. Here aresome venues where you can savour authenticItalian cuisine: Maxelâ, for meat lovers, LaBriciola, Il Consolare, and Giallo for real“VIP-watching”, the Mediterrannean flavours ofMimmo-Osteria del Corso, the Tuscan onesof Osteria Brunello and, last but not least, thecharacteristic restaurants of old <strong>Milan</strong> includingRigolo, All’Isola, La Libera, Bebel’s and LaVecchia Lira. Not to be missed, the Carminiowhere the menu changes daily.Giòsa <strong>MILANO</strong>, colourful crocodile leatherBrera is synonymous with the artistic heart of the city. In fact, asyou stroll along the streets of this ancient district, you cannothelp but be enchanted by its almost surreal atmosphere boastingsmall artisan’s workshops or quaint stores selling canvases andpaints. Additionally, Brera is home to the impressive Accademiadi Belle Arti, where visitors can admire <strong>Milan</strong>’s famous paintingcollection at the Pinacoteca (the Brera Picture Gallery), thehistoric Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense (Braidense NationalLibrary) , the Museo Astronomico (The Astronomical Museum),the oldest scientific research institute in the city and the GiardinoBotanico (Botanical Gardens), an evocative green space located.Art, shopping and entertainmentTo start your sightseeing tour on the right foot, we suggeststopping for a cup of coffee at Princi, not just an ordinary bakery,but a meeting point where, amidst the heady scents of “brioches”and “cappuccino”, you will have a chance to begin your day on ahigh note. A reference point for antique lovers, Brera boasts a largenumber of antique shops. As an aside, those interested in bargainsor bric a brac should definitely make time to visit the Mercatinodi antiquariato e brocantage, held on the third Sunday of eachmonth.Angela Caputi GiuggiùA brand renowned throughout the world. Sophisticated, originalcreations made from unusual materials such as plastic and resin,combined to create unique objects both in terms of colour andshape. A magical blend of contemporary and classical taste.www.angelacaputi.comVia Madonnina, 11– T: 02 86461080Accademia di Belle Artivia Brera 28, T: 02 869551www.accademiadibrera.milano.itPinacoteca - T: 02 722631 -www.brera.beniculturali.itBiblioteca Nazionale Braidense -T: 02 86460907 - www.braidense.itMuseo Astronomico - T: 02 50314680www.brera.unimi.itOrto Botanico - T: 02 02 50314680www.brera.unimi.it10 Corso Como - corso Como 10,T: 02 29013581 - www.10corsocomocafe.itAder - via della Moscova 52,T: 02 29062425 www.ader.itAlain Mikli SHOP - corso Como 9,T: 02 29060349ALFONSO GARLANDO - Via Madonnina 1,T: 02 874665. Online Shop www.alfonsogarlando.itAll’Isola - corso Como 10, T: 02 6571624Angela caputi giuggù - via Madonnina 11,T: 02 86461080 - www.angelacaputi.comBebel’s - via San Marco 38, T: 02 6571658Calligaris - via Tivoli corner of Foro Bonaparte,T: 02 91988333 - www.milano.calligaris.itCargo&Hi-Tech - piazza XXV aprile,T: 02 6241101 - www.cargomilano.itCarminio - via del Carmine, 3T: 02 72022992 - www.carminiocucina.comChiù - via Pontaccio 5, T: 02 8052296www.chiu.eu - via San Marco 20, T: 02 6599507Faliero Sarti - via Solferino 11, T: 02 8053223Fashion Café - via San Marco 1,T: 02 6572021 www.fashioncafe.itF.Clio - via Pontaccio 7, T: 02 80505000www.fclio.itGiallo - via Milazzo 6. T: 02 6571581www.ristorantegiallo.bizGiovanni Raspini - corso Garibaldi 51,T: 02 72080286 - www.raspini.itGiòsa <strong>Milan</strong>o - via Ciovasso 6.T: 02 86997441 - www.giosamilano.comGuido Gobino - corso Garibaldi 39,T: 02 89096601 - www.guidogobino.itkusmi tea - via Fiori Chiari, 24 T: 02 29000580 -www.kusmitea.comIliprandi - via Solferino (Galleria San Marco),T: 02 29000580Il CONSOLARE - via Ciovasso 4, T: 02 8053581www.ristoranteconsolare.comKidult - via Pontaccio 3, T: 02 72080271www.kidult.netLa Briciola - via Solferino 25, T: 02 6551012www.labriciola.comLa Libera - via Palermo 21, T: 02 8053603www.ristorantelaliberamilano.comLa Vecchia Lira - Largo La Foppa 5,T: 02 6599136 - www.osteriavecchialira.itMercatino dell’antiquariatoe brocantage - via Brera, via Fiori Chiari,via Madonnina, via Formentini, T: 02 794593Marc Jacobs - P.zza del Carmine 6,T: 02 72004080 - www.marcjacobs.itMaxela - via della Moscova 50,T: 02 29062926 www.maxela.itMimmo-Osteria del Corso - corso Garibaldi 75,T: 02 6597441 - www.osteriadelcorso.comMontezemolo - corso Garibaldi 50,T: 02 29000184 - www.montezemolo.netN’ombra de vin - via San Marco 2,T:02 6599650 - www.nombradevin.itOsteria Brunello - corso Garibaldi 117,T:02 6592973 - www.osteriabrunello.itPanino Giusto - corso Garibaldi 123,T:02 6554728 - www.paninogiusto.itParma & Co - corso Garibaldi, T: 02 89096720 -www.parmaeco.itPrinci - via Ponte Vetero 10, T: 02 72016067 /largo La Foppa 2, T: 02 6599013www.princi.itrigadritto - via Brera 6, T: 02 80582936www.rigadritto.comRigolo - via Solferino 11, T: 02 804589spazio manfredi - via Brera 2,T:02 876324 www.manfredi-madeinitaly.euTastàri - corso Garibaldi 59/61, T:02 72008379www.tastari.it42 WHERE milan I MARCH 2013www.wheretraveler.com 43

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