Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

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: performance :In 2012, <strong>EDP</strong>R increased its capacity by 504MW(+7%), of which 289MW (+7%) in Europe and215MW (6%) in the U.S. Since 2008, <strong>EDP</strong>R’sinstalled capacity has increased by 16% /year onaverage, resulting in a 7,987MW installed capacityby year-end 2012.The average net capacity factor in 2012 was 29%,26% in Europe, 33% in the U.S. and 31% in Brazil.Operational excellence and the prime location of<strong>EDP</strong>R’s wind farms are the driving forces behindits superior net capacity factors (as is the casein Spain with +175bp above the industry average).<strong>EDP</strong>R - EUROPE (<strong>EDP</strong>R EU)<strong>EDP</strong>R EU has registered significant wind energyadditions over the last few years, with a totalwind energy installed capacity of 4,266MW anda pipeline in various stages of development of8.5GW, including 158MW under construction.In Portugal, installed capacity increased to a totalof 1,005MW, mainly after the entry into operationof 64MW in ENEOP2’s wind farms during the year.In Spain, installed capacity amounted to 2,310MW,an increase of 110MW versus previous year.All of <strong>EDP</strong>R’s projects installed in 2012 wereincluded in the pre-assignation registry,guaranteeing that they are included in theactual Spanish remuneration scheme.In 2012, installed capacity reached 314MWin France, after an increase in the year of 8MW,while in Belgium it remained at 57MW.In Italy, <strong>EDP</strong>R added its first MW in this country,through the commissioning of 40MW. Thislandmark growth was achieved thanks to thecompletion of the Villa Castelli (20MW) wind farmin Apulia, and the Pietragalla (20MW) wind farmin Basilicata.Installed capacity in Poland remained unchangedat 190MW, with 130MW currently underconstruction.Installed capacity in Romania increasedsignificantly in 2012, as both wind and solarPV projects were completed. The increasein wind installed capacity was driven by thecommissioning of the Cobadin (26MW) windfarm, whilst <strong>EDP</strong>R’s first solar PV (photovoltaic)projects (39MW) accounted for the remaininggrowth. The entry into the solar PV marketsmarked the first step in the execution of<strong>EDP</strong>R’s strategy to enter into new competitivetechnologies. Year-end installed capacity reached350MW, with 28MW currently under construction.<strong>EDP</strong>R – NORTH AMERICA (<strong>EDP</strong>R NA)At the end of 2012, <strong>EDP</strong>R NA owned 30 windfarms in operation located in 11 different states,summing a total capacity of 3,637MW, after theinstallation of 215MW during the year. The growthin 2012 was driven by the completion of MarbleRiver, a utility-scale wind farm located in theState of New York.By the end of 2012, <strong>EDP</strong>R NA held a pipelineof 9.7GW.<strong>EDP</strong>R - BRAZIL (<strong>EDP</strong>R BR)<strong>EDP</strong>R created a joint-venture in Brazil, in June2008, together with <strong>EDP</strong> - Energias do Brasil,named <strong>EDP</strong> Renováveis Brazil (<strong>EDP</strong>R BR).<strong>EDP</strong>R BR owned, at the end of 2012, a capacityin operation of 84MW and a pipeline of 1.5GW.<strong>EDP</strong>R’s Brazilian wind farms have top-class windresources, one of the highest in the company’sglobal portfolioVilla Castelli Wind Farm- ItalySolar Plant - Romania<strong>EDP</strong> - <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 201253

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