Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

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: strategic framework :EVOLUTION OF AVERAGE ANNUAL PRICES OF FUELS AND CO 2111 1121229293797062121723 2510 11 10 713 14 137Oil - Brent ($/bbl) Coal - API#2 ($/ton) Natural Gas - Zeebrugge (€/MWht) Natural Gas - Henry Hub (€/MWht) CO 2(€/ton)2009 2010 2011 2012Oil price (Brent, European index) held practicallyconstant in regard to 2011, at a historically highlevel. The price had a decreasing trend up to midyear,time at which the expectation of recovery ofthe world’s main economies and the rise in MiddleEastern geopolitical risk premium led to a newprice increase.Coal price (API#2, European index) registereda significant drop (-24%) in 2012, returning tolevels similar to those in 2010. The significantdecrease in coal demand for power generationin the US led to an increase of its exports. Sincethis increase in supply was not completelyabsorbed by demand in China and India, the pricedropped.In regard to natural gas, the decoupling betweenEuropean price (Zeebrugge index) and US price(Henry Hub index) deepened. In Europe, theindexation of most gas contracts to oil pricestranslated into a resiliency of the price of naturalgas, dictating an increase in comparison with2011 (11% to € 25/MWht). In the US, persistent andabundant shale gas production led to a furtherprice decrease in 2012 (-25% to € 7/MWht).EVOLUTION OF NATURAL GAS PRICE4020The MIBEL price decrease is owed, in part, to thedrop in demand in Portugal and Spain in regardto 2011. Another factor that contributed towardsthe price decrease was that coal thermalgeneration dominated price-setting in a yearwhen it had a low marginal cost due to thedecrease in fuel and CO 2prices: the marginalcost of coal plants was lower that of natural gasplants. The decrease in hydro production in 2012(it fell 46% in Portugal and 30% in Spain relativelyto 2011) was not sufficient to have the offseteffect of increasing the MIBEL price.In the US, electricity prices fell by more than20% in almost all regional markets. This pricereduction is mainly due to the low cost of naturalgas (via abundant local unconventional gas) andto the inexistence of a CO 2emissions cost.In Brazil, an auction was held in Decemberfor 574 MW of new power generation capacity(of which 292MW were hydro and 282MW wereonshore wind) to start operating in 2017/2018.The average price of this auction was BRL 91/MWh(~€ 34/MWh), with onshore wind presenting morecompetitive prices than hydro. In the spot market,the Difference Liquidation Price rose significantlyin regard to 2011 due to the low hydro capacityfactor that occurred during the year.EVOLUTION OF WHOLESALE SPOT PRICESOF ELECTRICITY MARKETS1670Jan/11Mar/11Mai/11Jul/11Set/11Nov/11Jan/12Mar/12NATURAL GAS - ZEEBRUGGE (€/MWHT)NATURAL GAS - HENRY HUB (€/MWHT)Mai/12Jul/12Set/12Nov/12Source: Bloomberg50 48 50 47 51 43 49 47 55 56 4837Portugal(€/MWh)Spain(€/MWh)Germany(€/MWh)2011 2012France(€/MWh)UnitedKingdom(€/MWh)USA($/MWh)30Brazil,PLD(R$/MWh)The EU ETS (European Union Emissions TradingSystem) CO 2market price had a sharp decreasein 2012 (-43% in relation to 2011). This decreasewas constant throughout the year and mainlyresults from the oversupply of allowances.It is estimated that there are more than one billionexcess allowances in the market. The EuropeanCommission will take the initiative of holdinga vote, in 2013, for the removal of 900 millionallowances from European auctions between2013 and 2015, reintroducing them between 2018and 2020. In parallel, during 2013, a discussionwill be launched on the options for structuralreform of the European CO 2market.As a result of fuel and CO 2price evolution,wholesale power market prices in Europeregistered, in their majority, slight decreases incomparison to 2011. In particular, in the Iberianmarket (MIBEL), prices decreased to € 48/MWh,in line with the remaining European markets.The price differential between Portugal and Spainremained low (€ 0.8/MWh), revealing the strongintegration that is already in place between thetwo markets.<strong>EDP</strong> - <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2012Note: The price in the United States refers to the average of the following markets -NEPOOL Mass hub, PJM West Pennsylvania, Entergy Louisiana and SP 15 - EZ California.2.1.3. RegulatoryframeworkEuropean EnergyPolicyOn October 25, 2012, the European Union adoptedthe Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency,which establishes a common framework ofmeasures for the promotion of energy efficiencyin order to achieve the headline target of saving20% of the European Union primary energyconsumption by 2020 and to pave the way forfurther improvements beyond that date. Thislegislation also lays down rules designed toovercome market failures that prevents efficiencyin the supply and use of energy, and provides theestablishment of indicative national targets ofenergy efficiency for 2020.27

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