Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

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: annexes :member of the Board of CIMPOR (2009-). Memberof the Direction Board of the Portuguese CorporateGovernance Institute (2010-). Previously, hewas also head of the Finance and AccountancyDepartment of ISCTE Business School (2001-2003); Chairman of the Board of CEMAF – Centrode Investigação de Mercados e Activos Financeirosof ISCTE (1995-2003); member of the InvestmentCommittee of FINPRO-SGPS (2002-2004);Chairman of the Board of Directors of SIEMCA– Sociedade Mediadora de Capitais (1990-1997);Consultant of PME Investimentos 1998-2000).Co-founder and first director of the “ManagementRevue”, he is also author of a number of books andpapers on areas such as corporate governance,financial markets and instruments, strategy andbusiness restructuring. He was appointed memberof the General and Supervisory Board of <strong>EDP</strong> on15th April 2009 and reappointed on 20th February2012.Maria Celeste Ferreira Lopes Cardona She wasborn on 30th June 1951. She holds a Doctoratedegree in law from the Faculdade de Direito daUniversidade de Lisboa, having been an AssistantProfessor in the same university. Within the Ministryof Finance, she was a member of the Fiscal StudyCenter and a Portuguese representative on theOECD. She was Minister of Justice of the XVConstitutional Government. She was graced thedegree of Grande Oficial da Ordem do Infante D.Henrique, atributed in 1998, by his Excellency thePresident of the Portuguese Republic. She was alsoa non-executive Board Member of Caixa Geral deDepósitos. Mrs. Celeste Cardona published articlesand opinions in specialty magazines, namely in“Ciência e Técnica Fiscal”. She is also author ofseveral monographs and varied studies, such as“As agências de regulação no Direito Comunitário”,“O problema da retroactividade na lei fiscal e naConstituição”, “A prescrição da obrigação tributáriae a caducidade da liquidação de impostos”, e “Anatureza e o regime das empresas de serviçopúblico”. She is currently a lawyer and a seniorpartner in M.C. Cardona & Associados, a lawfirm, and also a non-executive member of BCI,headquartered in Maputo, Mozambique, a memberof the Fiscal Council of SIBS and a legal and fiscalconsultant for several financial and non-financialinstitutions. She was appointed member of theGeneral and Supervisory Board of <strong>EDP</strong> and 20thFebruary 2012.Fernando Maria Masaveu Herrero He was bornon 21st May 1966. He received a law degree fromthe University of Navarra. He started to work atMasaveu Group in 1993 where played variousroles. He currently plays the following positions,among others: Chairman of Masaveu Corporation;Chairman of Cementos Anónima Tudela Veguín;Chairman of Masaveu International, Advisor atHidrocantábrico, Chairman of the Audit Committeeat Hidrocantábrico; Advisor at Naturgas Energía;Advisor at Bankinter; Member of the ExecutiveCommittee of Bankinter; Member of the AuditCommission of Bankinter; Member of InternationalAdvisory Board of the Santander Group; Advisorat EGEO, S.G.P.S.; Chairman of Masaveu deInvestigación y desarrollo; Advisor at OLMEA;Chairman of Beluga Holding Limited; Chairman ofthe Maria Cristina Masaveu Foundation; Chairmanof the Foundation San Ignacio de Loyola; patron andmember of the Executive Committee of the Príncipede Asturias foundation; patron and member of theheritage of Príncipe de Asturias Foundation; Patronof the Príncipe de Asturias Awards; Internationalpatron of Asociación Amigos Museo del Prado;and Patron of Sociedad Internacional de Bioética(S.I.B.I.). Additionally, he is director of severalcompanies of Masaveu group. Formerly, he also hadrelevant contributions in several sector, particularlyin the R&D sector, the beverage sector, the healthsector, the financial sector, the transportationsector, the environmental sector, the press sector,the real estate sector, as well as significantassistance in several foundations focus on socialresponsibility. He was appointed member of the<strong>EDP</strong> - <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2012General and Supervisory Board of <strong>EDP</strong> and 20thFebruary 2012.Ilídio da Costa Leite de Pinho He was born on19th December 1938. Degree in Electronics andMachinery Engineering. Grã-Cruz” Order of Merit,Honorary member of the Industrial Order of Merit.Member of the “Ordens Honoríficas Portuguesas”from 1996 to 1999. Gold Medal and “Honorarycitizen” award granted by the city of Vale de Cambra,in 1999. Gold medal and “University Benefactor”award granted by “Universidade CatólicaPortuguesa”. Golden Badge by the PortugueseAssociation of Voluntary Firemen, in 2002. Between1986 and 1991 was non-executive Board of DirectorsMember of “ICEP” in representation of the NationalIndustry. President of the City Hall Council of Valede Cambra between 1979 and 1983 and President ofthe City Hall Assembly of Vale de Cambra, between1993 and 1997. Member of the AdministrativeCommittee of “Universidade Católica” - Oporto.University Counsel of “Universidade de Aveiro” andSenate Member of “Universidade do Porto”. Memberof the board of several business association.Member of the “Trilateral Commission” between1988 and 1996. Was founder and Chairman ofthe Board of Directors of COLEP. Was founder ofNacionalGás, S.A., LusitâniaGás, EGA, EMPORGÁS,EDISOFT, S.A. and MEGASIS. Was the mainshareholder of Transinsular. Was non-executiveMember of the Board of Directors of “Banco EspiritoSanto, S.A.” between 2000 and 2005. Shareholderof “CEM - Companhia de Electricidade de Macau,SARL”. Chairman of the Strategy Committee of“Fomentinvest, S.A.”. Founder and Chairman ofthe Board of Directors and the Board of Trusteesof Fundação Ilídio Pinho. Chairman of variouscompanies of Group Ilídio Pinho. He was appointedmember of the General and Supervisory Board of<strong>EDP</strong> and 20th February 2012.Jorge Avelino Braga de Macedo He was bornon 1st December 1946. He has a law degree fromUniversidade de Lisboa in 1971. At Yale University,he completed M.A. in International Relations(1973) and also has PhD in Economics (1979).He aggregated in the Faculty of Economics fromUniversidade de Lisboa in 1982. Since 1999 to 2004he belonged to the Organisation for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD) and theEuropean Commission in Brussels between 1988and 1991. At a national level, he was President of theParliamentary Commission for European Affairs(1994-1995), and Minister of Finance (1991-1993).He has taught at the Centre Européen d’EducationPermanente in Fontainebleau, and at the CatholicUniversity of Lisbon, at Princeton University, amongothers. He has been a consultant at the EuropeanBank for Reconstruction and Development, theUnited Nations, the World Bank and the InternationalMonetary Fund. Currently, he is a Professor ofEconomics at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, teachesat the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (SciencesPo)in Paris, is Director of the Center Globalizationand Governance (CG & G) at the Nova School ofBusiness and Economics from the UniversidadeNova de Lisboa, President of Institute of TropicalResearch (IICT) and Member of the Board ofGovernors of the International Centrefor International Governance Innovation in Waterloo,Canada. He was appointed member of the Generaland Supervisory Board of <strong>EDP</strong> and 20th February2012.Manuel Fernando de Macedo Alves MonteiroHe was born on 12th April 1957. He has a degreein Law and is a Board Director of CIN, Novabase,Douro Azul and AICEP (Business DevelopmentAgency). He acts as President of RemunerationsCommittees of AICEP – Global Parques S.A., AICEPCapital, Douro Azul SGPS and Sardinha & LeiteSGPS. He is a member of the School of Economicsand Management Advisory Board (UniversidadeCatólica do Porto); and a member of the AdvisoryBoard of Porto Vivo - Sociedade de ReabilitaçãoUrbana do Porto. He was a non-executive boardmember of Jerónimo Martins, SGPS; served as273

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