Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

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: annexes :annex IIcorporate bodies’ biographyGeneral SupervisoryBoardEduardo de Almeida Catroga, Chairman He wasborn on 14th November 1942. He has a degreein Finance from ISEG of Universidade Técnicade Lisboa and a post-graduate degree fromHarvard Business School. He served as Ministerof Finance of the Portuguese government from1994 to 1995. He is a guest senior lecturer inbusiness strategy for the ISEG MBA program. Hehas focused his career on corporate managementand administration, specifically within CUF andin SAPEC, where he was CFO (1974) and GeneralDirector, respectively. Currently, he isnon-executiveChairman of the Board of Directors of the SAPECGroup, member of the Board of Nutrinveste,member of the Board of Banco Finantia and memberof the Investments Committee of Portugal VentureCapital Initiative, an equity fund promoted by theEuropean Investment Bank. He was designatedfor the first time member of the <strong>EDP</strong> General andSupervisory Board on 30th June 2006 and he wasreappointed on 15th April 2009. He was appointedchairman of the General and Supervisory Board of<strong>EDP</strong> on 20th February 2012.Zhang Dingming, Vice-President He was born on1st December 1963. He has a Bachelor’s degreein Power System and Automation from HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology in 1984 andhis Master’s degree in Management from HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology in 2001. Heserved as an associate and then Deputy DivisionChief in the Key Project Construction Departmentof the State Planning Commission of China (1984-1994), working in Germany between 1992 and 1993.He then worked as Deputy Division Chief, DivisionChief and Deputy Director of Capital PlanningDepartment of the Three Gorges ConstructionCommittee under the State Council (1994-2002),before he became Deputy Director of PowerProduction Department of China Three GorgesCorporation (2002). He then worked as ExecutiveVice President of China Yangtze Power Company(2002-2011) and President of Beijing Yangtze PowerCapital Co. Ltd. (2008-2011). His past experiencealso includes Director of the Board of GuangzhouDevelopment Industry (Holding) Co. Ltd. andDirector of the Board of Yangtze Three GorgesTechnology and Economy Development. In 2011,he began to serve as Board Secretary, Director ofStrategic Development Department and Directorof Marketing Department in China Three GorgesCorporation. He was appointed Vice-Chairmanof the General and Supervisory Board of <strong>EDP</strong>, inrepresentation of China Three Gorges Corporation,on 11th May 2012.Lu Guojun He was born on 12th July 1956. Hehas a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from EastChina Institute of Water Resources Engineeringand a PhD in Economics from Central Universityof Finance and Economics in China. He served forChina International Water and Electric Corporationfrom 1982 to 2010, starting as Deputy Chief of theSri Lanka Office, Manager of the Pakistan ProjectDepartment and Deputy Chief of the HydropowerDepartment 1. He then served as Vice Presidentand President of China International Water andElectric Corporation and Executive Vice Presidentof China Water Investment Group Corporation.Currently, he is Assistant President of ChinaThree Gorges Corporation, President/CEO ofChina Three Gorges International Corporation andDirector of International Department of China ThreeGorges Corporation. He was appointed memberof the General and Supervisory Board of <strong>EDP</strong>,in representation of China International Water &Electric Corp, on 11th May 2012.Yang Ya He was born on 27th August 1962. He hasa Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Changsha<strong>EDP</strong> - <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2012University of Electricity. He later got his “Diplômed’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées” from theBusiness School of the University of Montreal,Canada and EMBA from HEC Paris. He served aseries of posts before devoting to the China ThreeGorges Project. He was Project Officer of theBureau of Hydropower Construction of Ministryof Water Resources & Hydropower and Auditorof Beijing Office of PriceWaterHouseCoopers.Currently, he is the Chief Accountant & CorporateController of China Three Gorges Corporationand Chairman of the Supervisory Committee ofChina Yangtze Power Company. He was appointedmember of the General and Supervisory Board of<strong>EDP</strong>, in representation of China Three Gorges NewEnergy Co. Ltd, on 11th May 2012.Wu Shengliang He was born on 11th March 1971.He received Bachelor’s degree in Engineering fromWuhuan University of Hydraulic and ElectricalEngineering in 1992. Master’s degree in TechnicalEconomics and Management from ChongqingUniversity in 2000. He served as technician andlater as an engineer in Gezhouba HydropowerPlant (1992-1998). Secretary of Corporate AffairsDepartment in Gezhouba Hydropower Plant (1998-2002). Financial Manager of Capital OperatingDepartment of China Yangtze Power Company(2002-2003). Information manager and then DeputyDirector of Office of the Board of China YangtzePower Company (2004-2006). Deputy Directorand then Director of Capital Operating Departmentof China Yangtze Power Company (2006-2011).His past experience includes Director of the Boardof Daye Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd (2008-2011).Executive Vice President of Beijing Yangtze PowerCapital Co. Ltd (2008-2011). Since 2011, he is DeputyDirector of Strategic Planning Department in ChinaThree Gorges Corporation. He was appointedmember of the General and Supervisory Boardof <strong>EDP</strong>, in representation of China Three GorgesInternational - Europe, on 11th May 2012.Felipe Fernández Fernández He was born on 21stDecember 1952. He has a degree in Economicsand Management Sciences (1970 - 1975) fromthe University of Bilbao. His professional careerincludes the following positions: Professor at theFaculty of Economics and Business, Universityof Oviedo (1979 - 1984), Director of RegionalEconomy and Planning of the Principality ofAsturias (1984 - 1990), Member of the Board andExecutive Committee of the Caja de Ahorrosde Asturias (1986 - 1990), Member of the Boardof Directors and Vice-President of “ SociedadeAsturiana de Estudios Económicos e Industriales”(1986 - 1990), Member of the Board of Directorsand Vice-President of the company SEDES , SA(1988 - 1990), President of the Committee forPlaning and Urbanism of Asturias (1990 - 1991);Counsel for Planning, Urbanism and Housing inthe Principality of Asturias (1990 - 1991); Counselfor Rural and Fishing Affairs in the Principality ofAsturias (1991 - 1993), Director of the Departmentof Management Control of HidroCantábrico (1993 -1998), Director of the Department of ManagementControl, Purchasing and Quality of HidroCantábrico(1998 - 2001), President of the company GasAsturias (2001 - 2003), Director of Support Areasand Control of HidroCantábrico (2001 - 2002);HidroCantábrico CFO, Chairman of Gas Capital, CEOof Hidrocantábrico Servicios, Board Member ofNaturcorp, Gas de Asturias, SINAE, Canal Energía,Telecable and Sociedad Regional de Promoción deAsturias (2002 - 2004). He is currently Directorof Corporate Customers at Liberbank, GeneralManager of Caja de Ahorros de Asturias, Presidentof Infocaja, Board Member of HC Energía, AhorroCorporation, Indra and Tudela Veguín. He is alsoBoard Member of da Sociedad Promotora de lasComunicaciones en Asturias (SPTA). He wasappointed member of the General and SupervisoryBoard of <strong>EDP</strong>, in representation of CajasturInversiones SA, on 20th February 2012.Luís Filipe da Conceição Pereira He has born on29th October 1944. He has a degree in Economics271

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