Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

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: edp :1.2. recognitionCorporate<strong>EDP</strong> is SAM Gold Class and world leaderin the electricity sector in 2012For the fifth year running <strong>EDP</strong> has beenincluded in the Sustainability Yearbook.SAM (Sustainable Asset Management) alsorated <strong>EDP</strong> for the third consecutive yearas “SAM Gold Class 2012”. Only the top15% companies with the best sustainabilityperformance qualify for inclusion in theannual Sustainability Yearbook.<strong>EDP</strong> at the top of the world sustainabilityon the Dow JonesFor the fifth consecutive year, the <strong>EDP</strong>Group ranks amongst the utilities withthe best performance on the Dow JonesSustainability Index (2012 data) in Europeand the world, equalling the absolutescore of the utilities leader.<strong>EDP</strong> once again included in the IberianCarbon Disclosure Leadership Index<strong>EDP</strong> is ranked second best electricityutility in reporting (96 out of 100) inthe Iberian Peninsula by the CarbonDisclosure Project (CDP) and, for thesecond time running, is included in theCarbon Disclosure Leadership Index. Interms of performance it was given a Bgrade. Additional information on page 32.Ethisphere distinguishes <strong>EDP</strong> as one of thethree most ethical companies in the globalelectricity utility sectorThe <strong>EDP</strong> Group was recognised globally forimplementation of its transparent practicesin its business operations and in dealingswith all stakeholders. 100 countries and 36business sectors were included in this 6 thedition of the awards.<strong>EDP</strong> is best in communication in“Sustainability & Corporate Governance”amongst global utilitiesThe Thomson Reuters Extel IRRI2012 independent study, conductedby Thomson Reuters Extel and bySRIConnect, distinguished <strong>EDP</strong>, being theonly Portuguese company in its Top 30list. In its global and multisectoral rankingthe <strong>EDP</strong> Group achieved 24 th place.<strong>EDP</strong> chosen best in Europefor investor relations<strong>EDP</strong> was distinguished in the 2012 editionof the IR Magazine Europe Awards asthe best company in Portugal in the areaof investor relations and best amongstEuropean utilities.<strong>EDP</strong> is the first Portuguese companyto win “Euro Bond of the Year” awardedby the IFR<strong>EDP</strong> was the best global performer ineuro debt issuance in 2012, winning the“Euro Bond of the Year” award attributedby International Financing Review (IFR).The EUR 750 million bond issue waslaunched on September 14, with demandoutstripping the offer ten times over.<strong>EDP</strong> wins European multiculturalcommunication prize<strong>EDP</strong> was awarded the Special Prizeof the Federation of European BusinessCommunicators Associations (FEIEA)for its multicultural approach tocommunication in its ON magazine. <strong>EDP</strong>received two further distinctions: 2 ndplace in the “Best cartoon/illustration”category, again for ON magazine; and 3 rdplace in Corporate TV in the category“Best audio-visual communication foran internal audience”.PORTUGAL<strong>EDP</strong> Distribuição recognised as“Utility of the Year”The prize, awarded under the “EuropeanSmart Metering Awards 2012” wasassigned based on the contribution andimpact of “Inovgrid Project” in the subjectof intelligent networks, energy efficiencyand customer orientation.<strong>EDP</strong> wins “Marketeer of the Year” awardand “Energy” prizePaulo Campos Costa, the <strong>EDP</strong> GroupBrand and Communication Director, wonthe “Marketeer of the Year” award in itsfourth edition. <strong>EDP</strong> was also distinguishedwith the “Energy” prize for the “EnergiaDouro” concert.<strong>EDP</strong> is the most valuable Portuguese brandAccording to a study by the Brand Financeconsultant, <strong>EDP</strong> continues to top theranking of the most valuable Portuguesebrands, with a brand value of EUR 2.4 billion.<strong>EDP</strong> was the only Portuguese company inthe list of the 500 most valuable brands,occupying 343 rd place in the global ranking.<strong>EDP</strong> recognised for “Excellence inCommunication” by the PortugueseAssociation for Corporate Communication(APCE)<strong>EDP</strong> won three awards, distinguishing itselfin the Intranet and Corporate Television (forthe 4 th consecutive year) categories andalso for the best institutional communicationcampaign for the company’s rebranding,which was one of the most significantoccurrences during the year in terms ofGroup communication.<strong>EDP</strong> Continente Plan wins Gold inCommunication Effectiveness AwardsThe <strong>EDP</strong> Continente Plan campaign wasawarded the gold prize in the “OtherServices and Public Administration”category at the 8 th edition of theCommunication Effectiveness Awards.The <strong>EDP</strong> Continente Plan achieved morethan 146,000 subscriptions.António Mexia distinguished for the 2 nd yearrunning in the “Which CEO would you mostwant to have?” categoryThis distinction, awarded by HumanResources Portugal magazine, recognisesthose companies and professionals that havestood out in the area of people management.“Workplace for all Ages” PrizeThe <strong>EDP</strong> Value Experience Programmereceived an accolade in the EuropeanYear of Active Ageing and Solidaritybetween Generations Competition. The<strong>EDP</strong> initiative won an honourable mentionin the “Workplaces for all Ages” category.Additional information on page 38.HR Prize 2012, “Company that bestmanages and promotes developmentof its talents”<strong>EDP</strong> received this award from HumanResources magazine, which each yeardistinguishes the best companies inPortugal in people management.<strong>EDP</strong> wins “Global ManagementChallenge 2012”The <strong>EDP</strong> team won the national final andwill represent Portugal in the internationalfinal of the Global Management Challenge(GMC). Led by Vasco Rodrigues from <strong>EDP</strong>Produção, the “<strong>EDP</strong> UCP Porto” teamis made up of three students from theCatholic University of Portugal in Porto.14A World Full Of Energy

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