Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

Annual Report - EDP

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: corporate governance :hand, in Spain, the FADE (Fondo de Amortizacióndel Deficit Elétrico), entity responsible for thesecuritization of the Spanish electric system tariffdeficits, was able to securitize some tranchesof the tariff deficit, through private placementsor public issues, in the amount of 5.6 billioneuros, of which 0.3 billion euros belongs to <strong>EDP</strong>Group through its subsidiary Hidrocantábrico.In addition, <strong>EDP</strong> was able to execute severalproject finance in wind-farms at <strong>EDP</strong> Renováveislevel in Spain, Belgium and Romania.Regarding the indebtedness level reductiontarget, the company proceed with assetsdisposals, having agreed in July the selling of thegas transmission business in Spain to Enagásby 262.5 million euros and the selling of 49%equity stake in wind-farms in the US to Borealisby 230 million USD. Finally, and as a result ofthe strategic partnership with the China ThreeGorges, <strong>EDP</strong> Renováveis agreed in December thefirst tranche of the selling of wind-farms minoritystakes in the amount of 359 million euros.In the foreign exchange markets, the eurodepreciated, on average, 8% against the Americandollar, contributing in a positive way to theoperating income. Since the euro closed 2012appreciating 2% versus the American dollar,the debt priced in dollars was benefitted as thecompany maintains its strategy of financing itsinvestments of US wind-farm assets in localcurrency. On the contrary, the evolution of theexchange rate between euro and Brazilian realpenalized the operating income, as the averageeuro exchange rate appreciated 8%. The euroclosed 2012 gaining 12% versus the Brazilian realwhen comparing to the end of 2011.2012 was also a year of important regulatorychanges within the electric sector, namely inPortugal, Spain and Brazil.In Portugal measures were taken to ensurethe sustainability of the electric system, whichincluded changes in the capacity payments, in theCMEC, in cogeneration and wind generation tariffsand also the setting of the transfer to the electricsystem of the revenues obtained with the carbondioxide emission licenses auctions.In Spain some measures were also established toguarantee the future sustainability of the systemby means of the approval of two packages. Thefirst one focused on the significant increaseof tariffs, on the cut in several cost lines, andalso on the channeling of excess funds to thebenefit of the electric system. A second packageapproved by the end of year established taxesand charges over generation revenues and overthe fuel consumption to generate electricity andalso defined that the revenues obtained fromcarbon dioxide emission licenses auctions shallbe transferred to the electric system.In Brazil, the new regulatory methodology wasapplied to Bandeirante since October, includingthe downward revision of the rate of return onregulated asset base to 7.5% real pre-tax.In what concerns significant changes in <strong>EDP</strong>’sshareholder structure it is worth to highlightthe conclusion of the acquisition process of the21.35% of <strong>EDP</strong>’s share capital by China ThreeGorges on the 11th May, including the nominationof the individual persons to represent China ThreeGorges in the General and Supervisory Board.Main milestones in <strong>EDP</strong>’sshare price in 20122,5012,402,302,202,102,001,901,801,701,602 4356 710891114121315161917181,50Jan 12 Feb 12 Mar 12 Apr 12 Mai 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Ago 12 Set 12 Oct 12 Nov 12 DeC 12202221 23302928272425 26# DatE Description Price1 4/Jan Imputation to China Three Gorges of 21.35% of voting rights 2.4702 1/Feb Standard & Poor’s downgrades <strong>EDP</strong> from “BBB” to “BB+” with negative outlook 2.2303 15/Feb Moody’s downgrades <strong>EDP</strong> from “Baa3” to “Ba1” with negative outlook 2.2394 20/Feb General shareholders meeting 2.2445 27/Feb Appointment of representatives for the General Supervisory Board 2.1696 8/Mar Disclosure of the financial results for 2011 2.2557 13/Mar Appointment of representatives for the General Supervisory Board 2.2308 3/Apr Fitch has placed all Spanish utilities and those utilities with sizeable exposure to Spain on Rating Watch Negative 2.1589 17/Apr <strong>Annual</strong> General Shareholders Meeting 2.10210 4/May <strong>EDP</strong> issues EUR 250 million 3 year bond 2.18611 10/May Disclosure of the financial results for the first quarter of 2012 2.27012 11/May CTG acquires and Parpublica reduces qualified shareholding in <strong>EDP</strong> 2.09712 11/May Appointment of Representatives of CTG for the General Supervisory Board 2.09713 16/May Payment of gross dividend of EUR 0.185 per share for the 2011 financial year 1.91714 17/May Portuguese Government announces set of measures for the power sector 1.82015 20/Jul <strong>EDP</strong> sells its gas transmission business in Spain to Enagás 1.93716 26/Jul China Development Bank Corporation agrees on EUR 1,000 million loan to <strong>EDP</strong> 1.87416 26/Jul Disclosure of the financial results for the first half of 2012 1.87417 30/Jul <strong>EDP</strong> proposes new collective labour agreement 1.85418 1/Ago ANEEL approves a 14.29% tariff increase at <strong>EDP</strong> Escelsa’s annual tariff readjustment process 1.85919 2/Ago Fitch downgrades <strong>EDP</strong> to “BBB-” with outlook negative 1.82320 14/Sep <strong>EDP</strong> issues EUR 750 million 5 year bond 2.29721 17/Oct ANEEL approves a 11.45% tariff increase at <strong>EDP</strong> Bandeirante’s annual tariff readjustment process 2.14222 18/Oct Resignation of José Joaquim de Oliveira Reis from member of the General and Supervisory Board 2.16023 22/Oct Bank of China signs EUR 800 million loan with <strong>EDP</strong> 2.12524 6/Nov <strong>EDP</strong> Renováveis sells a 49% equity stake in 599MW wind farms in the US 2.03024 6/Nov Disclosure of the financial results for the thrid quarter of 2012 2.03025 13/Nov <strong>EDP</strong> issues CHF 125 million 6 year bond 1.95826 3/Dec <strong>EDP</strong> Brasil announces the beginning of the commercial operation of Pécem’s first group 1.97527 13/Dec <strong>EDP</strong> sells tariff adjustments relative to the CMEC 2.21228 14/Dec <strong>EDP</strong> Brasil is awarded a PPA for a 219 MW hydro plant at the Brazilian energy auction 2.24429 17/Dec ERSE announces tariffs and prices for electricity and other services for 2013 2.27030 20/Dec <strong>EDP</strong>R agrees with CTG on the first investment in minority stakes in wind farms 2.352140A World Full Of Energy

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