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CUSHING'S - Linton Public Library Repository

CUSHING'S - Linton Public Library Repository


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Street GuideMain Street is the dividing line for streets running east andVincennes Street the dividing line for streets i'unning north and south.numbers are found on houses located on the north and ·west sides, andnumbers are on those on the south and east sides.~\. STREET, X E -First ::-\o1'th of Yincellnl"S from )'lam East to limits.A STREET, X."\Y -Fast ::-.Torth of Yl11l.'t:."lllles from ~lam 'Yest to limit~.A STREET, S.E.-Fil'st South of '~in('el1nes from )[alll EU:lt to limits ..-\. STREET, S. \\·.-Fir!':t South of Vincennes from )Iain \\'est to limit".B STREET, X.E.-Secund ~ot'th of Vincennes from ::\lalll East to Fourth.B STREET, X."\Y.-S(·cond ","orth of Yincennes from .:'Ilain \Yest to limits.B STREET, :-:;.E.-Seconll South of \~ill('ennes from 1[ain East to 1imit~.C STREE'!'. X.E.-Third North of Vincennes from .:\[uin East to Fourth.e STREET, X\Y.-Thi-rcl North of Vincennes from ':\In.in \\~est to lim!tr-o.C ~TREET, S. 'Y.-Thinl South of Vincennes from )[ain ",Vest to limIts.D ,sTREET, X.E.-Fourth North of \'incennes from )Iuin East to Se\"enth.D ,sTREET, X."'.-Follth North of VinCl;'nnes from )Iain ",Vest to limits.D STREET, S.1\~.-Fourth South of Vincennes from )Iain "\',est tu lilllltfl.E STREET, X.E.-Fifth Xorth of \+inc(>nnes from ::Uain East to limits.E STREET, X. \\~.-Fifth Xorth of "VIncennes from )[ain ,Yest to limits.E STREET. S.\\-.-Flfth South of Vine';'llne:-; from )[a!n \Yest to limit::;.EIGHTH, N,E.-Eightll East of J-Ialn from Vincennes Xorth to H.EIGHTH. S.E.-Eig-hth East of JIain frum Vincennes South to limits.ELEVEXTH, X.E.-Ele\"E~l1th En;:;t of ::'.Iain from Vinet'nne~ XOTth to H.ELEVEXTH, S.E.-Ele\"enth East of )Iain from Yilll~",nne:-; South to C.F STREET, X.E.-Sixth Xorth of VinCennes from )[ain Ertst to limits.F S'rHEET. X.\\'.-Sixth Xol'th of \·incennes from }'Llirl \\'e:-;t to limits.1~ STREET, ~.\\-.-Sixth South (Jf \'incennes fnJlH }[uin \Y.;>st to limitl>.FIFTH, -X.E.-Fifth Ellst of )Jain from VinCBl1lWS Xnnh to A and from E toFIFTH, X.\\'.-Fifth ,Yest of :\Iuln frum V!nt'enn~:; Xorth to limit:;.FIFTH. S.E.-Fifth East of :Main from Yincennes S,)tlth to B.FIl·'TH, :::i.-n.p.-Fifth \,rest of :'lInin from Vincennes South to C.FIRST, X,E.-Fi~."'t East of :;\Iain from Vincennes Xllrth to H.FIRST, X. \V.-Fi~st \\rest of ::'.Ia!n from Vincennes X"rth to F an,j fnJllt Hlimits. .FIRST, S.E.-First East of ::'.Iuln from Vincennes South to limits.F[HST, S.\V.-Fjrst \\'est of :.'.Iain from VIncennes South to limit:>.FOURTH, ~.E.-Fourth East of ::\[;1in from Vlneennes Xorth to limits.FOCRTH, ~.\\-.-Fourth West of }'I

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