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•Johnson Feed & Supply Co.Finance Co."Im:estigate Our Finance nates On New and Lsed Cars"PHONE 62 60 "A" STREET, N.W. PHONE 173MILLER, Lorene stu ----------------_________________ l' 789 Ninth, N E. . 24 F N W~MIIILLLLEERRJ ~f!aggie ItMl't S -------------------------:.-------- 4'8' 940FSixlhh, N:E, 'CCla,'a'}g «Z~~f:n)Ci{~t~g~~P~~v~~~.-~---:----:-------------------~~-_ 1~.138. 9 :8, N.E:J It Rl'gare s u ------------------------------- r OUIt.. , N.W 69 E hth S EMILLER, Mary Mrs ._________________________________ l' 489 Fourth, N.W. Earl (Opal) _________________________________ l' Ig, ..MILLER, 0 P (Mame) ___________________________________ l' 410 S MainHelen Beauty Shoppe ____________________ 389 B, N.E.MILLER, Orval _______________________________________ r 40 Sixth, N.E_____________________________ r 389 B, N.E.MILLER, R R (Margaret) prin high school ______________ r 129 Fifth, siminer _________________________ l' 489 G, N.E.M'ILLER, Ralph (Irene) 'Volford's Flower Garden __________ T 709 H, N.£.______________________________ l' 389 W VincennesMILLER, Ray stu ________________________________________ r 190 H, N.E. ______________________________________ 90 1 ,"2 A, N.E.MILLER, Roscoe _____________________________________:..___ l' 289 A, S.E.highway ________________ l' 89 Se\'enth, S.E.MILLER, Vivian stu ___________________________________ l' 129 Fifth, S.E.G) ______________________ l' 1010 A, N.E.DULLER, 'Yanda stu _________________________________ r 789 Ninth, N.E.A relief office ___________________ r 349 BroadwayMILLER, 'Vilbur (Dorothy) mgr Oakleys Store ___________ r 60 First, S.W. Frank _________.___________________________ r 127 Fou~·th, S.E.MILLON, Alfred (Anna) elect _____________________________ r 760 N Th-1ainMILLOl':, Antone __________________________________________ l' 69 I, S.W.George (~fi1dred) prop Morgan Stripper ___ l' 1090 E VmcennesJohn H pres American Dist Inc _________ 40lj2 A, N.E.~rIILLLLOONN, AI> UbgeUI~tt-tBaltntedl'~S'tSttatTjon 87 HB, t N . E . --------- l' 197 F7600Ul'Nt~'l\ 8 1.~. Il.eI'e--;:l-I.-S-S-~~~.~~~--_~_~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ,.1'1 4 0 3 1 8 0 H.,', N~·.~:II ,\,o sua e erre au e ________________ l' 11 am l' _____________ . __________ __________ ~l\fILLON, Sophia Mrs ________________________________ l' 197 Fourth, 8.E.J E (Faye) __________________________________ r 349 Bl'oad~'ayMINKS, June stu ___________________________________ r 310 Second, S.W. James miner __________________________________ r 43~ H, N.E.MINKS, Prisci11a stu _________________________________ l' 310 Second, S.W. John R (Carrie) miner ________________ :. _____ l' 146 ~!)."th, S.E.l\fINKS, Roxie M1's __________________________________ l' 310 Second, S.W.Kathedne stu ________________________________ l' 89 F 1rst, S.\V.MITCHELL, Bm~, stu __________ ...

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