CUSHING'S - Linton Public Library Repository

CUSHING'S - Linton Public Library Repository

CUSHING'S - Linton Public Library Repository


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[II' ~,·1I ..'tJn'I1.'II1<strong>Linton</strong> Recreation Parlor"Snooker and Pool"MELVIN "CHICK" SCHOLL, Pl·Op.East Vincennes St.LE\VIS, Homer (Pea1'l) baker Sponslel's Bakery _____________ 1: 489 H,LEWIS, Kenneth ____________________________________ . _____ r 359 F,LE"TJS, Lester wks Sponslers Bakery ______________________ l' 489 H,LE\VIS, Lewis stu ________________________________________ l' 359 F,LE\VIS, Mary stu _________________________________________ r 359 F,LE\VIS, Mildred Miss tchr Northeast ward _________________ r 489 H,LEWIS, Newton (Ida) WPA _________________ ~ ____________ r 359 F,LEWIS, Robert stu _______________________________________ r 359 F,LEWIS, Euna stu ___________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~ l' 359 F,LEWIS, Violet _~ ____ ~ _____ ~ ____ ~_~_~~ __ ~ ______ ~ ______ ~ ___ r 359 F,LE"WIS, \Vayne stu ______ ~ ____________ ~ ________ ~ __________ l' 359 FLIDDELL, Alberta M.rs Beauty Shoppe _____________ 589 NLIDDELL, Dorothy stu Bl'O"wns Bus CoIl ~ ______ ~~ ________ ~ __ l' 589 NLIDDELL, Geo (Alberta) sec foreman New ~Hope ____________ l'LIFFICK, Alva (Jessie) supt Socony Vacuum Co ________ l' 157LINeO SERVlCE STATlON, Lowen Green mgr ____________ }' 189LINTON BOWLING ALLEYS,Jack Mehlhoff mgr ____________________ 49% IV Vinc"lUte.\LINTON CANDY KlTCHEN, Christ Sarris prop __ ~ ____ ~ ______ 13 NLINTON DAILY CITIZEN, Eskin Turner mgT ________ 79 SLINTON FINANCE CO, Milo Mitchellmgr ____________ 5 NLINTON HARDWARE CO _________________________________ 44-52-SLINTON ICE & LOCKER CO,Glen H Corlette prop ________________________ 669 SLINTON LAUNDRY, Tip Tincher prop ____ ~ ___ ~ __________ ~ __ 176LINTON LIQUOR STORE, Brn. Mal' and Luther Sifford __ 89 E Yi]"cenn"LINTON MILK CO, Rex Winters mgr· _________ 189 IVLINTON MOTOR SALES, J M Corbin and R S Reed _____ 101 W Vi]ncenn"LINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY,Miss Margaret Cooper librarian ____________ ~ _____ ~ 110 E Vinep"""LINTON RECREATION PARLOR,Melvin Scholl prop ______________________ 80 ELINTON RECREATION HALL, "Tilla1'd Fiscus supervisor _____ K of PLINTON-STOCKTON HIGH SCHOOL, T J Beecher suptR R Miller prin _________________ ~ __________________ N l\Iain andLINTON-SUMMIT COAL CO, Wm Cunningham supt ____ 56% W VincEmnesLINTON WELDING CO ____________________________________ 89 A,LISTON, A l\I (Verla) sIsman _____ ~ _____________ ~ _________ I' 280 H,LISTON, Harold (Joyce) elect eng Antioch Power ___________ l' 190 E,LISTON, Janice stu ___ ~ __________ ~ _______________________ l' 190 E,LITTLE JOHN COAL CO ________________________• _________ 5,. NLOCKHART, Frank railroader ___________ ~ ________________ r 90 T,LOCKHART, Lou _________________________________________ l' 90 I,LOCKHART, Russell _____________________________________ r 469 H,LOCK\VOOD, Harold stu _____________________ ~ ___________ l' 159 D,LOCKWOOD, Jack teller Cit Nat! Bank ____________________ l' 159 D,LOGAN, R B (Marie) miner ______ ~ ______ ~~ ___________ _.:____ l' 328 B,LOHR, Alvin (Goldie) prop LohI' Stripper ______________ l' 369 Third,LOHR, Cal'l stu Commercial 'Coll Terre Haute _____ :..____ r 369 Third,LOHR, James stu Rosepoly Terre Haute • ________ ~~ _____ l' 369 Third, H. ";.,LOHR, Leroy stu ___________________ ~ _________________ r 369 Third,LOHR. \Vilma ______________________ ~ ________________ r 369 Third,LONG, Edwin B (Louise) County Attorney ____ l' 410 Ninth,Page Fifty-sixFuneral HomeA Service With the Slogan

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