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APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> 1APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>: <strong>Title</strong> <strong>Page</strong>Personality and Birth Order 1The title page has1" margins and isdouble-spaced.In the header,leave 5 spacesbetween theshortened title andthe page number.Personality and Birth Order: First-Borns and Later-BornsRosa VelasquezInclude yourname, class,instructor,and date.Psychology 1Professor NguyenMay 21, 2004

APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> 2APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>: TextUse 12 pt.Times Romanor Courier.Use 1" margins anddouble-space text.In-text citationsconsist of theauthor's nameand the year ofpublication.When quoting,give the pagenumber forprint sourcesand theparagraphnumber, or as inthis case theheading andparagraphnumber, forelectronicsources.When introducingsources, use thepast tense orpresent perfecttense (e.g., hasobserved).For a secondarysource in whichone author isbeing quoted orparaphrased inanother author'swork, name theoriginal work, butcite the secondarysource.Personality and Birth Order 2Personality and Birth Order: First-Borns and Later-BornsDoes birth order have any effect on personality? The naysayersincluding psychologists Seff, Gecas, and Frey (1993) argued that"research on birth order effects has been remarkably inconsistent andinconclusive with regard to various personality and behavioraloutcomes" (Introduction section, 4). MIT historian Sulloway (1996)disagreed. In his book, Born to Rebel, he offered proof of therelationship between birth order and personality.Researching the lives of historical figures, Sulloway (1996)observed that later-borns tend to champion liberal or unconventionalideas while first-borns do not: "Later-borns were more likely thanfirst-borns were to support each of the 61 liberal causes . . . surveyed,from the Protestant Reformation to the American civil-rightsmovement" (as cited in Cowley, 1996). Rule-breaking later-bornsinclude Susan B. Anthony, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr.,and Charles Darwin. In contrast, first-borns defend the status quo(Sulloway, p. 79). Naturalist Louis Agassiz fits this mold. The mostinfluential naturalist of his day, first-born Agassiz staunchly opposedAuthors arereferred to bylast namethroughout thepaper.Within the text,capitalize themajor words ina title of a bookor article.Use an ellipsis (. . .)when omittingoriginal material.Since thiselectronicsource has nopage,paragraphnumbers, orheadings, nopagination isgiven.Since Sulloway was alreadycited in this paragraph, no dateis needed. However, ifSulloway is cited in a newparagraph, the first in-textcitation should include the date.

APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> 3Darwin's radical notions about biological change:Personality and Birth Order 3A quotation of40 words ormore starts on anew line and isindented 1/2" or5 spaces.Quoted material withina block quotation areenclosed with doublequotation marks.When Darwin proposed a revolutionary solution--that allnature's variety stems from a simple process that preservesuseful variations and discards harmful ones--the authoritieswere appalled. "A scientific mistake" thundered Louis Agassiz,. . . "untrue in its facts . . . and mischievous in its tendency."(Cowley)In a block quotation,end punctuation comesbefore the in-textcitation.APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>: ReferencesSources are listedin alphabeticalorder by author'slast name. Ifthere is noauthor, move thepublication dateafter the title andalphabetize bythe first majorword in the title.The second lineof each entry isindented 1/2" or5 spaces.ReferencesPersonality and Birth Order 5Cowley, G. (1996, Oct. 7). First born, later born. Newsweek, 128.Retrieved May 21, 2004, from Expanded Academic ASAPdatabase (Article A18722426).Seff, M. A., Gecas, V., & Frey, J.H. (1993). Birth order, self concept,and participation in dangerous sports. The Journal ofPsychology, 127. Retrieved May 23, 2004, from ExpandedAcademic ASAP database (Article A14110698).The referencelist begins ona new page.The entire referencelist page is doublespacedand has oneinchmargins.Sulloway, F. J. (1996). Born to rebel. New York: Pantheon.In the reference list, capitalizeonly the first word in the title andsubtitle of a book or article.

APA <strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> 4Additional ResourcesFor additional help with APA style documentation consult the followingresources in the Writing Center.A Writer's ReferenceWriting Center Handout: APA Style—Reference List/In-textPublication Manual of the American Psychological AssociationPurdue University's OWL is another excellent source of information onAPA.http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_apa.htmlhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/hypertext/apa/index.html

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