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Being Responsible And SafeActivity – Safety Rules <strong>to</strong> be followedin va rious situa tion sCONCEPT :Teaching safety rules helpthe students <strong>to</strong> take careof themselves.Background : India is very prone <strong>to</strong> disasters. Over the years thesedisasters have caused extensive damage <strong>to</strong> life and property. Thus in<strong>or</strong>der <strong>to</strong> have pro-active, comprehensive and sustained approach <strong>to</strong>disaster management and <strong>to</strong> reduce the detrimental effects ofdisaster it is imp<strong>or</strong>tant <strong>to</strong> begin early.Methodology :• The teacher starts the session by asking the students aboutsafety rules.• Then she classifies the rules in<strong>to</strong> different categ<strong>or</strong>ies such as:1. Common Rules 2. Specific Rules(i) Road (ii) Fire (iii) Strangers(iv)Anything related <strong>to</strong> local dangers.• Divide the whole class in<strong>to</strong> small groups and let each of the groupw<strong>or</strong>k on each categ<strong>or</strong>y.• Each group presents their findings through role plays,posters etc.Observation :Students will learn <strong>to</strong> understand safety; create safeenvironment and cope with any emergency.Conclusion :Students should know about the safety rules that shouldbe followed in various situations ranging from crossing the road <strong>to</strong>being aware of other potential dangers in the environment such asdealing with strangers.Key Message :Self-assessment :Safety saves and Precaution matters.We should keep these things in mind. Check andcomplete the inf<strong>or</strong>mation.OBJECTIVE :• To teach consequencesof risk-taking behaviour.• To facilitate safe livingf<strong>or</strong> themselves andothers.MATERIALSREQUIRED :Computer withInternetconnection,writing material,chart papers etc.MODE :Group w<strong>or</strong>kTIME REQUIRED :2 periods(40 minutes each)• Do you have a number on the front of your house?• Can the number be seen easily from the street during the day andnight? This is very imp<strong>or</strong>tant in case the driver of a fire truck <strong>or</strong>ambulance needs <strong>to</strong> find your house quickly.77

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