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PrefaceChildhood and the age of adolescence are perhaps the most momentousperiods in an individual’s journey of life. They are characterized by creativebursts of energy, immense curiosity about the self and the world, suddenchanges in the physical, emotional and social dimensions and expandedneed for communication. They are also periods of grappling with an identitycrisis, feelings of isolation, anxiety, alienation and confusion. Eachindividual is unique with inherent positive attributes and latent potentialand it is the responsibility of the school to provide opportunities for youngtalent to blossom and flourish.The biggest killer in the world today is not war, disease or natural calamity. Itis life style related diseases. Health is an important component of theconcerns regarding adolescent issues. Obesity, lack of physical activity andexercise, mental and emotional stress are major concerns. The experiencesgained as children often stay with us throughout life. Therefore there is aneed to create health oriented school climate so that appropriate ambienceis created which is sensitive to the health needs of school going children andhelps to promote their well being.The new millennium schools must provide a setting where in education andhealth programmes come together to create a health promotingenvironment which in turn promotes learning. It must constantly strengthenits capacity as a healthy setting for learning and preparing for life. Suchschools use its full organization potential to promote health amongstudents, staff, families and community members.Schools need to provide a safe healthy environment which includes safe,clean water and sufficient sanitation facilities, freedom from abuse andviolence, a climate of care, trust and respect, social support and mentalhealth promotion.

The school can work in the areas of Food and Nutrition, Knowing Your Body,Personal, Environmental Hygiene and Sanitation. Behaviour and Life Skills,Physical Fitness and Being Responsible and Safe. The Manual providesguidelines to all stakeholders including managers, principals, teachers andstudents. There are activities designed for different levels in the differentvolumes of the Manual. The first part of the Manual recommends setting upof a Health ans Wellness Club to further carry on these enrichment activitieswithin the school. The ultimate objective of the Manual is to involve theschool going child in making healthy life style choices.The Board has strengthened the School Based Assessment and Continuousand Comprehensive Evaluation in 2009-2010. As part of Comprehensiveassessment of co-scholastic aspects, the grades obtained in Health andPhysical Education will be reflected in the Report Card as well as Certificateof School Based Assessment. Learners can choose any two activities from theoptions provided.The Comprehensive School Health Manuals are an outcome of thecollaborative effort of CBSE along with the guidance provided by WHO India.The Manuals would not have been possible but for the effort and supportprovided by the material production team. I would also like to thank Dr.Sadhana Parashar, Head (Innovation & Research) and Mr. Pramod Kumar T.K.,Asst. Education Officer, CBSE for coordinating and editing the Manual. Thereare four volumes in the package. The First volume is Introductory and theother three consist of graded activities for each level : Primary, UpperPrimary and Secondary as well as Senior Secondary.Any further suggestions for improving the Manuals are always welcome.Vineet JoshiCHAIRMAN

The school can w<strong>or</strong>k in the areas of Food and Nutrition, Knowing Your Body,Personal, Environmental Hygiene and Sanitation. Behaviour and Life Skills,Physical Fitness and Being Responsible and Safe. The Manual providesguidelines <strong>to</strong> all stakeholders including managers, principals, teachers andstudents. There are activities designed f<strong>or</strong> different levels in the differentvolumes of the Manual. The first part of the Manual recommends setting upof a Health ans Wellness Club <strong>to</strong> further carry on these enrichment activitieswithin the school. The ultimate objective of the Manual is <strong>to</strong> involve theschool going child in making healthy life style choices.The Board has strengthened the School Based Assessment and Continuousand Comprehensive Evaluation in 2009-2010. As part of Comprehensiveassessment of co-scholastic aspects, the grades obtained in Health andPhysical Education will be reflected in the Rep<strong>or</strong>t Card as well as Certificateof School Based Assessment. Learners can choose any two activities from theoptions provided.The Comprehensive School Health Manuals are an outcome of thecollab<strong>or</strong>ative eff<strong>or</strong>t of <strong>CBSE</strong> along with the guidance provided by WHO India.The Manuals would not have been possible but f<strong>or</strong> the eff<strong>or</strong>t and supp<strong>or</strong>tprovided by the material production team. I would also like <strong>to</strong> thank Dr.Sadhana Parashar, Head (Innovation & Research) and Mr. Pramod Kumar T.K.,Asst. Education Officer, <strong>CBSE</strong> f<strong>or</strong> co<strong>or</strong>dinating and editing the Manual. Thereare four volumes in the package. The First volume is Introduc<strong>to</strong>ry and theother three consist of graded activities f<strong>or</strong> each level : Primary, UpperPrimary and Secondary as well as Seni<strong>or</strong> Secondary.Any further suggestions f<strong>or</strong> improving the Manuals are always welcome.Vineet JoshiCHAIRMAN

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