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Physical FitnessActivity : Balan ced Diet f<strong>or</strong> HealthyGrowthBackground : Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based onheight and weight that applies <strong>to</strong> both boys and girls.Methodology :Students will be required <strong>to</strong> find their Body Mass Index.The students will be first asked f<strong>or</strong> their own interpretation of BMIafter they identify themselves as overweight, healthy <strong>or</strong>underweight.Observation :It will be pointed out that growth of body and increase ofheight may be affected by hereditary fac<strong>to</strong>rs. Control of BMI isentirely in one's own hands. Depending upon the kind of active <strong>or</strong>sedentary lifestyle the BMI increases <strong>or</strong> decreases.The f<strong>or</strong>mula f<strong>or</strong> finding the BMI will be given and its use will also beexplained.• Enter your weight and height using Standard <strong>or</strong> Metric measures.• Calculate BMI using the f<strong>or</strong>mula given belowBMI =( kg/m²)weight in kilogramsheight in meters²CONCEPT :Awareness abouthealthy weightand balanceddiet is imp<strong>or</strong>tant.OBJECTIVE :To develop a firm, leanbody, a strong heart, aslower heart rate,n<strong>or</strong>mal blood pressuremuscle strength, muscleendurance andflexibility.MATERIALSREQUIRED :Weighingmachine,Measuring tape.MODE :ClassroomInteractionTIME REQUIRED :2 Periods(40 minutes each)65

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