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Physical FitnessActivity : Pa rticipa tion in Gam esan d SportCONCEPT :Physical fitnesshelps in making one ateam person.Background : The amount of exercise which an activity providesdepends on the nature of the activity undertaken.Methodology :• Identify the sport that you enjoy and also fix your goal.• Play the sport and try to achieve the goal set by you.Observation / Discussion :1. Assess your fitness status within the health related components.2. Evaluate the effectiveness of physical exercise and other factorsto obtain physical fitness goals ( losing weight/ becoming a goodteam player etc.)3. List out your strengths and weaknesses and discuss with theteacher how the weaknesses can be turned into strengths.Conclusion :Participation in any game of your choice can bring aboutsignificant improvement in physical fitness and help to maintain it.OBJECTIVE :To help develop spirit ofsportsmanship.MATERIALSREQUIRED :School sportsground andequipmentMODE :GroupTIME REQUIRED :30 minutes(PE Period)Recapitulation :Playing games motivates you to live as a fit individualwith a firm, lean and a healthy body.Informal Assessment :Key Messages :Regularity, enthusiasm and willing participation.Regular participation in indoor and outdoor sportsprovides sufficient exercise to the humanbody.Extended Activity :Watch a match on TVand write your observation on thefollowing theme“ When any sport is played between twonations, the playfields turn into battlefields”63

Physical FitnessActivity : Good Posture !Background : A sound mind can exist only in a sound body. Correctposture helps in avoiding various health problems.Methodology :Teacher will show flash cards showing right and wrongpostures and after discussing with students she divides them intostacks of 'right' and 'wrong'.Observation/ Discussion :posture?Conclusion :Why is it important to maintain the rightCorrect posture helps the system and the organs todevelop in such a manner that organic and functional developmentof the body takes place.Recapitulation :Informal Assessment :Recall the technique of correct posture.Head, backbone, limbs are in perfect alignment.No strain is experienced by any part of the body.Key Messages :The system and the organs of the body have to functionoptimally to cope with the daily stress and strife in life.Suggested Activities :Keep reminding yourself about the technique forcorrect posture while studying, watching television and doing otherdaily activities. You must see that the weight of the body is balancedequally on both the legs.CONCEPT :Cultivation ofgood postureis essential.OBJECTIVE :To make the studentsunderstand theimportance ofmaintainingcorrect posture.MATERIALSREQUIRED :Pictures/diagramsdrawn onflash cards.MODE :GroupTIME REQUIRED :15 minutes64

Physical FitnessActivity : Good Posture !Background : A sound mind can exist only in a sound body. C<strong>or</strong>rectposture helps in avoiding various health problems.Methodology :Teacher will show flash cards showing right and wrongpostures and after discussing with students she divides them in<strong>to</strong>stacks of 'right' and 'wrong'.Observation/ Discussion :posture?Conclusion :Why is it imp<strong>or</strong>tant <strong>to</strong> maintain the rightC<strong>or</strong>rect posture helps the system and the <strong>or</strong>gans <strong>to</strong>develop in such a manner that <strong>or</strong>ganic and functional developmen<strong>to</strong>f the body takes place.Recapitulation :Inf<strong>or</strong>mal Assessment :Recall the technique of c<strong>or</strong>rect posture.Head, backbone, limbs are in perfect alignment.No strain is experienced by any part of the body.Key Messages :The system and the <strong>or</strong>gans of the body have <strong>to</strong> functionoptimally <strong>to</strong> cope with the daily stress and strife in life.Suggested Activities :Keep reminding yourself about the technique f<strong>or</strong>c<strong>or</strong>rect posture while studying, watching television and doing otherdaily activities. You must see that the weight of the body is balancedequally on both the legs.CONCEPT :Cultivation ofgood postureis essential.OBJECTIVE :To make the studentsunderstand theimp<strong>or</strong>tance ofmaintainingc<strong>or</strong>rect posture.MATERIALSREQUIRED :Pictures/diagramsdrawn onflash cards.MODE :GroupTIME REQUIRED :15 minutes64

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