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Behaviour And Life SkillsActivity : Developmen tBackground :Discussion would help student's curiosity <strong>to</strong> ebb. It also leads <strong>to</strong> anincrease in awareness level of students.Methodology :Minimum three experts from the fields can be invited. Principal,parent representative, school doc<strong>to</strong>r and counsell<strong>or</strong> also join thepanel. Students are encouraged <strong>to</strong> ask any question that may bepertaining <strong>to</strong> the subject. At the end experts are given opp<strong>or</strong>tunity<strong>to</strong> express their <strong>view</strong>points and inf<strong>or</strong>m about the neglected aspects.Observation/discussion :Increases awareness• Type of questions asked provides insight <strong>to</strong> policy makersregarding cause and effect relationship.Conclusion :Role models play an imp<strong>or</strong>tant role in moulding young minds andtheir <strong>view</strong>points help the students <strong>to</strong> internalize the good values.These kinds of activities motivate the students <strong>to</strong> emulate their rolemodels behavi<strong>or</strong>.Key Message :CONCEPT :Understanding the problemfrom an expert's <strong>view</strong>pointis m<strong>or</strong>e convincing thanothers.OBJECTIVE :To ensure that studentshave gained all thenecessary inf<strong>or</strong>mation,which help them <strong>to</strong> take upactive and safe life.MATERIALSREQUIRED :Room settingis imp<strong>or</strong>tantMODE :GroupOpen discussion widens the h<strong>or</strong>izons.Self-assessment :Follow the f<strong>or</strong>mat.• Talk <strong>to</strong> the expert if confused.TIME REQUIRED :1 hour• Approach a responsible adult, if in trouble.• Share their <strong>view</strong>s with friends, teachers and parents.Note <strong>to</strong> the teacher :Panel Discussion92A panel consists of a small group of six persons, who carry on a

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