residents' handbook - Moat

residents' handbook - Moat

residents' handbook - Moat

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A guide toyour home


1 WELCOMEIN THIS SECTIONWelcome to <strong>Moat</strong>A bit about usOur partnersOur commitment to youHow to contact us

WELCOMETO MOATWe’ve written this <strong>handbook</strong> so you haveeverything you need to help you enjoy livingin your home and neighbourhood. It’s full ofinformation we hope you’ll find useful, fromhow to access the services we offer, toyour rights and responsibilities under yourtenancy or lease, as well as some hints andtips to help you make the most of your<strong>Moat</strong> home * .If you have an equity loan from<strong>Moat</strong>, you’ll find information atwww.moat.co.uk/equityloans.We are always happy to listen to andanswer any questions you might have. Thebest way to contact us in the first instanceis via our website. See ‘How to contact us’on page 2 for details of how to get in touch.A BIT ABOUT US<strong>Moat</strong> is a leading housing associationoperating in the South East and parts ofLondon, providing high-quality, affordablehomes and services to thousands ofpeople. <strong>Moat</strong> is the Government'sappointed Local HomeBuy Agent forEssex, Kent and Sussex and we currentlyown or manage over 18,000 propertiesacross the region.We work in partnership with localauthorities and other organisationsto meet local housing needs and toprovide new homes for rent and sharedownership. We contribute towardscommunity regeneration, as well asproviding a range of other servicesfor people in our communities.All registered housing associations(including <strong>Moat</strong>) are regulated by theHomes and Communities Agency (HCA).We are also governed by our ownmanagement board, which includesresident members.<strong>Moat</strong> is a charitable organisation andany profits are re-invested to provideadditional affordable homes andservices for people who need them.*For more information about the terms and conditionsof your tenancy or lease, please refer to yourtenancy agreement or lease.1www.moat.co.ukWe work in partnership with localauthorities and other organisationsto meet local housing needs and toprovide new homes for rent andshared ownership.

OUR PARTNERSAt <strong>Moat</strong>, we want to ensure that thepeople we work with share our visionof delivering the best possible service.That’s why we only work with and supportcontractors, consultants, suppliers andpartners who share our commitment tocustomer service, our core values andwho appreciate the diverse make-up ofour neighbourhoods.OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU<strong>Moat</strong> exists to provide services toyou, our residents, as individuals andcommunities. To ensure the people weserve get the very best from us, wealways aim to put our customers at theheart of everything we do. And we taketime to listen, so that the decisions wemake are fair.To find out more about <strong>Moat</strong>’s servicestandards, you can read our ‘At yourservice’ booklet. To get a copy, pleasevisit www.moat.co.uk/servicestandards.HOW TO CONTACT USWe are here to help you, so if you haveany questions at all, please do contactus. There are several ways you can getin touch:ONLINEOur website has clear and simple detailsof our services, as well as a range ofuseful ‘How To’ guides and the latest<strong>Moat</strong> news. We have also created asecure residents’ section, My<strong>Moat</strong>, whichcan be used to access information aboutyour account and report repairs. To log inor to register, please visitwww.moat.co.uk/mymoat.BY PHONECall our Customer Service Centre on:0845 600 1006.The Customer Service Centre is openbetween 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.Our Customer Service Advisors are ableto respond to most enquiries.Alternatively, they can find the mostsuitable person to respond.We are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.www.moat.co.uk2

BY EMAILYou can contact: customer@moat.co.ukfor general enquiries such as repairs.We would like to send you information byemail so that we can get it to you quickly,and so we can reduce the costs ofprinting and postage. On top of that,emailing is better for the environment!We promise not to share your emailaddress with anyone else. Furthermore,we will only send you information that wethink may be of interest to you.We are always looking to increase thenumber and accuracy of email addressesfor all residents. We will ask you for youremail address if you contact us for anyother reason. Alternatively, please send anemail to customer@moat.co.uk telling us:Your full nameYour postal addressYour <strong>Moat</strong> reference (if you know it).Please include the words ‘My emailaddress’ in the subject header ofyour email.SOCIAL MEDIAMedia-savvy? You can follow uson Twitter: @moathomes or ‘like’us on Facebook: <strong>Moat</strong> Homes.Visit YouTube: <strong>Moat</strong> Homes.BY POSTOr you can write to us at:FREEPOSTRRCB-HHJS-LXXR<strong>Moat</strong>DartfordDA2 6QE3www.moat.co.ukMedia-savvy? You can follow uson Twitter: @moathomes or ‘like’us on Facebook: <strong>Moat</strong> Homes.Visit YouTube: <strong>Moat</strong> Homes.

IN AN EMERGENCYIf you need to speak to someone about anemergency repair outside of our standardoffice hours (8am-6pm), or on weekends,please wait to be redirected when callingour Customer Service Centre. Please notethat non-emergency repairs should onlybe reported during our standard officehours. Thank you.If you are a <strong>Moat</strong> leaseholder, you areresponsible for repairing and maintainingyour own home, including emergencyrepairs. However, you can report repairswhich affect the communal areas of yourresidence or shared areas of your estate.HOMEBUY CONTACT DETAILSOur HomeBuy services team iscontactable via:We are a member of Language Line, the24-hour telephone interpreting service.So, if you would like to speak to us in alanguage other than English, please callour Customer Service Centre and we willget an interpreter on the line as soon aspossible to help respond to your query.We can also give you information in otherformats to meet your needs, such as largeprint or on CD.THANK YOUWe would like to thank all of our residentswho contributed to the production of this<strong>handbook</strong>. We were pleased to listen toyour views and find out what you wantedto be included. If you have any feedbackon the new <strong>handbook</strong>, please get in touchvia feedback@moat.co.uk.www.HomeBuyOptions.co.ukEmail marketing@moat.co.ukTelephone 0845 359 6161Twitter: @HomeBuyUKFacebook: HomeBuyOptionsOTHER LANGUAGESWe have a number of bilingual staffwho are happy to discuss any queriesyou may have; alternatively, we canprovide essential information when yourequest it in a way which meets yourneeds. This may include arrangingfor essential information in this <strong>handbook</strong>to be translated into other languages.Please just ask.www.moat.co.uk4

2 YOUR TENANCYOR LEASEIN THIS SECTIONAll about tenanciesTypes of tenancyTenancies in more than one nameTransferring your tenancyMoving and sub-lettingMutual exchangeMoving outShared ownership and lodgersIn the event of a deathDemoted tenanciesTenancy fraud and tenancy auditsEviction

YOUR TENANCYOR LEASEBeing a <strong>Moat</strong> resident means there arecertain things you need to know – whatwe expect of you under your tenancy,for example. Look at your own tenancyagreement to find out which type oftenancy you have. Then read this sectionto find out about other issues which mayaffect you, from transferring tenanciesto sub-letting.ALL ABOUT TENANCIESWhen you became a <strong>Moat</strong> resident yousigned a tenancy agreement and a copyof the agreement was given to you. Thissets out the tenancy rights andresponsibilities for you and <strong>Moat</strong>. Yourtenancy agreement is a legal documentand you should keep it in a safe place tomake sure you can find it when needed.If you misplace your copy, we can supplya duplicate at a cost of £10.If leaseholders require a copy of theirlease, this can be downloaded from theLand Registry website, for which a feewill be charged.TYPES OF TENANCYThere are different types of tenancy, eachwith different rights and responsibilities:l If your tenancy started before15 January 1989, it is likely tobe a secure tenancy.l If your tenancy started after15 January 1989, it is likely to bean assured tenancy.l If your tenancy is for a short or fixedperiod of time, including those let ata discounted rent, it is likely to be anassured shorthold tenancy.l If you own a share in a <strong>Moat</strong> sharedownership property, then it is likelyto be a shared ownership lease.1 www.moat.co.uk

Most new residents who rent a propertyare given a starter tenancy. This usuallybecomes an assured tenancy oncompletion of one year's occupationwithout any tenancy breaches (eg rentarrears or anti-social behaviour). If you’renot sure which kind of tenancy you hold,you can either check your copy of thetenancy agreement or contact us.TENANCIES IN MORETHAN ONE NAMEIf you have a joint tenancy, you are bothresponsible for all the obligations of thetenancy. This includes paying the rent. Ifone person moves out, you are still jointlyresponsible for all obligations. If both jointtenants agree, you may be able to convertto a sole tenancy. However, if you andyour joint tenant can’t agree, we can’tmake this decision for you. You shouldalways consider getting legal advicebefore you make these decisions. Askus for advice if you are unsure.TRANSFERRINGYOUR TENANCYThis is the signing over of a tenancy fromone named person to another. The newresident takes over the rights andobligations set out in the tenancyLook at your own tenancy agreementto find out which type of tenancy youhave. Then read this section to find outabout other issues which may affectyou, from transferring tenancies tosub-letting.agreement. These can include mutualexchanges and transferring a jointtenancy to a sole tenancy. Only certaintenancy types are eligible and this canonly be done with our written permission.MOVING HOMEIf you feel your home is no longer suitablefor your needs, there are various wayswe can help you. Contact our HousingOptions team on 0845 600 1006 foradvice on how to register with your localauthority for a new home through ChoiceBased Lettings (CBL). Or you might wantto consider options such as Right toBuy/Right to Acquire, if your tenancyallows you to exercise one of those rights.As a <strong>Moat</strong> resident you are our numberone priority for any of our HomeBuyproperties. This could be a opportunity toget a foot on the housing ladder. At <strong>Moat</strong>we also give priority to grown-up childrenof families living in <strong>Moat</strong> rented homes.All <strong>Moat</strong> secured or assured residentsare allowed to register on our internaltransfer list for a move to another homeproviding they have been in their presenthome for at least 12 months. People withlicences, starter or assured shortholdtenancies are not able to register onthe transfer list. However, residents insupported housing who hold assuredshorthold tenancies and who no longerrequire support, will be allowed to register.www.moat.co.uk2

If you wish to transfer, you must notowe any rent or other sundry debts tous, such as repair recharges, or havekept to an agreement to clear any arrearsfor a minimum of six months. If you areoffered a move to another <strong>Moat</strong> property,an agreement to pay arrears owed at thetime of moving will be included in your newtenancy agreement and the arrears will betransferred onto your new rent account.You will be asked to sign a statementdeclaring that the information you give usis correct. If you give false information yourisk losing your home.MUTUAL EXCHANGEYou can apply to exchange your homeby swapping tenancies with another <strong>Moat</strong>resident, or another housing associationor local authority resident. Please notethis does not apply to residents with anassured shorthold tenancy.Before you exchange, you must firstcomplete an application form andreceive our written permission. Permissionto exchange may be refused in certaincircumstances, including rent arrears,or any other breach of the tenancyagreement. We may also refuse if yourproperty is not suitable for the size of thehousehold who want to move into it.You will have a home inspection and signan agreement saying you will put yourexisting property into good order beforemoving out. The new property, includinggardens, will be 'taken as seen'. We donot carry out repairs for the first sixmonths unless there is a health and safetyrisk. A gas and electricity safety checkmust be carried out before the exchangetakes place. The new resident will beinformed of any 'gifted' items (egconservatory, shed, shower, etc.) forwhich they will become responsible.In the case of sheltered residentswishing to mutually exchange, a needsassessment would need to be conductedbetween the two properties. Residents insupported housing cannot mutuallyexchange their homes.There is a national website for peoplelooking to exchange homes. If you wouldlike further information on how this works,visit www.Homeswapper.co.uk or call ourCustomer Service Centre.3 www.moat.co.uk

MOVING OUT OF YOURRENTED HOMEIf you decide to end your tenancy, youmust give us at least four weeks notice,expiring on a Sunday (exceptions applyincluding discounted rent tenancies). Ifyou are unsure, please call our HousingOptions team on 0845 600 1006. You willneed to complete and return an End ofTenancy Notice and we ask that you giveus your forwarding address.When you leave you must:l Clear your home, including any loftspaces, sheds and garages.l Remove and dispose of floor coveringsthat you have fitted, unless they are ingood condition and we give youpermission to leave them.l Put right any damage, for examplefilling in holes in walls where shelveshave been.l Clean all surfaces, including the bath,toilet, sinks and kitchen units.l Gardens should be left tidy and clearedof all rubbish.We will inspect your home before youleave and tell you what you need to do.If you don’t do the above, we will haveto put things right and charge you for thecost of the work, including any materialswe use, so it makes sense to do the workyourself.We will expect you, wherever possible, toagree to us carrying out viewings at yourproperty with prospective tenants duringthe notice period. This enables us to reletthe property as quickly as possible, whichcould mean a reduction in the noticeperiod required. This would be an idealopportunity for you to discuss leaving anybelongings that you are unable to disposeof with the future tenant.l Ensure any non-standard light fittingsare removed by a suitably qualifiedperson. These should be replaced withstandard fittings.l Leave decorations, paint and wallpaperin good order.We are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.www.moat.co.uk4

There are a few other things you shoulddo before you leave:l Read any gas, electric and watermeters and send the readings to yoursuppliers, so they can close theiraccounts with you.l Tell your local council to cancel orre-direct your council tax bill.l Tell your telephone and televisionservice providers.l Tell the post office to re-direct your post.l Make sure the property is secure –windows shut, doors locked. Ensureyou hand over all keys to <strong>Moat</strong>.l Make sure all taps are turned off andnot dripping.l If you remove any gas appliances youown, you must ensure the pipe work isleft in a safe condition and capped offby a Gas Safe registered fitter.l Pay your rent up to the last day ofyour tenancy.If your tenancy ends on a Sunday, all keysmust be returned to us on or before 12noon the following working day (Monday).If you do not return your keys, we willhave to charge you for the cost ofchanging the locks and the extra rent dueuntil the keys are returned. We also haveto charge you for removing anything froman empty property, as well as for anyrepairs identified. Residents withdiscounted rent tenancies will only berefunded their deposit if they have leftthe property to the required standard.SHARED OWNERSHIP –RESALESIf you are a <strong>Moat</strong> shared owner and youneed to move to a different-sized propertyor to another area, you will need to marketyour home through <strong>Moat</strong>’s Resales team.Information about resales is availableonline at www.moat.co.uk/Resales.LODGERS AND SUB-LETTINGYou may take in lodgers as long as yourtenancy allows and this does not resultin your home becoming overcrowded.A lodger would live as part of yourhousehold. If you receive housing benefit,you must inform the housing benefitdepartment at your local authority office.You may sub-let part of your home ortake in lodgers provided that:l You have our written permission.l You do not sub-let your entire home.5 www.moat.co.uk

SHARED OWNERSHIP –TAKING IN A LODGERThe terms of your shared ownership leasedo not stop you from taking in a payingguest or a lodger, providing you are alsostill living there and it is your main home.Shared ownership is supposed to provideaccommodation to meet your residentialneeds, not business needs. For example,we do not expect your home to be usedas commercial bed and breakfastaccommodation.If you take in a lodger or payingguest, you must not draw up a tenancyagreement with them as this may grantthem rights of occupation.Please tell us if you want to take in alodger or a paying guest. You shouldalso tell your mortgage lender, insurancecompanies (buildings and contents),managing agent and local tax office.For more information about rentinga room to a lodger, please read:‘Letting rooms in your home:A guide for resident landlords.’For more information about rentinga room to a lodger, please read:‘Letting rooms in your home: A guidefor resident landlords.’SHARED OWNERSHIP –PERMISSION TO SUB-LETYOUR HOMESub-letting of shared ownershiphomes is not allowed except in very rarecircumstances, defined as ‘exceptional’.We are duty-bound to protect publicfunds and ensure that people allocatedaffordable homes are not benefitingfrom commercial gain.If you sub-let your home without writtenagreement from <strong>Moat</strong> then you are inbreach of the terms of your sharedownership lease; we will take actionforcing you to terminate the sub-let.Sub-letting without permission is veryserious and, if we have to, we will takelegal action and pursue the matterthrough the Courts. By breaching theterms of your lease, you risk losingyour home.If you feel your circumstances areexceptional, we will consider a requestfrom you to sub-let your shared ownershiphome. We expect these requests tobe rare and will consider them on acase-by-case basis. It is <strong>Moat</strong>’s decisionas to whether we agree to the request ornot and any agreement will be subject toa number of conditions that are outlinedat www.moat.co.uk/sub-letting. We willonly grant permission on the basis thatyou use the agreed period to sort out thecircumstances that make occupation ofyour property impractical.www.moat.co.uk6

Requests to sub-let based upon marketconditions or any reductions in the valueof your property are not consideredexceptional and permission to sub-letwill not be granted.If we agree to your request to sub-let yourhome, agreement will be for a period ofsix months only. An extension up to amaximum of 12 months may be requestedwith a further application.If you are granted permission to sub-letyour shared ownership property, we arerequired to issue formal documentssupporting the permission. Thesedocuments are legally binding and areissued by solicitors, the costs of whichwill be borne by the shared ownerrequesting permission to sub-let.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEREIS A DEATH IN THE HOUSEHOLDWhat we need to knowWhether the property is rented or undershared ownership, if you are informingus of the death of a relative or friend, weappreciate it is a time of great sadnessand the tenancy or ownership of the leasewill not feel like your biggest concern.However, to ensure we can make theprocess as simple and efficient aspossible, we will need:l The resident's name.l The address of their property.l The date the resident died.l A copy of the death certificate.l Copy of will (if applicable) orletter of administration.l Your name, address andtelephone number.7www.moat.co.ukPeople with discounted rent tenancieswill only be refunded their deposit ifthey have left the property to therequired standard.

If you are the executor or personalrepresentative of the resident, you willneed to fill in an End of Tenancy Notice andgive four weeks notice ending on a Sunday(where applicable). We will considershortening this notice if next of kin are ableto return the property to us sooner, but youmust get agreement from our HousingOptions Team. If the resident was claiminghousing benefit to help pay for the rent, thiswill stop at the end of the week the deathoccurred. But the full rent for the propertywill be charged until the tenancy is endedor, if under shared ownership, will bepayable by the new leaseholder.You can get more information from ourHome Ownership team.Rented tenanciesIf a resident dies, the tenancy may pass totheir partner if they are living together at thetime of death. This is known as succession.If there is no partner, we may in certaincircumstances allow the tenancy to passto an adult member of the family, providedthe adult has lived with the resident forthe year immediately before death. In theevent of the property being unsuitablefor their needs, they will be offeredalternative accommodation.We will ask to see proof of residencyfor the previous year. Usually only onesuccession is allowed per tenancy. Pleasecall the Customer Service Centre if youhave any questions.Shared ownershipIf a resident in a shared ownershipproperty dies and the lease is in jointnames, the lease transfers into thesole name of the remaining leaseholder.If the lease is in a sole name, and theleaseholder has left a will, the lease is leftto the person/s named in the will and/orprobate. If there is no will, you will needto seek legal advice.DEMOTED TENANCIESDemoted tenancies were introduced by theAnti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 and can beused to deal with anti-social behaviour.They instigate a two-stage regime entitling<strong>Moat</strong> to apply to demote an otherwisesecure tenancy and then during thisdemoted period seek possession of theproperty. The type of notice to be servedto seek a Demotion Order differsdepending on the type of tenancy:Once a tenancy has been demoted, thetenant may lose a number of rights. Forexample, in the case of a secure tenancy,the right to buy and the right to exchangetheir home.If you are the executor or personalrepresentative of the resident, you willneed to fill in an End of Tenancy Noticeand give four weeks notice ending on aSunday (where applicable).www.moat.co.uk8

By the very nature of a demoted tenancy,<strong>Moat</strong> is in a much stronger position togain possession of the property. Thereis no need to establish any grounds forpossession, nor is it even necessary toprove that the tenant has been continuingin his/her anti-social or illegal behaviour.However, <strong>Moat</strong> will always strive to avoideviction where the behaviour and breachhas been amended.TENANCY FRAUD ANDTENANCY AUDITSTenancy fraud refers to a situation wherethe registered tenant has breached certainterms of their tenancy agreement.Tenancy fraud can be dealt with as botha civil and a criminal matter by housingassociations and local authorities. Theultimate sanction by <strong>Moat</strong> is eviction.Tenancy fraud is generally defined as:1. Not using the property as the ‘sole orprincipal home’. This includes:l Abandoning the property, ie,moving out with no intentionto come back.l Succeeding or assigningthe property, without<strong>Moat</strong>’s permission.2. Attempting to obtain a property usingfalse statements, for example, falselyclaiming to be homeless or providingfalse information on a housingregistration form or system.3. Attempting to obtain a property byusing false documents, for example,using a forged passport or claimingto be someone else in order toaccess affordable housing.One of the ways <strong>Moat</strong>, like other housingassociations, checks for tenancy fraud isthrough carrying out tenancy audits wherewe visit to check the right people areliving in the right property. Where we haveconcerns we investigate each case andliaise with the local authority. Visits canbe unannounced but usually take lessthan 15 minutes.l Unlawfully sub-letting theentire property.9 www.moat.co.uk

EVICTIONWe only evict as a last resort, but it isreally important that you talk to us asearly as possible if you have anyproblems paying your rent, or withany other aspect of your tenancy.If you are in danger of eviction, you will bereferred to agencies who can provide youwith the support you need.If you are a shared owner facing financialdifficulties, please contact us immediatelybefore your financial situation worsens.One option is that we could buy backpart of your share in the property – forexample, if you own 50%, we sometimesbuy back 25%. In this example yourmortgage payments would go down,but your rent would go up proportionately.On rare occasions we consider buyingback your shared ownership home andrenting it to you. Or you could considerselling your home through <strong>Moat</strong>’sresales service.In our experience, the sooner you tell usabout your financial difficulties, the morelikely it is that we can help you find apositive solution to your housing needs.So please don’t be afraid to ask for help.We would much rather you remain livingin your home than risk losing it throughrepossession if you stop paying yourmortgage, your rent or service charges.We can give you useful advice on whatto do next. We can also put you in touchwith an FSA (Financial Services Authority)registered independent mortgage advisorwho could explore a number of optionswith you.From our experience, the sooner youtell us about your financial difficulties,the more likely it is that we can helpyou find a positive solution to yourhousing needs.www.moat.co.uk10

3 BUYINGYOUR HOMEIN THIS SECTIONRight to buy and right to acquireHomeBuy: Making buying affordableDo I qualify for HomeBuy?Summary of HomeBuy optionsHow to apply

BUYINGYOUR HOMEWe want to make it as easy as possiblefor you to buy your home, should youwish to do so. This section has adviceon what to do and outlines the supportyou can access to help make it happen.There are various ways you could buy thehome you live in.RIGHT TO BUY AND RIGHTTO ACQUIREIf your tenancy conditions allow you to,you can exercise your Right to Buy orRight to Acquire. Other options may beavailable to allow you to buy the homeyou live in. All these options come witha number of terms and conditions.Please check with us first and wewill explain these to you.As a <strong>Moat</strong> resident, you are given firstpriority to get a foot on the propertyladder through <strong>Moat</strong>’s HomeBuy options.This also applies to people working withincertain qualifying roles with the Ministry ofDefence. This could be your opportunityto get your foot on the housing ladder.Everybody who is a housing associationor local authority resident is awardedthis priority. It is a priority set by theGovernment for all HomeBuy options,to encourage home owners. This priorityapplies to all HomeBuy options,regardless of which housing associationyou may choose to buy a home from.At <strong>Moat</strong> we also give priority togrown-up children of families livingin <strong>Moat</strong> rented homes.Have a look at the homes available,brand-new and resales, on our HomeBuywebsite at www.HomeBuyOptions.co.uk.1 www.moat.co.ukWe want to make it as easy aspossible for you to buy your home,should you wish to do so.

If you are renting a discounted rent homeand wish to buy it, please get in touchand we will discuss this with you. Wewould expect you to use the saving onthe rent to save up towards a mortgagedeposit. You could use this to buy a shareeither in that property, or in anotherproperty through HomeBuy options. Ifyou’re not sure which would be best foryou, have a chat with one of our advisors.ABOUT HOMEBUY: MAKINGBUYING AFFORDABLEHomeBuy is a Government initiative thathelps people who can’t afford to buy aproperty suitable for their needs on theopen market. HomeBuy also helps peoplewho want to rent a property but who can’tafford market rents.We are the Government’s appointedLocal HomeBuy Agent for Essex, Kentand Sussex, so we can help you throughthe process. To apply for HomeBuy youwill need to fill in an application viawww.HomeBuy.co.uk. <strong>Moat</strong> has anumber of homes and options to help youget your foot on the property ladder; otherhousing associations do, too. In London,options similar to HomeBuy are called‘FIRST STEPS’; information is availableat www.FIRSTSTEPSLondon.org.As Local HomeBuy Agent, we will shareyour application details with other housingproviders as they may also haveproperties that suit your needs.DO I QUALIFY FOR HOMEBUY?To qualify for HomeBuy, you need to havea household income of less than £60,000.Most people who buy a property withHomeBuy earn a lot less than this. 66% **of HomeBuy applicants earn between£16,000 and £35,000 per annum. You willbe eligible if you cannot afford to buy aproperty that suits your needs *** withoutHomeBuy assistance.You also need to raise a deposit for yourmortgage. This is usually at least 5% ofthe share value, so for example:If the property you wish to buy has a fullmarket value of £150,000:And you buy a 25% share, this equatesto £37,500.A 5% mortgage deposit on this shareis £1,875.A 10% mortgage deposit on this shareis £3,750.The higher the mortgage deposit you putdown, the more likely it is that you can geta better mortgage rate from yourmortgage lender.**This statistic is correct as at March 2012.***HomeBuy purchasers are eligible to buy a home withone bedroom in excess of their household’s needs.www.moat.co.uk2

We will put you in touch with FSAregistered independent mortgageadvisors to help you apply for a mortgage.In the current economic climate, takingout a mortgage is difficult unless you havemanaged to save up for a sufficientdeposit and your credit history is ‘clean’.Bear this in mind if you think you mightwant to buy a home of your ownsometime in the future.We also give priority for HomeBuy if youare local to the area where you wish tobuy a property, ie, you either live in thatarea, or work in it, or both. Please visitwww.HomeBuy.co.uk.HERE’S A SUMMARY OF THEMAIN HOMEBUY OPTIONS **** ...l Shared ownership – new homesoffers brand-new homes for saleon a part-buy/part-rent basis.Shares starting at 25% are available.You pay a subsidised rent on theremaining share.l Shared ownership – resales. Whenshared owners wish to sell their homes,these are offered for sale. You couldpurchase one of the shares and ownthe home on a shared ownership basis.Homes available as resales vary in size,age and type.l Equity loans – FirstBuy offers equityloans to first-time buyers to purchasea new-build home from a privatedeveloper on selected housingdevelopments.With FirstBuy, you purchase a minimumof 80% of the market value of a newhome. An equity loan of up to 20% isprovided to assist with your purchase;there are no interest payments due forthis loan for the first five years.Other HomeBuy options, with limitedavailability, include:Rent to Buy and Discountedrent/Intermediate rent offer homes torent for an agreed period of time with theexpectation that you will save up for adeposit to buy a share of the propertyat the end of the rental period.****HomeBuy options (including eligibility conditions)are subject to change. The information in this<strong>handbook</strong> is correct as at March 2012.3www.moat.co.uk

OPSO (Older People’s SharedOwnership) – Some shared ownershipschemes are for people over the age of55 only.HOLD (Home Ownership for peoplewith Long-term Disabilities) – HOLD isa shared ownership option designed toprovide independent living opportunitiesfor people with long-term disabilities.HOW TO APPLYThe quickest way to apply is online.Please visit www.HomeBuy.co.uk, orcontact our HomeBuy Services team.You can also find out more aboutour HomeBuy services on Facebook(HomeBuy Options) and Twitter(@HomeBuyUK). We welcome <strong>Moat</strong>residents who like our page orfollow us.We will put you in touch with FSAregistered independent mortgageadvisors to help you apply fora mortgage.www.moat.co.uk4

4 REPAIRINGYOUR HOMEIN THIS SECTIONRepairing and maintainingyour home – rented homesContacting our repairs serviceRepairs contractYour duties and responsibilitiesRepair priorities and timescalesMissed appointment compensationMissed appointment chargesChargeable repairsAssisted Decorations ProgrammeCyclical Redecorationscontinued overleaf

4IN THIS SECTION continuedConsultation with FreeholdersLeaseholders and Shared OwnersAerials and communal TV licencesYour own improvements and alterationsCompensation for your improvements(rented tenancies only)Condensation and dampAsbestosGas servicing and annual safety checkRepairing and maintaining your home– shared owners and leaseholdersImprovements and alterations to your home– shared owners and leaseholders

REPAIRINGYOUR HOMEWe try to make it as easy as possiblefor you to use our service to get repairssorted out quickly. This means you canenjoy living in your home and we cankeep our homes in good condition forthe future. This section explains howwe deal with day-to-day repairs(sometimes called ‘responsive repairs’)in or around your home.REPAIRING AND MAINTAININGYOUR HOME – RENTED HOMESContacting our repairs serviceIf you want to report a repair or get helpor advice, call our Customer ServiceCentre from Monday to Friday between8am and 6pm on 0845 600 1006. You canalso email us at: customer@moat.co.uk orgo to our website: www.moat.co.uk toreport a repair online. For emergenciesoutside of office hours please call ourCustomer Service Centre and wait to beredirected to our out-of-hours service.Repairs contractWe entered into a 10-year partneringcontract with Mears on 1 April 2011 forthe delivery of a responsive repairsservice. Their service covers:l All day-to-day (responsive) repairsusually raised by our CustomerService Centre.l All void works – see the voidspecification for details. A void is whena tenant vacates a property and weneed to prepare it for the new tenant.1 www.moat.co.uk

You have the right to claim compensationfor any repairs that are not carried outwithin a set timescale. Residents ofhousing associations can use the ‘Rightto Repair Scheme’ to claim compensationfor repairs that affect health and safetyand security or which are not carried outwithin a set timescale.This right to repair is a contractual rightgiven to all residents. It allows you theright to take action when certain repairsup to the value of £350 have not beencompleted within agreed responsetimes. For example, you might be paidcompensation if we fail to carry out arepair in the target time and failed todo so again after you have made afurther request.YOUR DUTIES ANDRESPONSIBILITIESUnder the terms of the Housing Act 1985,unless you have recognised specialneeds, you are responsible for and haveto pay the cost of repairing the followingitems (unless the damage is due to theage of the fitting or appliance, ie, fairwear and tear).Carpentryl Front and back door locks, includingreplacing keys.l Internal doors, locks, hinges andhandles. Some tenancies may includethese items; please check your tenancyagreement or check with us.l Rehanging doors when new carpetsare fitted.l Letterboxes, door numbers, securitychains and doorbells.l Replacing or repairing damagedkitchen units, including cupboarddoors, shelves and handles.l Window and door locks if your keysare lost or stolen, you are locked out orhave been broken into (unless you geta crime number from the police).l Any handles or other items on yourfront door that we did not supply.Plumbingl Toilet seats and covers.l Plugs and chains in baths, basinsand sinks.l Cleaning stains on sinks, baths,showers and lavatories.l Replacing broken or damaged sinks,baths, showers and toilets.l Shower hoses and shower heads.l Unblocking sinks, baths and basins.We are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.www.moat.co.uk2

Glazingl Broken windows, unless you havea police crime reference number forthem. Remember that false reportingof a crime is an offence: the policeinvestigate all reports of burglary.l Broken internal windows.It is your responsibility to keep the insideof your home decorated and when youmove out, to leave it in good condition.We will inspect your home during thecourse of your tenancy, and if you don’tkeep your home and garden in goodcondition, we may serve you with aNotice of Seeking Possession whichmeans you could lose your home.If when you leave your property, it needsextra work to bring it up to a lettablestandard, we will have to charge youfor the costs of these extra works, soit makes sense to keep your homeclean and tidy.REPAIR PRIORITIESAND TIMESCALESWhen you report a repair, you will beoffered an appointment at a time that isconvenient to you (as long the contractoris available).Repairs which are health and safetyrelated must be attended to within 24hours. A contractor will attend within 24hours to ‘make safe’ and a further visitmay be required to complete the works.When you report an emergency repair youmust do your best to contain the situation.For example, you might need to turn offthe water supply. You must also be thereto let us in straight away when we visit.Our repair appointment slots are currentlyMonday to Friday:l 8am and 1pm for early appointments.l 1pm and 5pm for late appointments.l Two-hour appointment slots on request.l All-day appointment, between8am and 5pm.3 www.moat.co.uk

MISSED APPOINTMENTCOMPENSATIONOn rare occasions, we may have to cancelan appointment. If this happens, and wedo not give you two days notice, we willgive you £20 in compensation.MISSED APPOINTMENTCHARGESIf we make an appointment with youand you are not in when we come at theagreed time, we will leave a card askingyou to phone the Customer ServiceCentre and we will charge you £20.We will only process health and safetyrelated repairs until this charge is paid,so it’s really important that you do soas soon as possible.CHARGEABLE REPAIRSIf a repair is needed because of damagecaused by you, your family or yourvisitors, it is your responsibility to put itright. You may either do the repair yourselfor pay for someone else to do it. If you failto complete the repair within a reasonabletime frame we may carry out the work onyour behalf and you will be recharged. Ifyou ask us to complete the repair for youwe will charge you and we will usually askfor payment upfront.ASSISTED DECORATIONSPROGRAMMEWe understand that sometimes residentsare unable to decorate the interiors oftheir homes either due to a disability orfinancial situation. Therefore, we offera scheme where you can apply for oneroom to be decorated each year, freeof charge. Our Property Services Teammanage the contractors who carry outthis work. Applications for the schemeshould be made via the Customer ServiceCentre, who will tell you if you qualifyto take part in the scheme.CYCLICAL REDECORATIONSWe aim to redecorate the external andcommunal areas of all properties everyfive to seven years, depending on theircondition. The work is done to keep thebuilding in good condition, to maintainthe value of your home and to keeprepairs to a minimum.On rare occasions, we may haveto cancel an appointment. If thishappens, and we do not giveyou two days notice, we willgive you £20 in compensation.www.moat.co.uk4

<strong>Moat</strong> will notify you in writing if you are duefor cyclical works in the coming year. Onceprices have been quoted for the work youwill be notified of the successful contractorand given notice of when the works aredue to start. These will typically be carriedout between April and November.CONSULTATION WITHFREEHOLDERS,LEASEHOLDERS ANDSHARED OWNERSThe Commonhold and Leasehold ReformAct 2002 requires that residents whopartly own or wholly own their homeand pay <strong>Moat</strong> a service charge, mustbe consulted before procurement of thecyclical redecorations can take place.<strong>Moat</strong> carry out three stages of notificationfor leaseholders and shared owners.AERIALS AND COMMUNALTV LICENCESWritten permission from <strong>Moat</strong> needs to begiven prior to any aerial, satellite dish orcommunication equipment being erectedon your home. <strong>Moat</strong> will request you toremove any unauthorised equipment.<strong>Moat</strong> is responsible for repairing andmaintaining shared/communal aerialsystems. If you rent your property, you arecharged for this service within your rent.Within our apartments we will supply atleast one television aerial point to yourlounge with any additional points to beinstalled/maintained by you. Any repairscall-outs that are found to relate toresidents’ own equipment will be charged.If you live in a house/bungalow that is notcovered by a shared/communal system,it is your responsibility. Once permissionhas been given it must be installed by aqualified contractor who is suitablycovered by insurance.YOUR OWN IMPROVEMENTSAND ALTERATIONS<strong>Moat</strong> rented homesAll residents with secure or assuredtenancies have the right to do some minoralterations and improvements to theirhomes, such as fitting a new bath. Youmust always get our written permissionbefore undertaking any works.5 www.moat.co.uk

If you would like to carry out animprovement, please call our CustomerService Centre who will guide you throughthe simple application process. Asurveyor may need to visit you to ensurewe understand exactly what will changeand how it will affect the property (onlynecessary for more complex alterations).Once we have approved your request, ourpermission letter will set out clearly whathas been agreed and with whom. Youmust keep this for your records. Sometypes of alteration or improvement alsoneed planning permission or buildingcontrol approval or both, and there arecosts involved in getting these.Please remember, we have the legal rightto make you put the property back to howit was to start with at your own expense ifyou do any work without our permission.COMPENSATION FOR YOURIMPROVEMENTS (RENTEDTENANCIES ONLY)When you move out of your homeyou can claim compensation forimprovements you have made. Pleaserefer to our Right to Improve policy forfull details. We may pay compensation forall or part of the cost of improvements if:l You give one month's noticebefore leaving.l You have written permission beforethe improvement was made.l The improvement is still noticeableand working properly.l The work improved the propertyand is acceptable to us.Where you have made alterations orimprovements without permission andwe find they are unsatisfactory, we willtell you what you should do and confirmthis in writing. You will be allowed to dowork to put them right at your ownexpense within a given timescale. Wherealterations and improvements were madewithout permission but are satisfactory,you will still be required to apply forretrospective permission for the alterationor improvement and will not be eligiblefor compensation.Condensation and dampMost of the damp and mould problemsreported to us are in fact related tocondensation. This is a common problemand occurs mostly during cold weatherspells, regardless of whether it is rainingor not, and when homes have windowsand doors closed for long periods of theday to keep out the cold.Please remember, we have the legalright to make you put the propertyback to how it was to start with atyour own expense if you do anywork without our permission.www.moat.co.uk6

Here are some steps which can helpreduce condensation:Reduce moistureBathing, washing and cooking allproduce moisture which cannot beavoided. Simple changes can helpto tackle condensation dampness.Here are a few things you can do:l Keep lids on saucepans while cookingl Tumble-dryers should be vented tothe outsidel Avoid the use of bottled gas andparaffin heaters as these producehigh levels of vapourl Put washing to dry outside whenpossiblel When creating steam in thekitchen/bathroom, open windowsand close doors to these rooms.Increase ventilationIt may sound obvious, but to helpmoist air escape, simply open a window.It’s possible to have a little ventilationwithout making you uncomfortable orthe room cold.HeatingCondensation is most likely to bea problem in homes which areunder-heated. Try to keep temperaturesin all rooms above 15°C as this will reducecondensation forming on external walls.ASBESTOSProvided asbestos-containing materialsare kept in good condition and remainundisturbed, they can be left in place untilthe property is refurbished. We have verystrict rules regarding encapsulation andremoval of such substances and have anongoing programme of surveys to identifymaterials that contain asbestos. <strong>Moat</strong>also keeps a register of all asbestoscontained within our buildings.You can help to reduce risk and protectyourself and our workers byfollowing these guidelines:l Don't carry out DIY, such as drilling,sanding, cutting or scraping of anypanel, board, wall or surface unlessyou are absolutely certain what it ismade from.l If you suspect you have foundasbestos, avoid any contact, close alldoors and windows, tell anybody in thevicinity to get out and call theCustomer Service Centre without delay.7 www.moat.co.uk

l Report any damage or vandalism toyour home immediately. Exposure overa period of time can pose a danger toyou and your neighbours.l Please be patient as we work toidentify asbestos risks and make themsafe, particularly when we are carryingout repairs to your home.GAS SERVICING AND ANNUALSAFETY CHECKIt is a legal requirement that we carryout an annual gas safety inspection onall rented homes. Shared owners andleaseholders are responsible for carryingout these checks. Shared owners andleaseholders can take advantage of aspecial rate agreed with our partneringcontractor BSW for such servicing (seenext page for contact details).We employ a Gas Safe registeredcontractor to check and service gasappliances. Unsafe gas appliances cancreate a risk of carbon monoxidepoisoning. It is critical we service yourgas heating appliances once every yearto ensure this risk does not occur. We willonly carry out a visual inspection of yourcooker. If it is found to be defective, wewill disconnect it from the gas supply.Please note that it is your responsibility toensure that it is working correctly.REPAIRING AND MAINTAININGYOUR HOME – SHAREDOWNERS AND LEASEHOLDERS<strong>Moat</strong> shared owners and leaseholders areresponsible for repairing and maintainingtheir own homes, so if you are a sharedowner or a leaseholder, most of theinformation in this section does not applyto you. However, please note the sectionregarding improvements or alterations toyour home.If you live in an apartment and pay aservice charge to <strong>Moat</strong>, our obligation isto maintain the communal areas of yourblock. Where your service charge is paiddirectly to a managing agent, <strong>Moat</strong> is notnormally liable for any repairs. If you’renot sure, please check with us.As a home owner you are responsiblefor all measures to ensure your home is asafe place to live. This includes checks forgas and electric safety, as well as checkson your heating system, etc.We have arranged a special deal for<strong>Moat</strong> shared owners and leaseholdersto receive some essential services at acompetitive price.Shared owners and leaseholderscan take advantage of a specialrate agreed with our partneringcontractor BSW.www.moat.co.uk8

BSW Heating, one of our main servicecontractors, is offering shared ownersand leaseholders a comprehensivecentral-heating maintenance contractand regular gas safety checks. This wouldbe a direct contract between yourself andBSW Heating.The service will be available to most <strong>Moat</strong>shared owners and leaseholders, with theexception of some residents living outsidethe BSW Heating main operating area,including parts of the South West ofEngland.If you would like more information,please contact BSW Heating directon 020 8763 5333 or visitwww.bsw-heating.com.IMPROVEMENTS ANDALTERATIONS TO YOURHOME – SHARED OWNERSAND LEASEHOLDERSBy becoming a shared owner you signup to a ‘fully repairing lease’. This meansyou accept responsibility for all repairsand maintenance on the property as acondition of the purchase. Although youpay rent to <strong>Moat</strong>, you live in the homeas a home owner. If you pay for anyimprovements that add value to yourproperty, you gain the benefit from thesewhen you eventually staircase or sellthe property.It is important that you register anyimprovements with us that add valueto your property. By doing this we canmake sure you benefit from your owninvestment in any added value when youstaircase. Not all improvements add valueto your property; check with our specialistteams who will advise you on whatimprovements may add value, and whichones are unlikely to. Fees are payable to<strong>Moat</strong> for services related to improvementsand necessary licences.To ensure the terms of your lease are notbreached, we will need to issue a Licencefor Alterations before any major works onyour property progress. This is a formaldocument that is issued by our solicitors.The Licence for Alterations safeguardsyour position as a shared owner orleaseholder with an equal interest inthe value and condition of your home,as well as to protect <strong>Moat</strong>’s interest inthe property.9 www.moat.co.uk

Here’s a summary of the process:For straightforward improvementssuch as the installation of new kitchens,bathrooms or double glazing, please sendcopies of receipts or invoices to provethat the work has been completed.We will record and register these.If you are considering substantialimprovements to your home, you willneed to contact us to outline your plansin detail. Please call us first to discussyour plans and the process. We will thenneed some information from you in writingbefore we can issue the Licence forAlterations. We advise you not to incurany costs before you have writtenapproval from us to proceed with anysubstantial improvements work. A fee ispayable to <strong>Moat</strong> for the service to recordand register your improvements and issuethe Licence for Alterations.Here is a list of the information anddocuments we will need from you beforewe can issue a Licence for Alterations:l Confirmation from your local authoritythat planning permission has beenobtained, or is not required.l Confirmation from building control thatbuilding regulations have been checkedand met, if appropriate.l If you have had plans or drawingsprepared, please forward copies to us.We recommend that you checkthe government websitewww.planningportal.gov.uk. Thiscontains useful information on theplanning process. You should also takeadvice from your local planning office.For straightforward improvementssuch as the installation of newkitchens, bathrooms or double glazing,please send copies of receipts orinvoices to prove that the work hasbeen completed.www.moat.co.uk10


DEALING WITHEMERGENCIESSometimes, things don’t quite goaccording to plan. When this happens,we are here to give you the advice andsupport you need to put things right.This section covers a few of theproblems that can occur, so why notread through, so you’re equipped todeal with any emergency.FIREIn the event of fire:l Close the door to the room wherethe fire is. This will help contain it andrestrict potentially poisonous fumes.l Do not stop to collect anything.Remember that your escape route maybe cut off very quickly.l If your exit is cut off, close the door ofthe room and seal it with a blanket orrug to prevent fire and smoke. Dial 999if you can and call for help from awindow.l Alert any neighbours who could be atrisk from the fire.GAS LEAKIf you smell gas:l Put out cigarettes. Do not usematches or naked flames.l Do not operate electrical switchesor doorbells.l Open all doors and windows andkeep open.l Check to see if a gas tap has beenleft on accidentally, or if a pilot lighthas gone out.l Phone your gas supplier or theNational Grid on 0800 111 999.l Once out of the property, and theemergency services have been notified,if possible phone our Customer ServiceCentre on 0845 600 1006.1 www.moat.co.ukWe are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.

BURST PIPESIf you have a burst pipe:l Turn the water off at the stopcock.Find out now where the stopcock isand check it can be turned. If not,call us immediately.l Switch off the electricity at the mains.l Switch off any hot water heaters.l Switch off the central-heating system.If you have a solid fuel fire or system,let the fire die down. Do not attemptto drain the boiler unless the fire hasgone out.l Phone our Customer Service Centreon 0845 600 1006.FROZEN PIPESl Turn off the water at the stopcock.l Open all taps to sinks and baths.l If possible, collect water in the bathfor flushing the toilet and for washing.For communal areas and rentedproperties, phone our CustomerService Team on 0845 600 1006.www.moat.co.uk2

6 MONEY MATTERSIN THIS SECTIONPaying rent and service chargesHow rents and charges are setShared ownershipPayment methodsWhat will happen if I can't pay my rent?Help with welfare benefits

MONEYMATTERSAt <strong>Moat</strong>, we’re always one step ahead.That includes finding the most easy andefficient ways for you to pay your rent.Simply call our Customer Service Centreand let them help you set up your paymentquickly and efficiently leaving you to geton with your day.PAYING RENT AND SERVICECHARGESIt is important that you pay your rent andservice charges on time and in advance.Rent arrears are a serious matter and yourisk losing your home if payments arenot made.All rent is due in advance regardlessof whether you are in receipt of housingbenefit or not. As housing benefit isalways paid in arrears, if you get housingbenefit, you are expected to make aweekly contribution to bring your accountinto credit. If your tenancy stipulates topay monthly in advance, you shouldcontact our Customer Service Centreand we will advise you of the amountyou will have to pay.If you are having difficulty with yourpayments and need help, don’t wait;please talk to us immediately. Ourspecialist teams offer friendly helpand advice.HOW RENTS AND SERVICECHARGES ARE SET FORTHOSE WHO RENT THEIRPROPERTYYour rental income is vital to us. It isused to:l Carry out day-to-day repairs.l Provide a management service for you.l Carry out major repairs.1 www.moat.co.uk

The rent you pay takes into account thesize and location of your home. We aimto set rents that are affordable to thoseon low incomes. This means the rentswe charge will be below the local marketrates, ie, the rent charged by privatelandlords for properties in the areawhere you live.Service charges pay for things suchas caretaking, cleaning, groundsmaintenance, lighting, paths, parkingareas and lift maintenance. The servicecharge is paid in addition to your rent,although you pay both the rent andservice charge at the same time. Whensetting the rent we do not discriminatebetween residents who are eligible forhousing benefit and those who are not.The rent charged is the same regardlessof the source or level of your income.The rent for your home is set out in yourtenancy agreement. Your rent will riseannually from the first Monday in Aprilof each year and we will tell you aboutthis in advance. Service charges are alsoreviewed annually. It is your responsibilityto make sure that the amount you pay iscorrect and to tell the local authority of yourrent increase if you get housing benefit.The rent you pay takes into accountthe size and location of your home.We aim to set rents that are affordableto those on low incomes.Sinking funds or future repair fundsIf you live in a building with sharedfacilities where your lease allows, <strong>Moat</strong>will collect a sinking fund or a future repairfund. The purpose of this is to build up aprovision to pay for major items of repairand improvement to the building so thatresidents will not be required to pay outlarge sums of money in the year ofincidence. The funds collected are heldin an interest-bearing account and thisinterest is added to the fund each year.The balance showing in your sinking fundeach year is net of any interest and tax.Items normally paid for from the sinkingfund include: cyclical decorations andrepairs, lift replacement, windowreplacements, roof replacements andentry phone systems. We always consultresidents when we intend to pay for itemsfrom the sinking fund.Here is an example of how aservice-charge estimate is set:In a block of 10 flats it costs £2,000per year to provide a cleaning service.This would be charged equally to all 10residents, meaning that each resident willpay £200 per year. This will be chargedeither weekly at £3.85, or monthly at£16.67, depending on each resident’sagreement type.At the end of each financial year we lookat the actual service charge costs andcompare this with what we have chargedresidents during the year. We will informyou in writing of any variance and howthis is either returned or collected.www.moat.co.uk2

SHARED OWNERSHIP –PAYING RENT ON YOURSHARED OWNERSHIP HOME<strong>Moat</strong> borrows money that funds thedevelopment of new affordable homes;the rent you pay services the loan thatwas taken out to fund the developmentof your shared ownership home. The rentyou pay is low – less than 3% of theshare value that you have not yetpurchased. If you buy more shares inyour home (staircase) then the rent youpay reduces (although your mortgagepayments may increase if you borrowmore money to fund the staircasing).PAYMENT METHODSPaying by direct debitTo make paying your rent easy, manyof our residents choose to pay by directdebit. Once the monthly, weekly orfortnightly payment is set up, you don’thave to worry about being late, as therent will automatically be taken fromyour account on the right day.It’s simple to do. Just fill in a direct debitpayment form that we can give you. Whenyour rent is reviewed each April, anychanges to the payments will take placeautomatically. The Direct Debit Guaranteemeans that changes to your rent orservice charges are notified separately toyou, giving at least one month's notice,and your bank will refund any amountpaid in error.Paying onlineYou can now click the 'My<strong>Moat</strong>' icon onthe front page of the <strong>Moat</strong> website to payyour rent online.Paying by debit or credit cardIf necessary, you can now pay yourrent by calling us and paying over thetelephone. Please have your account andcard details to hand. However, it savesboth you and us time if your rent is paidby direct debit.Paying by chequePlease make your cheque payable to<strong>Moat</strong> Homes Ltd and write your tenantreference number or property addresson the back before posting to:FREEPOSTRRCB-HHJS-LXXR<strong>Moat</strong>Dartford DA2 6QE3 www.moat.co.uk

Post Office payment card (POPS)*If you cannot pay by any of the previousmethods, we can send you a paymentcard that allows you to pay cash at anyPost Office. There are no forms to fill inand no counter charges to pay. Simplyhand the card and your payment to thePost Office worker and the rest is doneautomatically.PayZone* and Pay Point*You can use your POPS payment cardin any retail unit displaying the PayZoneor PayPoint sign. There are over 10,000outlets nationally. There is no charge forthis; you just hand the card and thepayment to the assistant.*If you pay by these methods, pleaseensure that your payments are made atleast ten working days in advance of thedue date, to allow time for the paymentsto reach your rent account.Internet bankingIf you have this facility with your bankaccount, you can make payments online.Our bank sort code is 62 27 56 and ouraccount number is 00000000 (this is thecorrect number). If you choose to makepayment by this method, please ensureyou quote your tenant reference in thereference field so the money can beplaced in your rent account.Paying by standing orderIf you wish to pay by standing order,please contact us and we will send youa form to complete and return to yourbank. Please note that if you pay by thismethod, you will need to arrange for thepayments to be adjusted in line withchanges each April.Please always quote your tenant referenceon all payments to ensure they can bematched to your rent account.Please note: we do not accept cashpayments through the post or at anyof our offices.If you would like to change your paymentmethod at any time, please contact usand let us know.Please always quote your tenantreference on all payments to ensurethey can be matched to your rentaccount.www.moat.co.uk4

WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I CAN'TPAY MY RENT?Please call our Customer Service Centrethe moment you know you will not beable to pay your rent. The sooner weknow about your problem, the more likelyit is that we will be able to help you. Wewant to give you a good and affordablehousing service and to do so we needto operate efficiently. Collecting rent dueis an important part of this. At the sametime, we understand that sometimespeople will go through financial difficultiesand we will always try and work with youto find a solution.We do have to take a firm line withresidents who do not pay their rent andservice charges and we will take Courtaction against those who do not payoff their rent arrears. This can resultin eviction or forfeiture, which meansyou could lose your home. If your rentaccount is in arrears, we cannot consideryou for a transfer until the arrears havebeen paid. Please don’t struggle on yourown. Call us as early as possible; we arehere to help you.HELP WITH WELFAREBENEFITSNeighbourhood staff are able to offer youbasic housing benefit advice and helpwith completion of an application formand housing benefit calculation if youneed it. They can also help you accessother specialist services. Many peoplemiss out because they do not make abenefits claim. If you think you may beentitled to claim any benefit, or if youhave a problem with your currentbenefit entitlement, please contact us.We offer free, confidential and nonjudgmentalsupport and advice to help youclaim benefits and maximise your income.Please call our Customer ServiceCentre the moment you know youwill not be able to pay your rent.5www.moat.co.uk

You can also get advice from theseagencies:l The Benefits Enquiry Line on0800 882 200 or www.dwp.gov.uk(the Department for Work andPensions website).l Your local Citizens Advice Bureau– find them in the phone book orthrough www.adviceguide.org.uk.l National Debtline gives free,confidential advice to help yousolve your money problems.Call 0808 808 4000.l <strong>Moat</strong>’s panel of independentmortgage advisors.We are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.www.moat.co.uk6

7 LIVING INYOUR HOMEIN THIS SECTIONGas, electricity and waterCouncil taxHeating and hot waterHome and contents insuranceKeys and fobsHousehold refuseRefuse, gardens and parkingAbandoned vehiclescontinued overleaf

7IN THIS SECTION continuedPets and pestsAerials and satellite dishesAnti-social behaviour (including noise)How you can helpSupporting youRacial and other harassment

LIVING INYOUR HOMEWe want you to enjoy living in yourhome, so it’s important you know whatyou need to do when you move in. Thissection gives you all the informationyou need to get settled.GAS AND ELECTRICITYSupplies may be connected when youmove in, but not always. It is yourresponsibility to contact the utilitycompanies. As soon as you move in, readthe meters or ask your gas and electricitysupplier to do it for you. Ask for a newaccount to be set up in your name and afinal account to be sent to the previousoccupants, so you do not pay for aprevious resident's usage.WATERIf the water supply has been turned off,you should find the stopcock and turn itback on. If you cannot find the stopcock,we will tell you where it is. Make a note ofits location in case of an emergency.COUNCIL TAXYou must contact your local authorityto arrange for payment of council tax.HEATING AND HOT WATERIf you need help operating your heatingand/or hot water systems, please call uson 0845 600 1006.INSURANCEWe provide buildings insurance cover.This does not cover the house contents,such as your furniture or personalpossessions.You should make sure you haveseparate insurance cover for homecontents. We will not cover any loss ordamage to your possessions regardlessof how the damage has occurred.1 www.moat.co.ukWe want you to enjoy living in yourhome, so it’s important you knowwhat you need to do when youmove in.

You can take out home contentsinsurance through a scheme <strong>Moat</strong> hassourced for residents or make your ownprivate arrangements. The home contentsinsurance scheme available is specificallydesigned for housing associationresidents and offers many benefits at apreferential rate. There is also an optionto extend the policy to cover broken glassin windows and doors, which are yourresponsibility. Call us on 0845 600 1006for further information.KEYS AND FOBSPlease note that we do not keep sparekeys in our offices. If you lose your keysand the locks need changing, you willhave to arrange for a locksmith yourself.If you require additional communal keysor fobs for any reason, we will advise youof the costs at the time of issue and wewill ask you to pay for these in advance.At the end of your tenancy you mustreturn all keys that were issued to you,including gas and electricity keys,communal keys/fobs and window keys.HOUSEHOLD REFUSEIn most areas, the local authority collectsrubbish on a fortnightly basis. Details ofthe collection days will be available fromyour local authority offices or you can aska neighbour.Carelessly discarded rubbish attracts ratsand other vermin. So please place yourrubbish securely in plastic bags or wheeliebins and leave in the correct place. If youneed access to a bin cupboard, we willgive you a key or access code. Pleaselook after the key; if you lose it, you willhave to replace it yourself. If you havelarger household items that need to beremoved, please contact your localauthority or Neighbourhood ResponseTeam to arrange this. There will be acharge for this service.GARDENSIf you have a private garden, you areresponsible for its maintenance andupkeep. Not looking after your garden isa breach of your tenancy agreement andis a frequent source of complaints. If yourgarden is not maintained, we have theright to appoint our own contractor tocomplete the works and charge you,or in extreme cases, you are at risk oflosing your home.For communal gardens, maintenanceand upkeep is usually the responsibilityof your local authority or <strong>Moat</strong>. We will tellyou who is responsible for the communalgardens in your neighbourhood.www.moat.co.uk2

PARKINGInconsiderate parking causes problemsand we ask all our residents to parkconsiderately. If someone is parkingin your allocated space, we wouldencourage you to speak to them.Your tenancy agreement prohibitsthe parking of heavy vehicles, boats,caravans or heavy machinery outsideyour home.All vehicles parked anywhere on ourproperty, including driveways, mustbe taxed, insured and roadworthy.Repairs to vehicles outside your home orin the neighbourhood are not permitted.We make an exception in the case ofminor repairs to your own private vehicle.Garages may be available to rent in someareas, although usually there is a waitinglist. Please contact us for further detailson 0845 600 1006.ABANDONED VEHICLESWe have very strict rules regardingabandoned vehicles. Any untaxed vehicle(or a vehicle which looks unroadworthy)that appears to have been abandoned inour neighbourhoods, will be issued witha notice giving 14 days for the owner toremove the vehicle. On expiry of thisnotice we may remove the vehicle andthe owner will be liable to pay the costof removal.PETSIf you want to keep a pet, pleaseget written approval from yourNeighbourhood Housing Officer beforeyou get one. If you have your own privategarden, we may allow you to have a cator dog. It is unlikely we will grantpermission for a pet where you do nothave an external front door. It is importantthat pets do not cause a nuisance orannoyance to neighbours. If this happens,we will withdraw permission and ask youto find another home for your pet.RATS, MICE AND OTHER PESTSIf you have a problem with rats, miceor other pests, in your home or garden,please report it to the EnvironmentalHealth Department at your local authority,who will be able to give you advice. Ifpests are identified in a communal areasuch as bin stores, please raise this withyour Neighbourhood Housing Officer.Sheltered or supported residents shouldreport any problems directly to thesupport or scheme co-ordinator.3 www.moat.co.uk

AERIALS AND SATELLITEDISHESYou must seek permission from us beforeinstalling an aerial or satellite dish. Someresidents have access to communal aerialswe supply and maintain, with the costcovered by your rent or service charge.Permission may also be required fromthe local authority's planning department.We will advise you about this.ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR(ASB)Anti-social behaviour covers a wide rangeof problems, including behaviour that iscapable of causing nuisance orannoyance to an individual or the widercommunity. Tackling anti-social behaviouris a challenge for all social landlords andone that we are determined to meet. Wewill work in partnership with you and otheragencies to resolve situations wherepeople's lives are being affected by theunacceptable behaviour of others. Wetake reports of anti-social behaviour veryseriously and we are prepared to take atough stance. We will not let the actionsof a few ruin the efforts of most people,who want to live their lives in a pleasant,peaceful and safe environment. Werecognise that sometimes legal actionis appropriate and necessary; however,we can only take this action where wehave jurisdiction to do so and withsupporting evidence.It is a natural reaction for residents whomake a complaint to want to remainanonymous. Please be aware that thiswill restrict our ability to take any action.If you have a complaint about someoneliving near you, you should first try toresolve the problem directly with thembefore you contact us. Talking to theperson and explaining the situation canhelp them to understand the impact it ishaving on you and the discomfort it iscausing. Efforts to compromise and tosee each other's point of view often go along way towards resolving the problemharmoniously between yourselves. If youhave tried talking to the person and thishas made no difference, you should callus on 0845 600 1006 to discuss how todeal with it. We can refer residents tomediation services that can help withthis process.We will investigate and advise youwhether we have assessed your concernsas anti-social behaviour or a neighbourdispute. Where anti-social behaviour hasbeen identified, we will listen to yourviews and agree an action plan, clearlyoutlining what will happen next.If you have a complaint about someoneliving near you, you should first try toresolve the problem directly with thembefore you contact us.www.moat.co.uk4

NoiseIf the problem is noise nuisance, youshould report it to the EnvironmentalHealth Department at your local authorityas well as to us. Local authorities have aduty to take reasonable, practical steps toinvestigate complaints of noise nuisance.They use equipment to measure the levelof noise and make an accurate recording,which may be used as evidence in court.The local authority can also issue a noiseabatement notice. Failure to comply witha notice can lead to a fine or removal ofthe equipment creating the noise.HOW YOU CAN HELPWe will ask you to keep a written record(diary sheets) of all incidents of anti-socialbehaviour. These documents may beused as evidence in any court action.This is important, as your written recordof what happens and when will help usassess the impact on your household andthe neighbourhood. A record of everyincident should be made immediatelyor as soon after the event as possible.l Referral to our housingsupport services, or other agencies.l If these fail to stop the problems, or thecase is serious enough, we will apply tothe courts. If we decide to take legalaction, we will need to present writtenrecords and statements from witnessesas evidence in court.Legal action does not necessarily leadto perpetrators being evicted. We maywork closely with the police and localauthority as a last resort.There are several ways we can tackle theanti-social behaviour, including:l Acceptable behaviour contracts (ABCs)and parental control agreements.l Estate action plans.l Mediation.5 www.moat.co.uk

SUPPORTING YOUYou may worry that appearing as awitness in court will be intimidating.You may also find waiting a long timeto resolve the anti-social behaviourextremely frustrating, especially if theperson causing the problems lives closeto you. We will continue to support youthroughout the process, which may includereferrals to other specialist agencies.IF YOU NEED HELPIf you feel in danger at any time, you mustcall 999 immediately.RACIAL AND OTHERHARASSMENTWe are committed to equal opportunitiesand do not tolerate harassment of anykind from residents, their families, orvisitors. If you have been subjected toany kind of harassment, whether verbalor physical, you need to contact thepolice in the first instance, then pleasecontact us and we will liaise with allparties involved and ensure you receivethe appropriate support.Harassment of <strong>Moat</strong> staff/contractorsor other residents may result in eviction.Acts of intimidation, vandalism, fly-tipping,graffiti-spraying etc, must also be reportedto the police on the non-emergencynumber 101 and also to us. We will makesure you have a direct contact telephonenumber in case you need to get in touchat any time during office hours.We are committed to equalopportunities and do not tolerateharassment of any kind from residents,their families, or visitors.www.moat.co.uk6

8 GETTINGINVOLVEDIN THIS SECTIONKeeping you informedAsking for your viewsMaking it happen togetherSupport for residentsWhat to do now

GETTINGINVOLVEDAt <strong>Moat</strong>, your views matter to us, sowe’re delighted when our residentsget involved in community projects andgroups. We want you to be as passionateabout where you live as we are. So goon why not get involved in yourneighbourhood? You’ll be amazedat what we can achieve together.KEEPING YOU INFORMEDOur <strong>residents'</strong> newsletter, Home News,is sent to all <strong>Moat</strong> residents three timesa year. It contains information on services,policies and news from a variety of areaswe work in, keeping you updated on whatis happening around <strong>Moat</strong>. We alsoproduce leaflets on our key services, soyou know what you can expect from us.ASKING FOR YOUR VIEWSThere are lots of ways in which youcan get involved and give <strong>Moat</strong>your feedback.Ideas CatcherWe are always looking for ideas of howto improve things and often our residentshave some great ideas to share. You cancontribute by taking part in telephone,text message and email surveys, byjoining a reading or focus group orconsulting on a policy or procedure.Interested? Please ask for our IdeasCatcher leaflet, or visit the GettingInvolved section on our website formore information.Mystery ShoppingMystery shopping is a tool that we useto test our frontline services and getfeedback about residents’ experiences.This could be through making a phonecall to our helpline, visiting our offices,sending an email to us or by visiting ourwebsite. We will simply ask you tocomplete a short questionnaire telling usabout your experience. If you would liketo know more about Mystery Shopping,please ask.1 www.moat.co.uk

Residents' satisfaction surveyWe’re continually trying to improve ourservice to our residents. As part of thiscommitment, we carry out an annualsurvey asking for views on our services.This tells us how we’re performing andhelps us to plan future services.Local meetingsWe hold local meetings, roadshowsand estate inspections to ask yourviews on cleaning and gardening,repair improvement programmes andthe management or maintenance ofyour neighbourhood. Just ask to findout the date of your next local meetingor estate inspection.Personal letters and questionnairesWe sometimes write to you asking foryour views on any major changes to themaintenance and management of yourhome. We’ll also ask for feedback whenyou have received a service from us. Wedo this through postal, web-based ortelephone questionnaires. We are verygrateful for your feedback, as it helps usimprove our services.MAKING IT HAPPENTOGETHERResidents' associations andcommunity groupsWe encourage residents to set upcommunity groups and <strong>residents'</strong>associations to tackle local issues or carryout community projects. These groups areopen to all residents who would like tojoin and have a say on what is happeningin their community. You can help make areal difference to your neighbourhood andwe’re happy to provide support.We can also help you to organise meetingsand events, produce newsletters or flyers,or put you in contact with other agenciesor authorities.Groups for projectsFrom time to time we ask residents to getinvolved in individual projects, giving youthe chance to see something throughfrom start to finish without the need tocommit to regular ongoing meetings.Residents' conferencesand local eventsWe hold a Residents’ Conference everytwo to three years. You can get involvedwith planning the conference, decidingthe venue, and suggesting topics to becovered during the conference.We want you to be as passionateabout where you live as we are.So go on why not get involvedin your neighbourhood?We can also work with other housingproviders in organising local housingconferences.www.moat.co.uk2

Board and committee membership<strong>Moat</strong> is governed by a Board ofManagement which includes residentBoard members. By becoming a Boardmember, you can help to improve servicesfor all residents and also gain new skillsand experience. Resident Board membersare selected through a formal recruitmentprocess and we will give you an inductionand training to help you understand theissues involved.Another great way to get involved is tojoin a <strong>Moat</strong> committee. These consist ofresidents, <strong>Moat</strong> Board members andstaff who meet to discuss a diverserange of subjects.Membership is usually, but not always, anoption for residents who have developedtheir skills initially through involvement ata local level.Area groupsIn each of our regions we have anArea Group made up of residents.These groups meet on a regular basisto discuss specific issues affectingtheir area. These include monitoringlocal services, involvement in plannedmaintenance programmes and muchmore. All residents are eligible to join thelocal group in their area, so why not callus to find out more?The area groups are:l SARA (South Area Residents'Association).l LGRA (London Group of Residents'Associations).l MERA (<strong>Moat</strong> East Residents'Association).<strong>Moat</strong> Residents' ForumMembers involved in each of our AreaGroups and the Support Service Users'Group are nominated to join the <strong>Moat</strong>Residents' Forum. This forum is involvedin policy and strategy, the selection ofmajor contracts and proposed changesaffecting all residents.3 www.moat.co.uk

SUPPORT FOR RESIDENTSResidents who get involved in <strong>Moat</strong>'sgroups and activities can receive trainingand support. Reasonable travel expenses,phone calls and carer's costs can beclaimed and reimbursed from <strong>Moat</strong>. Wealso offer access to and support withprinting, photocopying, word processingand office meeting rooms.Have we got it right?We monitor levels of interest in the wayswe ask you to be involved and are alwayshappy to consider new ideas you mayhave. We encourage greater involvementby young people, people from black andethnic minorities, leaseholders, sharedowners and <strong>Moat</strong> residents living inhomes outside of neighbourhoods wherewe manage considerable numbers ofproperties. We believe in being fair, sothat everyone can be involved, so pleasedo join us.WHAT TO DO NOWIf you are interested in, or just want tofind out a bit more about getting involved,please call the Customer Service Centreon 0845 600 1006 and ask to speak to amember of the Customer EngagementTeam or email feedback@moat.co.uk.We monitor levels of interest in theways we ask you to be involved andare always happy to consider newideas you may have.www.moat.co.uk4

9 CONFIDENTIALITY,COMPLIMENTSAND COMPLAINTSIN THIS SECTIONConfidentiality of your informationRecording of informationYour filesHaving your say – how to pay usa compliment or make a complaint

CONFIDENTIALITY,COMPLIMENTSAND COMPLAINTSFairness is important to us and wehave strict ways of working to protectinformation we may hold about you.We also want you to feel you can tell uswhen you are pleased or disappointedwith our service, so we have clear andsimple processes in place to make thateasy. This section will tell you what youneed to know.FURTHER INFORMATIONKeeping information about you– confidentialityAny information we receive aboutresidents in our properties is treatedas confidential. We are committed toprotecting you and your family'spersonal information.RECORDING OF INFORMATIONInformation you provide is used by<strong>Moat</strong> to create or update our records.Your information will be processed inaccordance with the Data ProtectionAct 1998.Only relevant, accurate and up-to-dateinformation is recorded. We keep yourinformation confidential and generallywe only use your information within <strong>Moat</strong>.However, occasionally, we may share yourinformation with other members of the<strong>Moat</strong> group, our contractors or ourpartner organisations in order to improveour services and to help us to meet ourlegal obligations and provide a fair andequitable service for all our residents.1 www.moat.co.ukFairness is important to us andwe have strict ways of working toprotect information we may holdabout you.

YOUR FILESAll residents and applicants have anelectronic file where information aboutthem and their household is recorded.Information stored in these files and anypersonal information on a computer isheld in accordance with the DataProtection Act 1998.If you are unhappy with information kepton file, or feel that your confidentiality hasbeen breached, you can make a complaintusing our complaints procedure. For acopy of our Complaints leaflet, pleasecontact us or visit our website.You can visit the feedback section of ourwebsite, fill in a complaint form, talk tosomeone in person or on the phone, orwrite us a letter, email, or fax.Who can complain?Anyone using <strong>Moat</strong>'s services can makea complaint.How do I complain?Our aim is to resolve all problems assoon as possible. The member of staffwho initially receives your complaint willdo everything within their ability andknowledge to resolve the problem.HAVING YOUR SAY:COMPLIMENTS ANDCOMPLAINTSWe always strive to provide you with thebest possible service. In order to achievethis, it helps to know what you think. Wewelcome feedback and appreciate anycomments or compliments you wish tomake about our services or a memberof staff.If you are unhappy with something, pleasetell us so that we can try and put thingsright. We can only improve if we knowwhat isn’t working well.www.moat.co.uk2

What if a problem cannot be resolvedstraight away?The staff member will forward the fulldetails of the complaint to the relevantcomplaint co-ordinator to record.l Stage OneYour complaint will be acknowledgedwithin three working days and every effortwill be made to resolve the complaintat this stage. The timescales forresponding to complaints at thisstage is ten working days.l Stage TwoIf you are not satisfied with the decisionmade, you can ask for the complaint togo to Stage Two. At Stage Two yourcomplaint is investigated by a seniormanager who will try to resolve thematter with you. The timescale forresponding to complaints at thisstage is ten working days.l Stage ThreeIf you are still not satisfied, you can askfor the complaint to go to Stage Three.At this third stage you are given theopportunity to present your complaint toan independent panel. The panel is madeup of three people: two <strong>Moat</strong> Boardmembers (one of whom will usually be aResident Board member) and a memberof <strong>Moat</strong>'s Executive Team.Your appeal must be sent to us in writing.A meeting will be arranged within fourweeks, and if you wish to attend themeeting, you have the right to bringsomeone to represent you. We willconsider requests to reimbursereasonable claims for travel and adultcare and childcare costs, if this makesit easier for you to attend. You will benotified of the final decision in writingwithin five working days of the Stage 3panel hearing.We are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.3www.moat.co.uk

Independent HousingOmbudsman ServiceIf after completing our complaints processyou feel that your complaint is stillunresolved, you have the right to appealto the Independent Housing Ombudsmanat the following address:Housing Ombudsman Service81 AldwychLondon WC2B 4HNTelephone: 0207 421 3800Fax: 0207 831 1942Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.ukPlease note: the housing ombudsman willnormally only deal with your case if youhave been through all three stages of<strong>Moat</strong>’s formal complaints procedure.ComplimentsYes, we do occasionally get it wrong,but more often that that, we hope weget it right. If you feel you would like tocompliment our service or a particularmember of our team, we would very muchwelcome your positive feedback. You caneither call and speak to an advisor inperson or send a comment to us by emailor post. For ways to get in touch, seeSection One of this guide. Thank you.If after completing our complaintsprocess you feel that your complaintis still unresolved, you have the rightto appeal to the IndependentHousing Ombudsman.www.moat.co.uk4

10 STAIRCASINGFOR SHAREDOWNERSIN THIS SECTIONShares in your homeWhat is Staircasing?Seven steps to staircasingFrequently asked questionsHow to find out more

STAIRCASINGFOR SHAREDOWNERSAt <strong>Moat</strong>, we encourage those of youwho are able to increase the shares inyour homes to do so, so you can builda better future for yourselves and yourfamily. The more shares you buy, theless rent you pay – although yourmortgage payments may increasefor the period of the mortgage term.We recommend you make plans earlyto increase your shares in order toeventually own your home outright.This is especially important as youapproach retirement age, if you are closeto paying off your mortgage and wish toavoid paying rent out of your pension.Your home is at risk if you do not maintainyour mortgage, rent or any otherpayments secured upon it.We are happy to discuss staircasingoptions with you at any time, with nocommitment to proceed on your part.Every three months or so we organiseevents at our <strong>Moat</strong> offices in Dartfordwhere you can discuss staircasing with<strong>Moat</strong> staff, an independent mortgageadvisor and a solicitor. The informationprovided at these events is free. The dateof our next planned event is publishedwithin My <strong>Moat</strong> on the <strong>Moat</strong> website atwww.moat.co.uk/staircasing.1 www.moat.co.uk

WHAT IS STAIRCASING?If you are a <strong>Moat</strong> resident with a sharedownership lease, you have the option ofincreasing your ownership by buyingadditional shares (equity) in your property.You are entitled to increase yourownership by buying additional sharesat anytime after you buy your sharedownership home.Your lease contains informationthat explains how to increase yourownership. It is important to carefullyconsider all the costs related to thestaircasing process before you proceed.When you apply to us to increase yourownership, your rent account mustbe up-to-date and must remain sothroughout the staircasing process.Before you apply to staircase, it is wiseto speak to your mortgage lender or anindependent mortgage advisor to ensureyou will be able to get a larger mortgage.You also need to take into account thecosts of legal fees and any additionalmortgage fees you will incur in thepurchase.At <strong>Moat</strong>, we encourage those of youwho are able to increase the sharesin your homes to do so, so you canbuild a better future for yourselvesand your family.www.moat.co.uk2

SEVEN STEPSTO STAIRCASING1The first step is to complete andreturn an application form, available atwww.moat.co.uk/staircasing. You willneed to provide details of any homeimprovements you have carried outin your home.2Once you return the completed form,we check your rent account and homeimprovements, and confirm to you inwriting whether or not you are eligibleto proceed.3An independent surveyor (FRICS/MRICSregistered) must now value your home.We will arrange for the surveyor to do thisfor you. You will be responsible for thecost of this valuation.We will arrange the update for you.However, you may have to pay are-inspection fee.Please note that if the property valuationchanges when updated, then thepurchase price will be recalculated onthe new valuation figure, regardless ofwhether this is higher or lower than theoriginal valuation price.The staircasing transaction must becompleted within three months of thedate of the valuation. If completiontakes longer than three months youwill require a valuation update.3www.moat.co.ukPlease note that if the propertyvaluation changes when updated, thenthe purchase price will be recalculatedon the new valuation figure, regardlessof whether this is higher or lower thanthe original valuation price.

4As soon as the property valuation isreceived we will calculate the purchaseprice of the shares you wish to buy.Please refer to the ‘frequently askedquestions’ section on the next pageto see how this is calculated. We willconfirm the purchase price and all otherdetails to you by letter, together with anacceptance form.If the valuation indicates that the value ofthe property is reduced due to a lack ofmaintenance and repair, we will requesta value assuming the property had beenmaintained to a good standard. This iswithin the requirements of your leaseand the purchase price will be basedon this figure.5No further action will be taken until youreturn your acceptance form and confirmto us that you accept the figures and wishto proceed. You will also need to confirmthe name and address of the solicitorsthat will be acting on your behalf. We willprovide you with a list of <strong>Moat</strong>’s panelsolicitors if required.6We instruct solicitors to act on our behalfand also pass on all relevant informationto your solicitors. Your solicitors and oursolicitors then work together to agree acompletion date.7 – COMPLETIONIf you have purchased 100% of yourproperty, and you do not pay <strong>Moat</strong> anyservice charges, you will no longer haveto pay rent or have any furthercommunication with us.If you have purchased the full 100%of your property and you currently payservice charges, these will continue.If you are not purchasing the full 100%,we will contact you after completion.This is to reconfirm the revised rentand/or service charges that you willpay from then on.If you have purchased the full100% of your property and youcurrently pay service charges,these will continue.www.moat.co.uk4

FREQUENTLY ASKEDQUESTIONSHow is the purchase price of theshares calculated?When you staircase you buy theadditional shares at the current marketvalue of the property. For example, if youwish to purchase an additional 25% shareand your property is currently valued at£150,000, the purchase price of the 25%share is £37,500. This means that if yourhome has increased in value, you buy thenew shares at the increased value. If themarket value of your property has gonedown since you first purchased it, thenthe reverse applies and the cost of buyingmore shares is less than it would havebeen at the initial purchase.What is the minimum share I canpurchase?You may increase your ownership inseparate stages or in one stage to 100%(depending on any restrictions in yourlease). The minimum share you can buyis 10% of the unsold equity. You can onlystaircase a maximum of three times. Eachtime you staircase, you will incur legal andother fees. Therefore it is advisable tostaircase for as much as you can affordin as few transactions as you can.What if I have madeimprovements to my property?When you apply to staircase, please notifyus of any improvements you have carriedout. Please remember that you need torequest written permission from us beforecarrying out any improvements to yourhome. (See section 4 ‘Improvements andalterations to your home, shared ownersand leaseholders’.) After receiving yourapplication form we will write to you toconfirm which agreed improvements willbe taken into consideration when theproperty valuation is carried out. Pleasenote it is the added value that theimprovements bring to your property andnot the actual cost of the works that aretaken into account.We are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.5www.moat.co.uk

What improvements will <strong>Moat</strong> accept?Improvements such as double glazing,new fitted kitchen/bathroom, installingcentral heating, loft conversions andconservatories are considered. Generalmaintenance, repair and redecorationare not regarded as improvements. Ifyou were requested to carry out workswhen you originally bought the property,these are also regarded as maintenanceand repair.Please note that a fee is payable to <strong>Moat</strong>for the service to register homeimprovements.What costs will I be expected to payfor staircasing?You will be expected to pay anadministration fee each time you wishto staircase. This fee is payable oncompletion and collected by oursolicitors. In addition to this, you will alsobe responsible for your own solicitor'scosts. You will also be required to payfor the cost of the valuation and anynecessary updates.for your own buildings insurance.However, if you live in an apartment,it is likely that you will continue to payyour current monthly buildings insurancepremium to us. You will be advised onthis prior to completion.Don’t forget, your home is at risk if youdo not keep up mortgage repayments orpayments on other loans secured on it.Please note that the value of propertiescan go down as well as up.HOW TO FIND OUT MORETo find out more about staircasing,please go to our website atwww.moat.co.uk/staircasing.Will I still pay <strong>Moat</strong> for my buildingsinsurance after completion?If you live in a house, you will beresponsible for arranging and payingTo find out more about staircasing,please go to our website atwww.moat.co.uk/staircasing.www.moat.co.uk6

11 USEFULCONTACTSIN THIS SECTIONVictim SupportCitizens Advice BureauEquality and Human Rights CommissionAssociation of British Credit UnionsDepartment of Work and PensionsGingerbread/Homes and Communities AgencyGas Escape Call/The SamaritansDomestic Violence/Childline/RSPCAShelter/RelateOther useful contacts

USEFULCONTACTSTo help you stay one step ahead, we’velisted some organisations and websitesthat you may find useful. All telephonenumbers in this section are correct asat March 2012.VICTIM SUPPORTVictim Support is the national charitywhich helps people affected by crime inEngland and Wales. They give free andconfidential support to help you deal withwhat you have been through as a victimor a witness, whether or not you reportthe crime to the police.0845 30 30 900CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU –ADVICE GUIDEFor advice on benefits, employment, debt,education, the legal system and health.www.adviceguide.org.ukEQUALITY AND HUMANRIGHTS COMMISSIONThe Equality and Human RightsCommission champions equality andhuman rights for all, working to eliminatediscrimination, reduce inequality, protecthuman rights and build good relations,ensuring that everyone has a fair chanceto participate in society.England – race, age, gender, sexualorientation, religion and belief andhuman rights0845 604 6610England – disabilityMon,Tue,Thu, Fri9am-5pm; Wed 9am-8pm08457 622 633www.equalityhumanrights.com1 www.moat.co.ukWe are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.

ASSOCIATION OF BRITISHCREDIT UNIONS (ABCUL)Find out how easy it is to save with acredit union, how little a credit union loancosts, how to start up a new credit union,and information about ABCUL itself.0161 832 3694www.abcul.orgDEPARTMENT OFWORK AND PENSIONSThis is the government department thatdeals directly with all benefits. It alsoholds details of local benefit offices.0800 88 22 00www.dwp.gov.ukGINGERBREADThis charity offers practical and emotionalsupport to lone parents and their children,and campaigns on their behalf.Mon,Tue,Thu, Fri 9am-5pmWed 9am-8pm0800 018 5026www.gingerbread.org.ukHOMES ANDCOMMUNITIES AGENCYThe Homes and Communities Agency isresponsible for investing public money inhousing associations and for protectingthat investment.Note: If you have a question regarding theHomes and Communities Agency, pleasecontact <strong>Moat</strong> in the first instance. We willdo our best to help you.0300 1234 500www.homesandcommunities.co.ukGAS ESCAPE CALL0800 111 999SAMARITANS – 24 HOUR LINEThe Samaritans provides confidential,non-judgmental emotional support,24 hours a day, for people who areexperiencing feelings of distress ordespair, including those which maylead to suicide.08457 90 90 90www.samaritans.orgwww.moat.co.uk2

DOMESTIC VIOLENCEWoman's Aid is the national domesticviolence charity, helping up to 250,000women and children every year. It worksto end violence against women andchildren, and supports over 500 domesticand sexual violence services acrossthe country.24-hour National Domestic ViolenceHelpline: freephone0808 2000 247www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.ukCHILDLINEChildline is the free, 24-hour helplinefor children and young people in theUK. Children and young people cancall the helpline about any problem,at any time, day or night. Childline'scounsellors are there to help you findways to sort things out.0800 1111www.childline.org.ukRSPCAThere are now 323 uniformed RSPCAinspectors and 146 animal-collectionofficers in England and Wales, workinground the clock to save animalsin distress.Cruelty Line: 0800 1234 999www.rspca.org.ukSHELTERShelter is a national organisation withlocal offices, working to improve thelives of homeless and badly housedpeople. They provide free, professionaland independent advice to over 170,000people every year, seven days a week,8am until midnight, throughout Englandand Scotland.0808 800 4444 – Sevenwww.shelter.org.ukRELATERelate offers a wide range of servicesfor couples, families and individuals.They support people through all stagesof their relationships. You can accesstheir support on your own or with others,face-to-face, on the phone or onthe internet.0845 130 4016www.relate.org.uk3 www.moat.co.uk

Stonewall08000 50 20 20www.stonewall.org.ukArmed Forces Home OwnershipScheme (AFHOS)www.afhos.co.ukCABE (Commission for Architectureand the Built Environment)www.cabe.org.ukDCLG (Department for Communitiesand Local Government)www.communities.gov.ukDepartment of Healthwww.dh.gov.ukGateway to Homechoicewww.gatewaytohomechoice.org.ukKent Homechoicewww.kenthomechoice.org.ukMySafeHomewww.mysafehome.infoSussex Homemovewww.homemove.org.ukwww.FIRSTSTEPSLondon.orgwww.HomeBuy.co.ukwww.HomeBuyOptions.co.ukDirect Govwww.direct.gov.ukDirect Gov HomeBuy Pagewww.direct.gov.uk/ontheladderEnvironment Agencywww.environment-agency.gov.ukWe are here to help you, so if youhave any questions at all, pleasedo contact us.www.moat.co.uk4

<strong>Moat</strong>Mariner HouseGalleon BoulevardCrosswaysDartfordKentDA2 6QEApril 2012

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