PIPELINE CONTAMINATION CONTROL for the Oil & Gas I... - Pall ...

PIPELINE CONTAMINATION CONTROL for the Oil & Gas I... - Pall ... PIPELINE CONTAMINATION CONTROL for the Oil & Gas I... - Pall ...

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PIPELINE CONTAMINATION CONTROLfor the Oil & Gas IndustrySolutionsPall offers a variety of customizable solutions to reduce pipeline contamination andoptimize operations. We’ll develop a solution that’s right for you. Give us a call to findout more about our capabilities in the Oil & Gas industry.Particle filtersCyclo-filtersLiquid/gas coalescersLiquid/liquid coalescersSmall solid aerosols from gasstreams, including BlackPowder (iron oxides, ironsulfides), and other particles(sand, debris), can foulinstruments, valves,compressors, heatexchangers, and other criticalsystem components. Pall’s gasand liquid particle filters areused to remove theseparticles, eliminating aprimary source of thecontamination that causessystem failures. Ultipleat ®High Flow filters removesolids from liquid streamsincluding LPG andhydrocarbon condensates. Forpipelines that are notpiggable, filtration is evenmore critical to maintainpipeline integrity as there is ahigher risk of leakage due tocorrosion and erosion due tolimited informationavailable.Pall products:Coreless Profile ® filters,Epocel ® filters,Nexis ® High Flow filters,Ultipleat High Flow filters,Ultipor ® filters,Claris ® filtersA new filter design thatcombines the advantages of acyclone and an absoluteratedfilter. A two-stageseparator consisting of a lowvelocity cyclonic section toseparate the coarsest particlesdown to 5-10 microns, andan absolute-rated cartridgefilter section to remove thefinest particles down to therequested specification. Thecyclonic section operates atlow velocities in order togenerate a low pressure drop,typically a few psi. The cyclofilteris a high-performanceandhigh-capacity separator,which is capable of handlinghigh solid contents includingsolid slugs during pipelinescraping operations.Pall products:Coreless Profile filters,Pall Cyclonic separatorsPerforming with maximumremoval efficiency andeconomy, Pall’s liquid/gascoalescers reduce equipmentdowntime and decrease laborand maintenance costs. Theyhave a unique fiber mediummatrix that containsincreasing pore sizes. Thisdesign allows small dropletsin the incoming gas to merge(coalesce) into larger dropsthat are easier to separate.The medium enables singlestagecoalescing to separatedifficult liquid aerosols. Ourliquid/gas coalescers arespecially treated with afluoropolymer coating toimprove the drainage ofliquids through the coalescer.As a result, smaller assembliescan be used, and up-frontcapital costs are minimized.The fluoropolymer treatmentalso lowers operating costs byallowing the coalescer tooperate at a lower liquidsaturated pressure drop andrecover quickly from processupsets.Pall products:SepraSol liquid/gas coalescers,SepraSol Plus liquid/gas coalescersPall’s liquid/liquid coalescersare designed to efficientlyseparate liquid/liquidemulsions. They areconstructed of a variety ofpolymers and fluoropolymers,offering a wide range ofcompatibility. Thesehigh-efficiency coalescers areeffective in systems with lowinterfacial tension withoutdisarming or beingcompromised by the presenceof surfactants. A patentedvertical stack design is usedwith a coalescer/separatorconfiguration, allowing aneven flow distribution. Thispermits a high flow rate in asmaller assembly. With longservice life, the coalescercartridges require fewerchange-outs, therebyreducing maintenance anddisposal costs. A horizontaldesign is also available foruse with very low interfacialemulsions.Pall products:AquaSep ® Plus liquid/liquidcoalescers,PhaseSep ® liquid/liquid coalescers6

Technical capabilitiesWith offices in more than 30 countries,Pall is well-positioned to provideassistance to customers on the locallevel, as well as offer broad-based,worldwide support when needed. At thecore of our support network is ourScientific and Laboratory Services (SLS)department, an extensive global networkof scientists and engineers who areexperts in their field.Pall is much more than a filter company.We are Total Fluid Management SMspecialists. We’re committed to advancingtechnologies that make our customers’operations more successful. Our expertisehas enabled us to build a large library ofproprietary core materials, which we canmodify to separate, remove, or selectivelycapture the most elusive contaminants.Our customized system services include: Process audits/consultancy Lab testing Customized product development Training seminars Testing/piloting System maintenance/service contractsPall Corporation– a leader infiltrationtechnologiesFor more than 60 years, Pall Corporationhas been solving complex filtration,separation, purification, andcontamination control problems fordiverse customers around the world. Inthe Oil & Gas industry, Pall hasdeveloped separation solutions thatreduce contamination, increase productyields, and improve product quality.Worldwide, 88% of Pall’s manufacturingfacilities have achieved ISO 14001certification (international standard forenvironmental management systems) todate. The program has helped Pallminimize environmental impact,improve compliance, and reduce costs.Pall’s manufacturing facilities are alsoISO 9001 certified and follow a strictworld-class manufacturing philosophywith a never-ending focus on continuousimprovement.We invite you to learn more about Pall’swide array of products and services. Formore information, contact your localPall representative or visit us on the webat: www.pall.com.7

Technical capabilitiesWith offices in more than 30 countries,<strong>Pall</strong> is well-positioned to provideassistance to customers on <strong>the</strong> locallevel, as well as offer broad-based,worldwide support when needed. At <strong>the</strong>core of our support network is ourScientific and Laboratory Services (SLS)department, an extensive global networkof scientists and engineers who areexperts in <strong>the</strong>ir field.<strong>Pall</strong> is much more than a filter company.We are Total Fluid Management SMspecialists. We’re committed to advancingtechnologies that make our customers’operations more successful. Our expertisehas enabled us to build a large library ofproprietary core materials, which we canmodify to separate, remove, or selectivelycapture <strong>the</strong> most elusive contaminants.Our customized system services include: Process audits/consultancy Lab testing Customized product development Training seminars Testing/piloting System maintenance/service contracts<strong>Pall</strong> Corporation– a leader infiltrationtechnologiesFor more than 60 years, <strong>Pall</strong> Corporationhas been solving complex filtration,separation, purification, andcontamination control problems <strong>for</strong>diverse customers around <strong>the</strong> world. In<strong>the</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> & <strong>Gas</strong> industry, <strong>Pall</strong> hasdeveloped separation solutions thatreduce contamination, increase productyields, and improve product quality.Worldwide, 88% of <strong>Pall</strong>’s manufacturingfacilities have achieved ISO 14001certification (international standard <strong>for</strong>environmental management systems) todate. The program has helped <strong>Pall</strong>minimize environmental impact,improve compliance, and reduce costs.<strong>Pall</strong>’s manufacturing facilities are alsoISO 9001 certified and follow a strictworld-class manufacturing philosophywith a never-ending focus on continuousimprovement.We invite you to learn more about <strong>Pall</strong>’swide array of products and services. Formore in<strong>for</strong>mation, contact your local<strong>Pall</strong> representative or visit us on <strong>the</strong> webat: www.pall.com.7

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