Intu (SGS) Finance PLC - Standard and Poor's 17g-7

Intu (SGS) Finance PLC - Standard and Poor's 17g-7

Intu (SGS) Finance PLC - Standard and Poor's 17g-7

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EMEA CMBS<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>17g</strong>-7 Disclosure Report: <strong>Intu</strong> (<strong>SGS</strong>) <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>familiarisation training for employees of anySuccessor Property Administrator.11.7 Subject to Clause [11.8] below, onor prior to the Property Administrator FinalTermination Date in respect of a PropertyAdministrator, the relevant PropertyAdministrator shall at the request of therelevant Owner or FinCo on behalf of theOwners forthwith deliver as soon asreasonably practicable to the relevantSuccessor Property Administrator all booksof account, papers, records, registers,correspondence, legal information, financialinformation, documents <strong>and</strong> computerrecords (including all information stored oncomputer applications), whether in physicalform (maintained in libraries or other places)or in electronic form (maintained on sharednetwork drives or other computers systems)(all together, the “Information”), as may benecessary for the continued provision of theServices contemplated by this Agreement,<strong>and</strong> all monies (including cheques) <strong>and</strong>other assets held by such PropertyAdministrator on behalf of the relevantOwner. The relevant Property Administratorwill ensure that it will not, <strong>and</strong> will procurethat the Employees or its Affiliates will not,keep possession of copies of any such itemsor other items on which any confidentialinformation is recorded or stored, unlessrequired by law or regulation.11.8 To the extent that a PropertyAdministrator is required to do so in order tocomply with any relevant legislation, it mayretain copies or the originals of theInformation as may have been compiled inconnection with the provision of the Servicesthough shall in all cases provide completecopies to the relevant Owner <strong>and</strong> shall makeavailable for inspection by the relevantOwner, subject to reasonable notice, accessto the same.11.9 To the extent that compliance withthis Clause [11] shall require a PropertyAdministrator to disclose to the relevantSuccessor Property Administratorinformation of any kind which such PropertyAdministrator reasonably deems to beconfidential, such Successor PropertyAdministrator shall be required to enter intosuch customary licensing <strong>and</strong> confidentialityagreements as such Property Administratoror the relevant Owner or FinCo on behalf ofthe Owners shall deem reasonablynecessary to protect its interests.11.10 Each Property Administrator shallbe entitled to receive, on the PropertyAdministrator Final Termination Date inrespect of such Property Administrator, allfees <strong>and</strong> other monies accrued but unpaidup to such Property Administrator FinalTermination Date but shall not be entitled toany other or further compensation pursuantCopyright © 2013 by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services LLC. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P‟s permission.See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 18

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