Intu (SGS) Finance PLC - Standard and Poor's 17g-7

Intu (SGS) Finance PLC - Standard and Poor's 17g-7

Intu (SGS) Finance PLC - Standard and Poor's 17g-7

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EMEA CMBS<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>17g</strong>-7 Disclosure Report: <strong>Intu</strong> (<strong>SGS</strong>) <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>Enforcement mechanism(s)35 (a) In the event of there being a material breach of any ofthe representations <strong>and</strong> warranties of the Seller [Originator]contained in Schedule # (Representations <strong>and</strong> Warranties)in relation to the Issuer Assets, the Seller [Originator] shall,within 60 days (or such longer period not exceeding 90days as the Issuer or the Servicer may agree) of receipt ofwritten notice of such breach from the Issuer, remedy thematter giving rise to such breach of representation orwarranty if such matter is capable of remedy. If such matteris not capable of remedy or is not so remedied within thesaid period of 60 days (or such longer period not exceeding90 days as the Issuer or the Servicer may agree), theIssuer may sell <strong>and</strong> the Seller [Originator] shall, if requiredby the Issuer, repurchase (at the Seller‟s [Originator‟s]expense) all the rights, title, interest <strong>and</strong> benefit of theIssuer in, to <strong>and</strong> under the relevant Loan <strong>and</strong> RelatedSecurity as referred to in Clause # (Terms of Sale) above(the “Reacquired Assets”) for an aggregate amount equalto [...] the principal amount outst<strong>and</strong>ing under the relevantLoan <strong>and</strong> corresponding Related Security comprised in theReacquired Assets together with interest which hasaccrued but not yet become payable) <strong>and</strong> costs (includingany swap breakage costs payable by the Issuer as a resultof any early termination of a Swap Transaction whichresults from such repurchase) up to (but excluding) thedate of completion of the sale of the Reacquired Assets.(b) The Seller [Originator] undertakes to notify the Issuer inwriting (<strong>and</strong> as soon as practicable upon becoming awareof the same) of any matter or thing which becomes knownto it <strong>and</strong> which is a breach which is likely to be consideredmaterial in the reasonable opinion of the Issuer of any ofthe said representations <strong>and</strong> warranties which wouldenable the Issuer to exercise its rights under this Clause #.(c) The Issuer will have no other remedy in respect of amaterial breach as set out in Clause (a) above, unless theOriginator fails to repurchase any Loan <strong>and</strong> RelatedSecurity in accordance with this Agreement. Uponbecoming aware of the same, the Servicer or the SpecialServicer (in the case of the Specially Serviced Loan) willnotify the [Issuer, the Borrower Facility Agent, the BorrowerSecurity Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee, the NoteTrustee <strong>and</strong> the Rating Agencies] in writing of any matter orthing which becomes known to the Servicer or the SpecialServicer, respectively, which is a breach of any of therepresentations, warranties <strong>and</strong> undertakings of the Seller[Originator] contained in the Loan Sale Agreement <strong>and</strong> theServicer (or, for as long as the Loan is a Specially ServicedLoan, the Special Servicer) will promptly serve a notice ofsuch breach on the Originator as contemplated by Clause #(Warranties <strong>and</strong> Representations) of the Loan SaleAgreement]Not included in the transaction.Copyright © 2013 by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services LLC. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P‟s permission.See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 14

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