n~po~ twenty-s i hth rnnurl conference - the Society for Reproductive ...

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n~po~ twenty-s i hth rnnurl conference - the Society for Reproductive ...

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NPY EFFECTS ON LH SECRETION IN THE OVARIECTOMISED EWE:Y2 RECEPTOR. INVOLVEMENT, SEASONAL VARIATION AND SITE OF ACTION WITHIN THEHYPOTHALAMUS.Mandi L. Barker-Gibb 1, Jaroslav H. Boublik 2 and lain J. Clarke 11Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research, P.O. Box 5152, Clayton, Victoria 3168; 2Baker Medical ResearchInstitute, P.O. Box 348 Prahran, Victoria 3181.INTRODUCTIONNeuropeptide Y (NPY) action is mediated throughY1(post-synaptic) and Y2 (pre-synaptic) receptor subtypes.NPY plays a key role in modulating LHsecretion in many species, although <strong>the</strong> extent towhich this involves action through <strong>the</strong> differentreceptor sub-types is not clear. In rats, LH secretionappears to be controlled through activation of <strong>the</strong> Y1receptor, and NPY acts at both <strong>the</strong> hypothalamic andpituitary level (1). In contrast, NPY does not act on<strong>the</strong> pituitary gland in sheep (2). We haveinvestigated possible hypothalamic mechanisms bywhich NPY modulates GnRH/LH release in ewes.Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of NPY1-36which acts at <strong>the</strong> Y1 and Y2 receptors and a specificY2 receptor agonist NPY18-36 were given to identifyreceptor specific actions on LH pulse secretion.Microinjections (1 Ill) of NPY were also given into <strong>the</strong>preoptic area (POA) to examine effects at <strong>the</strong> level of<strong>the</strong> GnRH cell bodies. The ewe is also a highlyseasonal species and <strong>the</strong> activity of <strong>the</strong> GnRH 'pulsegenerator' is directly influenced by changes inphotoperiod which occur with season. The effect ofphotoperiod on <strong>the</strong> GnRH system is mediated via anunidentified neuronal circuit. Thus, we alsoinvestigated seasonal variations in <strong>the</strong> effects of NPYon LH secretion by giving NPY1-36 into <strong>the</strong> thirdventricle (3V) during both <strong>the</strong> breeding (BS) and nonbreedingseason (NBS).METHODSOvariectomised (OVX) ewes were fitted with guidetubes into a lateral ventricle (LV), 3V or POA.Jugular venous blood samples were taken every 10min <strong>for</strong> 3h. During <strong>the</strong> SS, sheep were given 10lJgNPY1-36, 100lJg NPY18-36 or saline into <strong>the</strong>LV;101l9,100lJg NPY1-36, and 100119 NPY 18-36 orsaline into <strong>the</strong> 3V, and 1.5lJg NPY into <strong>the</strong> POA.Injections of NPY were also given into <strong>the</strong> 3V (100lJg)and POA (1,5, 10lJg) during <strong>the</strong> NBS to examineseasonal effects Sampling continued <strong>for</strong> 3h postinjection,and samples were assayed <strong>for</strong> LH. Pre- andpost- injection differences were analysed byStudent's paired t-test.RESULTSInjections of 10 (LV) or 100lJg NPY1-36 (3V) had littleeffect on LH secretion in OVX ewes during <strong>the</strong> B.S.except to extend (P5 400::r:C!J 200;--0- PACAP 5 min-+- PACAP 30 min-0- VIP5min-tI- VIP 30 min--0- Control____ PACAP 16 7 M__ VIP16 7 MPACAP 16 6 MVIP 16 6 Mo+---r---,--_r_----.---...,.--r-----.a 234 5 6 7Incubation time (h)80 -0--+-~ --­~ 60§8 40~.s::i 20o0-t---,---r---,----.----,------.----,o ~ ~ 00 ~ 100 1~ 1~Incubation time (min)Fig.1 Time-course relationship <strong>for</strong> PACAP and VIP on intracellular cAMPDose (M)Fig. 2Dose-response curve <strong>for</strong> PACAP and VIPFig. 3Time-course relationship <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> effects of PACAP and VIP on GHsecretion from sheep pituitary cellso+--,---,----,r-~-r-_r_---r-..--~__r_~---.a 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Incubation time (h)Fig. 4Time-course relationship <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> effects of PACAP and VIPon LHsecretion from sheep pituitary cells1 2

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