n~po~ twenty-s i hth rnnurl conference - the Society for Reproductive ...

n~po~ twenty-s i hth rnnurl conference - the Society for Reproductive ...

n~po~ twenty-s i hth rnnurl conference - the Society for Reproductive ...

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TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 (cont) PLENARY LECTURERS FOR 1994Session 15 :Chainnan: Professor Alan TrounsenTime: 1700 - 1830Session 16WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 30MRC LECTUREProf. Bill ThatcherControl and management ofovarian follicles in cattle to optimize fertilityChainnan: Assoc. Professor Jock FindlayTime: 0900 - 1000ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGVenue: Redlands RoomVenue: Redlands RoomThe Goding Lecturer: Professor IIpo Huhtaniemillpo Huhtaniemi is Professor and Chainnan of<strong>the</strong> Department ofPhysiology, Medical Faculty at<strong>the</strong> University ofTurku, Finland. He completed an M.D. and <strong>the</strong>n a PhD at <strong>the</strong> University ofHelsinki by1974 and <strong>the</strong>n trained as a specialist in chemical pathology in 1979. He was appointed as a Senior Fellowof <strong>the</strong> Academy ofFinland from 1981-83, and was Associate Professor of Clinical Chemistry at <strong>the</strong>University of Helsinki from 1984-85. He was appointed to <strong>the</strong> Chair of Physiology at <strong>the</strong> University ofTurku in 1986. He has spent time in o<strong>the</strong>r laboratories as a postdoctoral fellow in <strong>the</strong> Department ofObstetrics & GYnaecology at <strong>the</strong> University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, San Francisco in 1975-76, as a visiting associateat <strong>the</strong> NICHD with <strong>the</strong> National Institutes ofHealth, USA in 1979-80, and was visiting professor at <strong>the</strong>Center of Molecular Biology, University ofHeidelberg, Germany in 1990-91.Professor Huhtaniemi's research interests include <strong>the</strong> ontogeny and regulation of <strong>the</strong> hypothalamicpituitary-gonadalaxis, testicular endocrinology, <strong>the</strong> molecular biology of gonadotrophins andgonadotrophin receptors, and <strong>the</strong> use of transgenic animals.The Goding Lecture <strong>for</strong> 1994 is entitled "Molecular aspects of<strong>the</strong> ontogeny of<strong>the</strong> mammalianpituitary-gonadal axis".Session 17 :Chainnan: Dr. Chis MaxwellTime: 1030 - 1130ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION & EMBRYO TRANSFERVenue: Redlands Room110 Smith,J.F., Parr,J., Beaumont,S., Oliver,J. and Upreti,G.C.Comparison ofcervical, transcervical and laparoscopic insemination ofewes with chilled stored ramsemen111 Eppleston, J., Pomares,C.C., Stojanov,T. and Maxwell,W.M.C.In-vitro and in-vivo fertility ofliquid-stored goat spermatozoa112 Vishwanath,R., Piu,C. and Shannon,P.A unique sperm agglutinating factor from egg yolk113 Prendergast,E., Vishwanath,R., Shannon,P. and Molan,P.Charged lipoprotein fractions ofegg yolk in bovine semen diluents114 Chairussyuhur, A., Sanchez-Partida, L.G., Zupp, J.L., Maddocks, S. and Setchell B.P.Motility characteristics ofsemen from rams subjected to scrotal insulation, qfter storage at chilledtemperatures <strong>for</strong> one weekThe MRC Lecturer: Professor William W. ThatcherBill Thatcher is Graduate Research Professor in <strong>the</strong> Department ofDairy and Poultry Sciences at <strong>the</strong>University ofFlorida, Gainesville, USA. He completed a B.Sc. and an M.Sc at <strong>the</strong> University ofMaryland, be<strong>for</strong>e undertaking a PhD at Michigan State University (awarded 1968). He was appointedAssistant Professor in Animal Physiology at <strong>the</strong> University ofFlorida in 1969, and <strong>the</strong>n AssociateProfessor be<strong>for</strong>e becoming Professor ofPhysiology in 1978. He was appointed Graduate ResearchProfessor in 1988. He has been <strong>the</strong> recipient of numerous awards including an NIH predoctoralfellowship, a Fulbright-Hayes award and awards from <strong>the</strong> American <strong>Society</strong> ofAnimal Science and <strong>the</strong>American Dairy Science Association. In 1994 he was awarded <strong>the</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Study of ReproductionResearch Award.Professor Thatcher's research interests are focused on elucidating <strong>the</strong> mechanisms by which <strong>the</strong>oestrous cycle is controlled to optimize reproductive efficiency in cattle. Interactions between <strong>the</strong> embryoand <strong>the</strong> uterine endometrium, <strong>the</strong> hormonal regulation of gene expression ofkey enzymes, honnonereceptors, hormones and paracrine regulators in ovarian follicles are being investigated, as is <strong>the</strong> paracrinedialogue between <strong>the</strong> trophectodenn and uterine endometrial epi<strong>the</strong>lium.The MRC Lecture <strong>for</strong> 1994 is entitled "Control and management of ovarian follicles in cattle tooptimize fertility".115 UI?r~ti,G.C., Jensen,K., Munday,R., Vishwanath,R. and Smith,J.F.Studles on ram spermatozoal aromatic amino acid oxidase116 Stojanov,T., Rhodes,S.L., Maxwell,W.M.C. and Evans,G.The effect ofantioxidants on <strong>the</strong> pregnancy rate after insemination with liquid stored ram spermatozoa117 Lehrer,A.R. and McMillan, W.H.Is peri-oestrous intravaginal impedance an aid in screening <strong>for</strong> prospective pregnant recipient cows?xviiixix

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