Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

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POSITIVE PARENTING IN WESTMINSTER PARENTING SUPPORT ACTION PLAN 2008-101. COMMISSIONINGStrategic Priority:<strong>Parenting</strong> Offer: Levels 1 - 4Desired outcomes:A fully integrated approach to commissioning parenting support services.1. Elimination of duplication and gaps in services.2. Increasingly needs-led and effective commissioning.3. Best value from available resources.<strong>Action</strong> Lead Resp. Key Partners Timescale(by)1. Mainstream single <strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner post.2. Identify funding sources to supportparenting agenda 2008-09.3. Joint comprehensive needs analysis toinform needs-led planning andcommissioning beyond 2008-09.4. Establish mechanisms for jointcommissioning across city boundariesto address mobility issues.5. Capacity-build voluntary andcommunity organisations to offer highquality parenting support services,including Triple P parenting programs.6. Commission Triple P provider trainingcourses and materials.Funding Progress / CommentsMike Potter David Hawker Aug 2008 TBA Interim arrangement in place.<strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner<strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner<strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner<strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner<strong>Parenting</strong>CommissionerMike Potter,MichaelO’ConnorWCC and PCTcommissionersKiran Hayer,Jayne Vertkin,Helen Matthes,Liz LongOngoing NA Outcome of DCSF Youth Task Force andFamily Pathfinder bid awaited. 3% of familiesat risk are a One <strong>City</strong> priority.June 2008 NA Finance review, children’s trust and jointstrategic needs analysis (JSNA) with PCTshould facilitate this.2008-09 NA Eg Staff have attended Triple P providertraining in 3 boroughs (Hillingdon, Fulhamand Newham) and vice versa.VAW 2008-09 TBA NCH SLA to include delivery of Triple Pprograms in 2008-09.Capacity building to be discussed May 2008.Jayne Vertkin,Trevor Moores,Eamon Brennan2008-10 TBA One <strong>City</strong> budget £100k over 2 years.Ongoing funding will be required.Updated 21 April 2008 2

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