Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

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POSITIVE PARENTING IN WESTMINSTER PARENTING SUPPORT ACTION PLAN 2008-109. OUTREACH TO PARENTSStrategic Priority:<strong>Parenting</strong> Offer: Levels 2 - 3Desired outcomes:A review of outreach to parents1. Staff doing outreach work are better equipped and skilled to respond to parents’ requests for help with parenting difficulties,and know when to refer on.2. Information, advice and support offered to parents is of a consistent and high quality.3. Unmet needs of hard to reach groups are channelled to <strong>Parenting</strong> Commissioner and inform future service commissioning.4. Hard to reach parents who are most in need are reached and supported.5. Where there is disengagement from school or risk of exclusion for behaviour, parents are engaged in voluntary parentingcontracts and, if appropriate, are referred to a parenting programme in a school or community setting. Better pupil behaviour,fewer school exclusions, calmer classrooms.6. Parents report improved parenting capacity.<strong>Action</strong> Lead Resp. Key Partners Timescale(by)1. Develop core offer for outreach workersin children’s centres.2. Outreach workers in childrens centresdeliver Primary Care Triple P briefinterventions. Evaluate.3. Equip outreach workers with Triple P tipsheets and other relevant resources.4. Review outreach to parents by parentsupport workers in schools. To include:• Decide on PSA model.• Recruit new staff as required• Evaluate.5. Continue to train and support schoolstaff in use of parenting contracts.6. Identify mechanisms to target, engage,inform and support hard-to-reachfamilies, particularly those from someBME communities, and those withLD/SEN, to effectively support theirchildren through transition stages.Jayne Vertkin<strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner<strong>Parenting</strong>CommissionerPauline BastickAlison ToiaShaffiquePrabataniChildren’scentresJayne Vertkin,Helen MatthesTrevor Moores,Jayne Vertkin<strong>Parenting</strong>Commissioner,ExtendedSchoolsCoordinatorYISPs, FSPs,schoolsFunding Progress / CommentsJune 2008 NA In progress.From May2008AnnuallyUpdated 21 April 2008 14NAAnnualcost2008-09 VarioussourcesSee <strong>Parenting</strong> Programmes.And PSAs in schools in due course.Strategic approach under consideration viareview of extended school services.PSA = parent support advisers in schools –support attendance, behaviour, parenting,family learning. Quasi social work role.June 2008 NA <strong>Parenting</strong> protocol and toolkit developed androlled out to some schools.2008-09 TBI Parents influence children’s decision-makingaround career choices and progressionpathways. With new diplomas and vocationalpathways, parents need to be well-informed.Culturally/linguistically-specific work may beneeded. Also see Educational Transitions.

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