Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

Parenting Strategy Action Plan.pdf - Westminster City Council

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POSITIVE PARENTING IN WESTMINSTER PARENTING SUPPORT ACTION PLAN 2008-106. Pilot delivery of Standard Triple P forreferred families in North and Centrallocalities. Evaluate7. Pilot delivery of Triple P by key staff inschools eg SHS/PSAs. Evaluate.8. Consider inclusion of Triple P Group/Group Teen programs in foster carertraining.9. Provide Mellow <strong>Parenting</strong> and PEEPparenting programmes for carefullytargeted groups of parents of 0-5’s inchildren’s centres. Evaluate.10. Adapt Triple P courses and materialsas necessary to meet the needs of non-English speakers.11. Consider the implications of homelanguage demographics and developmechanisms to increase access toparenting programmes via schools bynon-English speaking parents.12. Commission training in BriefEncounters relationship counsellingbrief interventions for delivery bypractitioners in children’s centres.13. Review and if necessary reshapepattern of delivery of structuredparenting programmes.Trevor MooresPauline BastickJanine RoweJayne VertkinNCH, KiranHayer, JamesThomasSchools inCentral cluster<strong>Parenting</strong>CommissionerHelen MatthesVon McClareyChildren’scentresFrom June2008NATraining in April, accreditation in June.2009-10 TBD For discussion. Also see ‘Outreach toParents’.2008-09 TBD For discussion.2008-09 NA Practitioners trained in each cluster. Groupsstarted March 2008. Evaluationcommissioned.Kiran Hayer Jayne Vertkin 2008-09 NA Work with other boroughs on this. GOL tocreate network of Triple P boroughs.<strong>Parenting</strong>CommissionerLiz Long,<strong>Westminster</strong>PCT<strong>Parenting</strong>CommissionerPauline Bastick,Matt WatsonJayne Vertkin,childrens centres2008-09 TBA Arabic, Bengali/Sylheti, Albanian and Kurdishare the 4 home languages most commonlyspoken at home by parents of primary schoolpupils in <strong>Westminster</strong>.Ongoing TBA Some practitioners trained.Commissioners 2009-10 Based on learning and evaluation 2008-09.Updated 21 April 2008 10

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