SPRING 2010 - The University of Texas-Pan American

SPRING 2010 - The University of Texas-Pan American

SPRING 2010 - The University of Texas-Pan American


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FibeRio TechnologyCorporation becomesUTPA’s first spin<strong>of</strong>f companyFACULTY RESEARCHUtilizing new technology developedby two engineering pr<strong>of</strong>essorsand a team <strong>of</strong> students, <strong>The</strong><strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Texas</strong>-<strong>Pan</strong> <strong>American</strong>announced Nov. 16 2009 the launch<strong>of</strong> a company that could revolutionizethe production <strong>of</strong> nan<strong>of</strong>ibersused to manufacture a wide range<strong>of</strong> products and help transform theRio Grande Valley into an emerginghigh-tech industrial and advancedmanufacturing center.<strong>The</strong> new company, FibeRio TechnologyCorporation, is headed byChairman and Chief Executive OfficerEllery R. Buchanan, an Austinbasedentrepreneur with more than25 years experience in strategic andexecutive management positions inhigh-tech companies.Using a new concept <strong>of</strong> ForceSpinningtechnology invented byUTPA mechanical engineering pr<strong>of</strong>essorsDr. Karen Lozano and Dr.Kamal Sarkar, FibeRio will developand manufacture machinery thatemploys centrifugal force – ratherthan the more costly, current electrospinningtechnology – to createspace age nan<strong>of</strong>ibers from a widervariety <strong>of</strong> materials than has neverbefore been possible.Jackie Michel, director <strong>of</strong> theUTPA Office <strong>of</strong> Innovation and IntellectualProperty, said by 2014 thenew company plans to create about110 jobs that pay in the range <strong>of</strong>$100,000, with even greater job creationpossibilities into the future.UTPA Provost and Vice Presidentfor Academic Affairs Paul Sale saidthe company’s launch symbolizesUTPA’s commitment to researchthat benefits not only students butthe regional economy.“Our <strong>University</strong> is well positionedto leverage our intellectual resourcesto advance manufacturing and materialstechnologies throughout thenation and, indeed, the world,” Salesaid.<strong>The</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essors who developedthe technology will be able to pr<strong>of</strong>itfrom their invention, receiving anequity position and 50 percent <strong>of</strong> theroyalties received, one <strong>of</strong> the highestreturns shared by any university inthe nation.Chairman and CEO Buchanan,who will receive shares in thecompany as his compensation, isputting together a management teamand finding investors.It is projected that between nowand 2014 the new company willgenerate gross retvenues <strong>of</strong> morethan $234 million and net a total<strong>of</strong> nearly $84 million. Michel saidthat although the company willinitially start <strong>of</strong>f with small, labscale devices developed by Lozanoand Sarkar for their research, itwill move quickly to developindustrial scale machines thatcan produce large quantities<strong>of</strong> nan<strong>of</strong>ibers.Nan<strong>of</strong>iber is a term used to describefibers with diameters lessthan 0.5 microns that cannot beseen without visual amplification.<strong>The</strong>y typically can be used in themanufacture <strong>of</strong> medical and filtrationmaterials, wipes, personal careproducts, clothing materials, insulation,energy storage applicationsand even cosmetics.<strong>The</strong> ForceSpinning process inventedby Lozano and Sarkar usescentrifugal force to push materialsthrough minute openings to createnan<strong>of</strong>ibers. Because there isno electrical charge employed intheir technology, it can be used toproduce nan<strong>of</strong>ibers from both thematerials that can and can’t be usedin the electrospinning process.Learn more about FibeRio atwww.fiberiotech.comPictured from left to right are <strong>Texas</strong> Gov. Rick Perry, UTPA PresidentRobert S. Nelsen, former Interim President Charles A. Sorber and AssociateDean <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong> Science and Engineering Miguel Gonzalez at the Jan.5 press conference to announce the TEFT awards.UTPA receives $3.25 millionEmerging Technology Fund awardGovernor Rick Perry traveledto UTPA Jan. 5 to announcethe awarding <strong>of</strong> a $3.25million <strong>Texas</strong> Emerging TechnologyFund (TETF) ResearchSuperiority Acquisition Awardthat will go toward helping theuniversity hire top-notch researchersfor a world-class advancedmanufacturing center.<strong>The</strong> TETF awards, were createdto develop and diversifythe <strong>Texas</strong> economy by expeditinginnovation and commercialization<strong>of</strong> research and bringingworld-class researchers to thestate. UTPA’s award will helpexpand the endeavors <strong>of</strong> theRapid Response ManufacturingCenter (RRMC).<strong>The</strong> RRMC is a center devotedto research and talentdevelopment in rapid responsemanufacturing and has assistedmore than 20 companies sinceApril 2008.UTPA has received a $44,000award from <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Texas</strong> System to go towardthe commercialization <strong>of</strong> adiscovery by faculty memberDr. Yuankun Lin that providesa more precise, simpler andcheaper fabrication methodfor photonic crystals used insemiconductors.<strong>The</strong> award is among $374,000in grants presented Jan. 12 toeight UT System institutionsfrom the <strong>Texas</strong> Ignition Fund(TIF), which was created by theBoard <strong>of</strong> Regents in 2007 to helpspeed the commercialization<strong>of</strong> discoveries made at campus“<strong>The</strong> Rapid Response ManufacturingCenter is the kind <strong>of</strong>facility where new ideas takeplace,” Gov. Perry said. “Thisinvestment is intended to createa culture <strong>of</strong> innovation inthe Rio Grande Valley andthe state.”UTPA President Robert S.Nelsen said the award establishesthe <strong>University</strong> as a majorplayer and contributor to theeconomic future <strong>of</strong> <strong>Texas</strong>.This award is part <strong>of</strong> a largerpool <strong>of</strong> funding allocated bythe <strong>Texas</strong> Legislature last yearas part <strong>of</strong> the state’s efforts toinvest in emerging technologyand boost the economy withnew jobs. <strong>The</strong> emerging technologyfunds will be leveragedby the university and a privatecompany bringing the totalUTPA investment to more than$9 million.Faculty member’s discoverywins commercialization awardlaboratories and move theminto the marketplace.Lin, associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor inthe Department <strong>of</strong> Physics andGeology, has a patent pendingfor the fabrication <strong>of</strong> a twolayerintegrated Phase Maskto create three dimensionalphotonic crystals.<strong>The</strong> TIF fund addressesthe challenge that researchdiscoveries and inventionsat UT institutions <strong>of</strong>tenrequire additional funding todevelop product applicationsthat can attract investorcapital to achieve theircommercial potential.Los Arcos 11

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