The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Waheguru jee.An anya man was blind drunk. No one wants to be told thatthey have bad wisdom and that they are a foolish person. Butby drinking you lose half your sensible wisdom. Drink killswisdom. Drink causes our spiritual strength to be weakenedand it causes countless diseases. It eats the body like woodwormdestroys wood. <strong>The</strong> drunken man vomits and talks nonsense.This turban is his honour, but by drinking the turbangets knocked off, infact some even take it off with their ownhands before drinking!Guru jee says that alcohol causes us to lose our senses, leadingto sinful actions. And a sinful man can’t be accepted by God.Guru jee says that a Manmukh is worse than a pig (a pig livesin it’s own dirt). <strong>The</strong> drunken man vomits and stinks. No onecan stand next to a drunkard, he stinks and talks dirty in frontof his own daughters and sisters. He swears in front of them.He’s dirtier then a pig. When this Manmukh dies no one reallycares that he died.When a pig dies he’s still useful. He can be eaten by otheranimals, his skin can be used. But, when the drunken one dies,even in death he is of no use to anyone. Once a drunken manwas vomiting. A cat came near him and started licking herwhiskers. He grabbed it’s tail, his wife’s name was KalwantKaur. He said, “Kalwant Kaur, you normally tie your hair in abun, but today you’ve got a pony tail!”Guru Nanak jee said that both Bhai Balla jee and Bhai Mardanajee had been connected with him for many lives before. Bhai84

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