The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Guru Nanak Dev jee told them, “O Sidhs, if the mind is dirtythen God’s Name can clean it, just as soap cleans clothes andwater cleans dusty hands and feet.”No one would eat food out of dirty dishes, in the same wayGod’s Name can’t reside within a dirty mind.A landowner used to visit a Saint for blessings every day. <strong>The</strong>Saint used to tell him, “You have come into the world to meditateon God’s Name.” One day the man asked the Saintfor God’s Name. <strong>The</strong> saint said, “Give up your bad habitsof eating meat, drinking alcohol and smoking, then you’ll beblessed with God’s Name. Give up all those habits and you’llbe blessed.”<strong>The</strong> landowner replied, “No I dont want to give up those habits,just give God’s Name to me.” On the next day, he asked theSaint for God’s Name once again. <strong>The</strong> Saint repeated hisinstructions and said, “Give up those bad habits then you’llbe blessed with God’s Name.” <strong>The</strong> landowner said, “O thosehabits will stop slowly in time, just give me God’s Name rightnow.” But, a dish has to be clean for God’s Name to be put intoit. Not half clean, nor a quarter clean, but totally clean.One day the Saint filled a bucket with manure and went to thelandowner’s house. <strong>The</strong> man fell at his feet and said, “I’mso blessed that you came to my house.” <strong>The</strong> Saint said, “I’vecome to collect 5kg of flour for the free-kitchen.”<strong>The</strong> man got the flour and the Saint said, “Pour the flour intothe bucket.” <strong>The</strong> man said, “No-way! take out the manure82

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