The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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only eat Halal meat and Guru jee’s have stopped them fromeating that hence leaving them vegetarian. Now having donethat how can Guru jee then say its OK to eat meat if its quickkill jhatka? He doesn’t. Don’t do what you want do, only dowhat Guru jee wants.If you want you make this servant happy, then I don’t needthese pennies you donate to me, fill my gown with peopleready to receive amrit.A man’s house is his own but once he’s married then his wifetakes control. If he comes back late after he’s been drinkingshe’ll wait up for him. After the third or fourth time he comeshome late and drunk, she wont unlock the doors and tells himto stay out until he sobers up. Where did she get the right tobe in control of his house? Well, the wedding vows they tookmeant that she now belonged to him and everything of his nowbelonged to her!When we take our amrit vows, we belong to Waheguru jee. Weonly become <strong>Khalsa</strong> when we receive amrit, then we belong toWaheguru : Waheguru jee ka <strong>Khalsa</strong>! Waheguru jee’s <strong>Khalsa</strong>.And everything of Waheguru jee belongs to the <strong>Khalsa</strong>.Without amrit one is not a <strong>Khalsa</strong> and does not belong toWaheguru jee.80

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