The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>to build a well. <strong>The</strong>y’ll build it when the fire burns the house!It’ll be too late to build it then. When there’s a battle to fight,it’ll be to late to say I’ll learn about martial arts now! If youdon’t meditate on God’s Name ‘Waheguru, Waheguru’ thenhow many lives will you have to go through?Dunee Chand’s father said, “All my life I did nothing bad, butat the end my desire went next door to eat the meat. I hadnever eaten meat, I didn’t know what it tasted like, but at thatmoment I wanted to know. Now, I been born as a meat eatingwolf for my bad desire. But, for my good actions, for charityand virtue, Guru Nanak jee came to my house and blessed youand now me.” His father’s spirit was blessed and left the bodyand went to God’s realm of Truth, Sach Khand.Dunee Chand went to see Guru Nanak jee and told him thestory. Guru Nanak jee asked him, “In your town some peoplehave one or two flags on their house, but you have seven,why?” Dunee Chand said, “Each flag tells the world this manhas one million rupees.” Dunee Chand continued, “I haveseven million rupees and hence seven flags.” Guru Nanakjee said, “Dunee Chand, share this wealth with the poor andneedy, get rid of your desire for wealth. If you think of wealthat the last moment you will come back as a snake.”One time Guru Nanak Dev jee said to Bhai Mardana jee,“Today I’m going to take you to have the sacred vision of theFormless Being.”Bhai Mardana jee was simple and said, “Baba jee, let me gofirst, in front of you. You always send me in first when we go78

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