The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>is worse than yesterday. Try again.” He replied, “Guru jeeit’s better than yesterday - there’s something wrong with yourvision. I’ll knock it down if you want, but I can’t build anybetter than that.”Bhai Rama spoke a lot of words, but words do not please Gurujee, actions do.On the third day, Guru Amar Das jee told Bhai Jetha jee torebuild the platform once again. Bhai Jetha jee humbly askedfor Guru jee’s blessings in the task by saying, “Guru jee, mywisdom is meagre, place in my mind what you desire so I canmake it.”Bhai Rama jee was told his platform was still not good enough,but this time he refused to build another one. Guru Amar Dasjee saw Bhai Jetha jee’s fourth platform being made and toldhim that it was still not good enough. Guru Amar Das jeeasked him, “Bhai Jetha jee, how long will you carry on knockingit down and remaking it?”Bhai Jetha jee said, “O True Guru King, my aim is not to buildand knock down the platform, my aim is be obey your command.If you tell me to do this for the rest of my life then that’show long I will do it!”Now if we obey our Guru we are Sikhs and can be calledGurmukh, if we don’t obey our Guru then we are called Manmukh.62

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