The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>the Guru is the service that’s going to save you.”Bhagat Kabir jee continued, “By obeying your Guru, you areperforming the greatest service. No other service is equal to itin the world.”Remember great Bhai Lehna jee who obeyed every instructionof Guru Nanak Dev jee and became the same as Guru NanakDev jee. If everyone in the world made it their target to obeyGuru jee then this world would be Sat Yug, the Age of Truth,instead of Kal Yug - the Dark Age.Guru Nanak Dev jee said to Bhai Mardana jee, “We have tocross the river in front of us. Just say ‘Waheguru Waheguru’behind me and you’ll be able to walk across like me.” Asthey were crossing, Guru Nanak jee started saying ‘SohangSohang.’ Bhai Mardana jee thought, “I’ll say ‘Sohang Sohang’as well.” As soon as he stopped saying ‘Waheguru Waheguru’,he fell into the water. Now, if we copy the Guru we are goingto die. Guru Nanak Dev jee said, “Mardana jee, don’t copythe Guru, just obey what the Guru said. Say ‘Waheguru Waheguru’like I told you to.” Bhai Mardana jee obeyed and beganwalking on the water once again.If we obey the 3 Golden rules of Guru Nanak jee of sharing, orVand ke Shakna, meditation, or Nam Japna, and honest work,or Kirt karna, then we are following Guru jee. If instead, wewear a royal plume, or Kalgee, on our turban, then we arecopying our Guru and killing ourselves.“Sunnia Mannia man keeta Bhau,antarghat teerath mal nao…50

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