The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>fire. He was told to accept Islam, he was offered beautifulwives and riches if he converted, but he didn’t turn his back onhis Guru, he was devoted to the distinct path of the saints.Later, at Guru Gobind Singh jee’s time, Emperor Aurangzebsaid, “O sons of the Guru, I’ll give you power, women andIslam.” Guru’s beloved jewels, aged 7 and 9, said, “We spit onyour offer!”“Sir jaavay ta jaavaysada Sikhee sidhik na jaavay.If our heads go then let them go,but may our Sikhism and Devotion never go!”Sikh sayingBut, today’s Sikh says, “If our Sikhism is going then let it go,but don’t let our alcohol go!” Today’s Sikh wants to pleasethe Guru and to please the worldly people, but these two pathscan’t be followed.That’s why Guru Gobind Singh jee said, “<strong>The</strong> house in whichthe body pores are insulted is the house in which Sikhism willnot stay!” <strong>The</strong> roots of Sikhism will dry up and wither away.But, by receiving amrit, the roots will become alive again. Dowe want to keep the Sikhism plant alive or dead in our house?<strong>The</strong> Guru’s beloved sons and Bhai Mati Das gave everythingto keep their Sikhism. Emperor Aurangzeb asked Bhai MatiDas jee, “Do you have any last requests before we kill you?”23

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