The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>hear its own praises from the preachers who require pounds.I require <strong>Khalsa</strong>. I’ll tell you straight, you don’t have a senseof shame, without the sense of shame their is no religion.When Maharaja Ranjit Singh jee had committed shameful acts,he was called in front of the 5 Heads, or Jathedars, of the 5Takhats, seats of Sikh Authority. <strong>The</strong> 5 Jathedars, lead byAkali Phoola Singh jee, asked, “Did you break the rules of theGuru’s House?” <strong>The</strong> Maharaja admitted he had. Akali PhoolaSingh jee said, “Either you reject the Sikh Religion, or youaccept the punishment from the five beloved Punj Pyare.” Heagreed to accept the punishment, one of the Jathedars suggestedwashing up dishes, or sweeping the gurdwara, but AkaliPhoola Singh jee said, “Whip him 20 times, so that cominggenerations know that the <strong>Khalsa</strong> Panth, or Nation, dealt severleywith the Maharaja for his shameful act.”Bhai Daya Singh jee got up and went to Guru jee. Guru jeesaid, “Why didn’t you meet me before you left this world?” Hereplied, “I received the order from the Immortal Being, AkalPurakh, I had to go immediately, but I heard your request justas I was entering Sach Khand, God’s Realm.” Guru jee said,“Bhai Daya Singh jee, tell my beloved Waheguru jee that I’llbe coming a few days after you.” Bhai Daya Singh jee layunder the white sheet and saying “Waheguru Waheguru” heleft his body and headed to the land of Nirankar, the FormlessOne.Before Bhagat Kabir jee left this world, he went to Kansheetown, because Shiv jee’s curse would send anyone dying in thistown to hell regardless of them being a good or bad person.Bhagat Kabir jee wanted to prove it wasn’t true and lifted the198

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