The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>We’re here to earn the profit of Naam, God’s Name Waheguru.Think how difficult a journey is especially, if there are rockyroads and you have no money with you. But, at least you haveyour body. In the journey to the next world you won’t evenhave your body. In the next life you have no body, nor caste totake with you.Someone asked me, “How will the 5Ks go with you?” In thenext world God’s Word, Gurbani, will go with us, Gurbani canbe memorised - it abides in the soul not the body, Gurbani goeswith us. By being greatly blessed, it will reside in your heart.A Sikh who has received amrit, an amrit-dharee, feels a lotof hurt when their Kirpan (short sword) or Kanga (comb) fallaccidentally. After a man retires he gets pension depending onthe length of his service. <strong>The</strong> longer we are amrit-dharee thebetter of we’ll be in the next world. Guru jee said that this lifeis only four days long (child, youth, middle age and old age).Remember you are going to die one day. Everyone who comesinto this world will have to die, there are no exceptions.Everyone has to leave the world. A cat holds it kittens lovinglyin its mouth, she doesn’t bite them with her sharp teeth. Butif a mouse falls in between those teeth then there’s no hope forthe mouse. Death looks at man like the cat looks at the mouse.Death will get the one without a Guru, the Manmukh.Bhagat Kabir jee was asked to describe how horribly deathtakes a Manmukh. Bhagat Kabir jee said, “Its painful, get 100swords into one sword get a thousand of these swords and195

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