The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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your mistakes and realise the importance of obeying the TrueGuru’s instructions.”<strong>Khalsa</strong> jee receive amrit. People say, “O my mind isn’t ready,but its ready to drink alcohol at anytime!” Sadh Sangat jee theamrit ceremony is being held tomorrow morning, please collectyour 5Ks today and come wearing them tomorrow.Receive amrit. Caste has nothing to do with Sikhi. Seeing thesangat I see Baba Isher Singh jee’s face. Receive amrit tomorrow.Sikhs said to Guru Gobind Singh jee, “What’s the need toreceive amrit? We are always performing your service and everyonecan see we that we are Sikhs.” Guru jee said “Wait foryour answer.” A Sikh came and donated a gold jewel for Gurujee’s waist band. Guru jee said, “Call the jeweller, I want toknow if it is real gold. All the Sikhs said, “Guru jee no onewould dare donate fools gold to the Guru, its plain to see that itis gold.” Guru jee said, “I need to know for sure that it is puregold.” <strong>The</strong> Jeweller came and looked at it and said it lookslike gold. Guru jee repeated, “I need to know for sure that itis 100% gold.” <strong>The</strong> jeweller went to get his touchstone, bytouching the gold on it there was a positive reaction. <strong>The</strong> jewellercertified the jewel as being 100% gold. Guru jee said, “OSikhs, you asked me what’s the point of receiving amrit whenits already obvious that you are all Sikhs. Receive amrit andprove that you are 100% Sikhs. Amrit is my touchstone.”193

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