The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Kirpan and Kachera off again, so he did. On the next day,Guru jee asked him, “How was your night?” Dalla replied,“It was very hot and uncomfortable, so I took off the Kirpanand Kachera.” Guru jee said, “Don’t get disheartened, carry onmaking the effort.”That night he was incredibly hot. He had a dream, in it hesaw Guru Gobind Singh jee taking him to Sach Khand. Alongthe way he saw the heavens belonging to Brahma, Shiva andVishnu, he also saw the countless heavens of Ram Chandr,Mohammed and Jesus, he thought, “WOW! Look how muchpeace and happiness there is here, leave me here.” But, Gurujee said, “Bhai Dalla Singh jee the place you are going iswhere none of these prophets reached. Dalla thought, “Whathave I done to become worthy of going beyond these heavens?”Guru jee said, “You’ve received Khanda-batta-da-amrit,you’ve become immortal.” When he saw Sach Khand’s dooropening, he saw light brighter than thousands of Suns. Henever took his 5Ks off again.In Bitinda state there happened to be a severe drought, all ofthe crops had died. A few days later Guru jee said to DallaSingh jee, “Close your eyes,” when he re-opened them he sawmango’s and orange’s growing in the trees. Again Guru jeesaid, “close your eyes,” when he re-opened them he saw cropsof wheat and maize. <strong>The</strong> third time he opened his eyes, hesaw rivers where there had been deserts. Guru jee said, “DallaSingh you didn’t obey my instructions, 3 times I told you tokeep your 5Ks on but you took them off. Dalla Singh, if youhad obeyed me the first time, then today you would had yourdream fulfilled. But now future generations will learn from192

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