The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Five, have the right to give these mantras, no one else. <strong>Khalsa</strong>jee, we don’t like hearing the truth- it tastes bitter, but theperson who tells you the truth is your real friend. Before theamrit ceremony no one is a Punj Pyara, after the amrit ceremonyno one is a Punj Pyara. During the amrit ceremonyonly the Punj Pyare have the right to give any one the MoolMantr and Gur Mantr. Yes, one can ask great souls about howto meditate and how to concentrate, but they can’t give you theGurMantr of God’s Name, Naam.Neela, the horse refused to drink the water. Guru jee said,“Bhai Daya jee, Neela has obtained spiritual powers from hisservice, seva, of carrying the Guru. Neela is saying this villageis Dyal Das’s, the one who doesn’t belong to the Guru, and hisguru-less odour puts Neela off the water.”Now, Guru jee continued travelling and saw Dyal Das with hiscart of food. He greeted Guru jee with joined hands. Guru jeesaid, “O Dyal Das what is the matter? I told you yesterday Iwouldn’t be eating your food. I am not going to eat your food!I am not going to eat your food!” But, Dyal Das wouldn’t takeno for an answer, “Maharaj, I’m definitely going to serve youfood.” Guru jee said, “Dyal Das receive amrit, get your familyto receive amrit and only then will I eat your food.”Hearing the power in Guru jee’s words, Dyal Das fell at Gurujee’s feet and begged, “Guru jee bless me and my family withamrit.” Guru jee and the Punj Pyare gave amrit to him, hisfamily and the villagers. His name became Bhai Dyal Singhjee. He said, “Guru jee, now bless us and eat our food.” Gurujee said, “O Dyal Singh, I’m ready to eat your food, in fact,186

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