The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>amrit? Guru jee began to say, “Baba jee, you haven’t receivedamrit yet, you aren’t living according to the code of conductof the Guru’s house. When you receive amrit and live by thecode of conduct of the Guru’s house then you have become theGuru’s.” Baba jee said, “Guru jee, I read God’s Word (Gurbani)everyday, in Sukmani Sahib it says that the Brahm-gianiis God himself, so what’s the need for me to receive?” Gurujee spent great efforts to make him understand.Some time passed, winter came a great festival was about tobegin. <strong>The</strong> officials of Anandpur were clearing the place ofstray and wild dogs. <strong>The</strong>y were feeding the dogs poison. BabaRam Kaur jee came out and was taken curious about whatthe officials were doing. He said to them, “Brother, you keepfeeding the stray dogs poison, but you leave the ones with collarsalone. Why make the distinction? <strong>The</strong>y’re all wanderingthe streets.” <strong>The</strong> officials said, “O Baba jee, the dogs with collarsbelong to someone. <strong>The</strong> ones without collars don’t belongto anyone. We can kill countless stray dogs and no one willobject. But, if we kill even one dog with a collar, it’s masterwill go to the Government court and complain against us. Wewill be called up and punished. That is the difference, dogswithout collars belong to no one, dogs with collars belong tosomeone.”Baba Ram Kaur jee finally understood what Guru jee wassaying about belonging to the Guru. He thought “Ram Kaur,don’t get mislead that just because you have got Brahm-Gian,the knowledge-of-God, that you are safe. You still don’t belongto the Guru.”181

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