The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Guru Amar Das jee says,“Eh Sareera meria iss jug meh aa-iaa keh,ki-aa tudh karam kamaa-I-aa.O body of mine,what have you done since coming into this world?”Our feet are given to us to go to Guru’s house no excuses areacceptable. Now we all use electricity, if we rebel and say,“Why should I pay the bill?”. <strong>The</strong> electricity board will say,“You used lights, fans etc. so if you don’t pay you will be disconnected.”We are using this body day and night and we haveto go to the Guru’s house and pay our dues. We go to theDoctor with a cut finger. He bandages it up and we’re so thankfulthat he saved our one finger, we say without my finger Idon’t what I would have done. We’re so happy he gave us ourone finger back, have we been that happy towards the Creatorwho gave us our whole body? <strong>The</strong> doctor charged us moneyand caused us four days of discomfort while wearing a bandage.We put both hands together to thank him. Have we everthought of thanking the Creator who gave us this whole bodyfor free? God’s gifts have no comparison to man’s gifts.Read Gurbani and you’ll understand God’s greatness. Justthink how priceless God’s gifts are, what price would a blindman give for a pair of eyes? <strong>The</strong>re are thousands of blind menwhat should they do? Guru Arjan Dev jee says be grateful forwhat you do have and do not complain about what you don’thave. God’s given us say 10 gifts, so what if he takes oneback? If a man was killed, another would go directly to thepolice to report it. God takes countless people back every day,165

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