The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>there’s no need to work for it as I’ll get it or not regardlessof my own efforts, right?” No, there are two types of karams(actions) that effect destiny1) Sancham karam- previous lives actions.2) Udam karam- this life’s effortsSome people make excuses for not following the path and say,“God makes us do everything…Kareh kara-iaa aapeh aap.”Firstly, this doesn’t even appear in Gurbani. <strong>The</strong> couplet isactually,“Maareh rakheh eko apmaanaas keh kich naahee haath.God kills or protects,nothing is in the hands of humans.”<strong>The</strong>n people say, “If Supreme God wants me to meditate onGod’s Name (Naam Simran) I will, if Supreme God wants meto receive amrit I will, if Supreme God wants me to get upearly at amritvela I will.” <strong>The</strong>se people make their own wronginterpretations. When they drink alcohol I’ve never heard anyof them saying, “I’ll only drink if God wants me to!” I’ve neverheard them refuse to watch the TV saying, “Until I hear God’scommand to watch TV I won’t turn it on!” I’ve never seenthem refrain from going to cinema, clubs, and pubs saying, “IfGod wants me to go, I will!!”Remember this Sadh Sangat jee, Guru Nanak Dev Jee teachesus a great wisdom,163

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