The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Guru Gobind Singh said to the Fakeer, “Obey my instructions,the rehat maryada, and your fear of death will be removed.Receive amrit and your fear will be destroyed.”<strong>The</strong> Fakeer replied, “Remove my fear and I’ll do anything foryou.” Amrit was prepared and the Muslim Fakeer became a<strong>Khalsa</strong> brother. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Khalsa</strong>’s father is Immortal God, AkalPurakh, the father has no caste and neither does his child. GuruGobind Singh jee changed the man’s name to Ajmer Singh andasked him, “Tell me the truth, do you still fear death?” Hesaid, “No Guru jee. I used to hide from death, but now I’m achanged man, if death was to come and stand infront of me Iwould grab it with both hands and toss it aside!”When the <strong>Khalsa</strong> rules there will be no bad people, because noone will think of doing bad things to anyone. Sant Ishar Singhjee used to say, “To think bad of another person is just as badas doing the deed - we are here to help others not to destroythem.” If the whole world became <strong>Khalsa</strong> like this Fakeer didthen we’ll have no one doing bad things. Guru jee teaches usthat if a <strong>Khalsa</strong> takes away another person’s rights, then it likea Hindu eating beef or a Muslim eating pork. Today we eat ourown food selfishly and pounce on our neighbours belongingsas well. What will become of us?Our vision should reach the highest state so that we see anyolder woman as our own mother, any woman of our age as ourown sister and any younger woman as our daughter. It’s notfor nothing that Baba Deep Singh jee was able to fight withhis head in his hand. He had this highest state of mind. <strong>The</strong>following incident highlights this. A princess was so beauti-157

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