The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Guru Nanak Dev jee’s words,154“Karmee apo apnee,ke nerai ke dhoor.Our actions are our own,some are close to Godand some are far away.”Sant Attar Singh jee continued, “Mata jee, dearest mother,recieve amrit and make your life successful. She said, “O don’tworry about me son, I’ll take amrit one day.” Sadly, she passedaway soon afterwards. Sant Attar Singh jee was in a nearbyvillage administrating Amrit as part of the Punj Pyare. Afterthe ceremony he got the message of his mother’s demise andhe quickly returned home. Thousands of people had alreadygathered.All her life she had never missed her daily prayers and meditation(Nitnem and Naam), but she had never received amrit.Amrit has to be received by a person on the spiritual path sothat they can reap the fruits of their spiritual labouring. Forexample, one particular fruit tree’s seeds don’t germinate untila bird eats the fruit and wherever the bird’s droppings fall theundigested seed takes root. Nitnem and Naam is the seed, butuntil you recieve amrit from the Punj Pyare it’s not going totake root and grow in you.Sant Attar Singh jee’s mother’s body was prepared for cremation.In the next world the Divine Judge, Dharam <strong>Raj</strong>, wasreading her life’s accounts. He said, “I can’t send you to hellbecause you are the mother of a great Sant. But, I can’t send

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