The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>there is no guarantee of a long life. Some die in the womb,some in the cradle, some in the prime of youth. <strong>The</strong>re are noguarantees.”Bhai Daya Singh jee said to Guru Gobind Singh jee, “But therewill be no one in the open grave - all I can see is an emptytombstone.” Guru Gobind Singh jee said, “Don’t talk to muchDaya Singh, just obey the instructions!” Bhai Daya Singh jeewent and found a large coffin at the bottom of the grave. Heknocked on it.One day Sant Attar Singh jee asked an old man to recieveamrit, he wouldn’t. Sant jee left him and continued on withhis pilgrimage to Hazoor Sahib. <strong>The</strong> day before he returnedthe old man died. Before he died he thought to himself, “Santjee asked me to receive amrit, I should have drank it while Icould. When he died people prepared the cremation site andignited the wood, but the flames wouldn’t go near his body.Sant Attar Singh jee arrived at the scene and requested theSikhs to remove the wood. Sant jee explained that even if theflames did reach his body he still wouldn’t burn because hissoul was stuck at the Dasam Duar - Tenth Gate, and is waitingfor amrit. Amrit was prepared and poured into his mouth.He was told to say, “Waheguru jee ka <strong>Khalsa</strong> Waheguru jee kiFateh.” <strong>The</strong> dead man’s spirit spoke it! Amrit brings the deadto life - such is it’s power.Another time Sant Attar Singh jee requested his mother toreceive amrit. She wouldn’t. <strong>Khalsa</strong> jee, I plead with womento receive amrit, but they say things like, “O my husband isgoing to recieve it and I’ll be blessed to.” But, I say remember153

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