The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Neela, the horse. Guru jee’s glance fell upon a tombstone.A superstitious Fakeer, a Muslim holy man, had dug his owngrave at the tombstone and was sitting inside a coffin becausehe was afraid of Death.<strong>The</strong> fear of Death is so great, that just by hearing its name,great men turn yellow with fear. On hearing Death’s namemen went to hide up in the mountain caves, but Death didn’tspare them. King <strong>Of</strong>flatoo had great spiritual powers. WhenDeath came to get him he created 40 stone statues of himselfand hid between them so that Death wouldn’t be able to tellwhich one was the real King. Death came and left confusedand crying.In desparation, Death came to Waheguru jee’s door. Wahegurujee asked, “Why are you crying?” Death replied, “Youhave given me the duty of bringing <strong>Of</strong>flatoo, but I could nottell which one was real and which one was false, there weretoo many <strong>Of</strong>flatoo’s.” Waheguru jee said, “<strong>The</strong>re’s no need tocry, it is not something worth crying about. Go there again andspeak to the <strong>Of</strong>flatoo statues. <strong>The</strong> real <strong>Of</strong>flatoo will exposehimself by replying.”<strong>The</strong> reason for receiving amrit is so that we are not caughtby death. To avoid death you need a formula. Amrit is theformula. Sant Ishar Singh jee said that dying is more painfulthan being struck by 100 swords at once. It is even more painfulthan 100 swords power combined into one mighty swordand one thousand of these mighty swords striking you. Peopleasked Bhagat Kabir jee, “Baba jee, when a Guruless persondies Jam Doot, the angel of death, comes to get them. We have148

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