The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Daya Ram replied with palms humbly pressed together, “I wasthinking in my mind that this body and this head are temporary.I was thinking that you’d be giving special kirpa blessingson the head you’ve asked for. O Guru jee with the royalplume, Kalgee-a-vaaleh, you can cut my head.”“Daya Ram will you fight in battle?” asked Guru Gobind Singhjee.“Me fight? That is a very difficult thing to do, I’m a shopkeeperin Lahore, how can I get a sword and fight in a battle?’“Your words are true,” replied Guru jee, “but, remember I willmake the jackals fight lions, sparrows fight the hawks and Iwill make one capable of fighting one hundred and twenty fivethousand, sava lac!”Daya Ram was taken into the tent and everyone heard a thud,it was all done in secret and Guru jee came out with his sworddripping with blood. He asked for another head, when DharamChand came forward Guru Gobind Singh jee asked,“What is your name beloved one, pyario?”“O True King, Sacheh Patshah, I am Dharam Chand a Jatfarmerfrom Delhi.”“O Dharam Chand, I have received true religion (Dharam)from Delhi. If true religion (Dharam) spreads from Delhi theneven one million evil Emperor Aurangzebs wouldn’t be able toharm anyone. Dharam Chand will you fight?”139

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