The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>to join with the <strong>Khalsa</strong> Army.If we say to our sisters don’t put ear-rings on and don’t putribbons in your hair they won’t listen. <strong>The</strong>se are the signsof slavery, ribbons in the hair to pull them and rings in theears to control them. Mata Sahib Kaur, the spiritual Motherof the <strong>Khalsa</strong>, never wore these, we’ve made these fashionableto make ourselves look beautiful. But beauty just gets girlsinto trouble. Beautiful girls had to wear a veil over their facecalled parda so that men wouldn’t get lustful thoughts lookingat them, Guru Amar Das Jee banned pardas. Beautiful girlshad to be married young because too many men would chasethem. Don’t chase beauty it only leads to trouble.Aurangzeb sent a letter to Guru Gobind Singh jee at AnandpurSahib. Guru jee received the enemy’s messenger in his courtand said, “You will not be harmed for this is Guru Nanak’shouse - give me the letter.” <strong>The</strong> letter said ‘O Gobind Rai,your age is young, I have heard that you have broken my 4rules. I have also heard that you have kept a royal court andthat you beat the war drum, Gobind Rai these are punishableby death. O Gobind Rai it is not good to make the Emperorinto a enemy. Look what happened to your grand-father GuruHargobind Sahib, he was imprisoned in the Fort at Gwaliorfor breaking the Emperor’s rules and your father Guru TeghBahadur Jee was martyred in Delhi for standing up againstthe Emperor.” <strong>The</strong> Guru picked up the letter and said to themessenger, “Send him my letter as well.” Guru Gobind Singhjee wrote:“Aurangzeb you are high and mighty, but remember water is136

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