The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>O Sikhs! All of the Guru’s were one light and not separate.Guru Gobind Singh jee has ended this criticism by saying ifyou want to talk to me then read Guru Granth Sahib jee. <strong>The</strong>reis no difference if Guru Nanak Dev jee wrote God’s Word or ifGuru Arjun Dev jee wrote God’s Word - it was the same lightof God that was in all the Gurus.Dhir Mal tried to create his own religious path, his own Panth.But only that Panth succeeds that the Immortal Being blesses.<strong>The</strong> Immortal Being, Akal Purakh, told Guru Gobind to createa Panth that only repeats God’s Name. Guru Gobind Singh jeehumbly asked for Akal Purakh’s blessing, “This Panth will notsucceed because of me. It will only succeed if you are with meLord.” A Panth created by a man can never succeed. But thePanth created by Guru Nanak Dev jee was the pure path createdby Akal Purakh himself.Guru Gobind Singh jee told the five beloved <strong>Khalsa</strong> to go andget the holy primal scriptures, the Ad Granth, from Dhir Mal.Why did Guru Gobind Singh jee ask for the Ad Granth to bereturned? Well, a tree can’t exist without a seed, without treesthere are no seeds. God’s Word was needed by Guru GobindSingh jee.120“Bani Guru, Guru ha bani...<strong>The</strong> Word is the Guru, <strong>The</strong> Guru is the Word.”<strong>The</strong> beloved five <strong>Khalsa</strong> made the request to Dhir Mal, but hewas foolish and jealous of Guru Gobind Singh jee. He said,“He claims to be the Guru, so he should know all of theseWords of God. Tell him if he really is the Guru he should be

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