The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

The Meaning Of Life.indd - Raj Karega Khalsa Network


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Meaning</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Sikhs are in this world to help the sick. <strong>The</strong> diseased manreached Guru Amar Das jee. His body was rotting away, hebowed to the best of his ability. Guru Amar Das jee asked,“Who are you beloved one?” He couldn’t speak much, he wasfeeling too ill. Guru jee asked again, “Who are you belovedone?” He answered, “Guru jee, save me, take hold of my arm,I have no one else in this world.” Guru jee was moved andasked, what his name was. He said, “People walk right by me,no one uses my name, I have no name. O Guru jee, be mercifuland save me.”Guru Amar Das jee told the Sikhs, “After I have my morningbath, take the water that collects in the ditch underneath me andwash this beloved one with it.” <strong>The</strong> holy water was applied tothe sick man’s body and he fully recovered, his body becamebeautiful. He spent the rest of his life in the seva-service ofGuru Amar Das jee.Guru Gobind Singh jee said to Bhai Daya Singh jee, “Aterreceiving amrit, all Sikhs will be respected with the title Sardarjee, or Lord.” When most people meet, they say “Hello, howare you?” to which they reply, “O not too bad.” However,when even a poor Sikh on the side of a road is asked “How areyou?”, he will say, “Guru dee kirpa…Guru’s kindness is uponme.”If you want to give me something give me Sikhs who’vereceived amrit, or amrit-dharees. I want to see the day whenall of England’s soil is populated by these amrit-dharees.This English language we keep speaking all the time is not101

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